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does yer wife talk a lot?



Yummy redux. This was the girl of your dreams. Your soulmate. And you barely remember having sex with her? WTF over?

I know who this is. This Mark Zuckerberg.

yoda we were best friends for like 2 years...I didn't remember even having sex with her until a couple years after it happened.
I just remember waking up in the middle of the night and she was riding me...it was out of this world...told me to be quiet and she put her hand over my mouth when I started making noise. I must have passed out right after, again, and forgot because of the klonopin and booze. Didn't remember it until after we had been apart for a few years after a big fight...and she said something about my wang...and I couldn't figure out how she knew. I eventually remembered the whole thing. I could write it all down start to finish now. Long story short, that's when my daughter was conceived. To make it even worse? When I graduated and EVERYONE tried telling me I had a daughter, even her - I kept drinking and taking pills, because I didn't care about anything and blocked it all out. When I saw this chick's grandparents on the trolley with a pretty little girl in a stroller I thought NOTHING of it. Just ignored it. They did that to me like 3 times, just show up at places with this same little girl. Trolley, school.
I'm such a monster. It was my daughter. But it's their fault for not just saying it. Now it's been almost a year.


So you dont see your daughter ??
no, friend. It's really sad and I can''t stop crying now. The only thing I know of is where she works (which I'm prohibited from) and where her mom lives. I don't know anything else. I don't know my daughter's birthday, where she was born, nothing. I just know she's about 2-3 and her name is Elena. I don't know where she lives, if she goes to school yet, what her favorite toys are, nothing. And her mother did this to me because in May I ignored her when she tried to reunite. Odd thing is, I later remembered something else. Someone tried telling me I had a kid about 2-3 years ago. There were 3 people online, they had found me through AIM. I didn't know who they were, still don't. They wanted to meet in a private room and talk, so I signed up for some crap and gained access...and we all met at a specified time, and during the conversation they were like "you had a one-night stand with a model and you have a gorgeous daughter," and asking me King Solomon type of questions...like "okay there's also twins - we have to split them up or adopt out both." After a few minutes they said they really didn't have to split them up, that it was a test and that I had failed. They left it off that they would try again when I graduated. And when I graduated well you know..the little girl starts showing up in random places, my friends are telling me I'm a father, she tries to set up a big reunion at the pub and I ignore her and walk out.

So everyone smoke a bowl for my daughter Elena.


Well-known member
My ex wife was an alcoholic that never shut up. My cure was to go fishing. She hated it so I got some quiet and got to fish. Total win.

My GF can sometimes get on a roll. She's a bit OCD, and the last time she got rolling, I pointed out her cloths didn't match. Stopped her dead in her tracks. While she was still flustered I stepped into the garage and had a beer and a few bong hits. After that, it just kinda went in one ear and out the other.


Game Bred
i'm really surprised, lots of hate towards women up in here, bunch of assholery

no ones hatin..

jokes FFS

How are husbands like lawn mowers?
They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odors, and half the time they don't work.

What do men and mascara have in common?
They both run at the first sign of emotion.

How do men define a "50/50" relationship?
We cook-they eat; we clean-they dirty; we iron-they wrinkle.

What do men and pantyhose have in common?
They either cling, run, or don't fit right in the crotch!

How do men exercise on the beach?
By sucking in their stomachs every time they see a bikini.

What do you instantly know about a well-dressed man?
His wife is good at picking out clothes.

How do you get a man to stop biting his nails?
Make him wear shoes.

What has eight arms and an IQ of 60?
Four guys watching a football game.

What's the best way to force a man to do sit ups?
Put the remote control between his toes.

see no hate..

dont take it so serious...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I always find it interesting and very humourous when men talk about women and women talk about men......although we are the same species and have many similarities there are many things that we both love and detest about each other that are the butt of many a joke/laughing episode....

Essentially we are all individuals regardless of what sex we may be......but since I am a man naturally I can sympathize with the whims and wants of men....

Over the years I have had the pleasure/dis-pleasure of having 3 wives and decided around 8 years ago not to get married ever again since either I didn't find the right wife or I am not good husband material....lol..

These days I just have GF's.......and have found one particular lady that never nags me, nor gossips/talks much at all.....if she does then it's usually to her family and friends in her own language (which mostly I don't understand).....so that's just fine with me.....If she gets a bit mad/angry with me then she just doesn't say anything at all to me untill she gets over it.....then it's back to normal, she rarely speaks unless she is spoken to......and I like it that way.......it took me a good 35 years to find this lady and the happiness that comes with it, and I am very pleased to say the least....

...For good conversations I usually hang with a group of male friends that are fairly bright so can talk about most any topic in relative detail.......and as a man I do prefer the company of other men that are like minded....but ofcourse cannot do without the closeness and affection of a good, quiet woman in my bed....


I have a strong feeling that more than half of the people saying they hate hearing their wife talk, etc., are married to a woman who is not their true love - that they are not head-over-heels and actually just "settled." I never got tired of listening to my love...anything and everything she wanted to talk about, I was all ears.


Game Bred
I have a strong feeling that more than half of the people saying they hate hearing their wife talk, etc., are married to a woman who is not their true love - that they are not head-over-heels and actually just "settled." I never got tired of listening to my love...anything and everything she wanted to talk about, I was all ears.

Anyway, she showed up at my last ethics class with my daughter who was then 2 or so...and I didn't have any clue and ignored her. Then on my birthday she showed up after TWO YEARS and tried to reconnect with me at a pub, and I ignored her the whole time. She had paid the bartender to play "our songs"...and she was calling my name then it turned into yelling at me then I got up and she was like "yeah you'd better leave! /if you walk out that door...you're a coward! you're never going to meet your daughter! Please don't go!"

you never got tired of listening to your love till she asked you to be a man..
then you got tired pretty quick..

right yummy?


you, me, sparring room.


I have a strong feeling that more than half of the people saying they hate hearing their wife talk, etc., are married to a woman who is not their true love - that they are not head-over-heels and actually just "settled." I never got tired of listening to my love...anything and everything she wanted to talk about, I was all ears.

this pic is fitting,

edit; my wife just said yours must be sitting next to you.he,he