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Do you work high?

i smoke and work all the time, there is nothing unprofessional about it, so long as you do your job 110%. I get most of my work through word of mouth, and a satisfied customer tells her/his friends and the cycle continues. #1-service with a smile #2- politeness #3- cleanliness... these are the things people care about.

If you're working at a dispensary... and you're high.... that should be 100% acceptable, you're medicating.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I don't drive off my face cos I could end up killing someone. At work I operate heavy machinery and don't do it then either.

I wait until I get home, safer for everyone.


I think it's a strictly subjective manner. I've smoked at almost all of my jobs, but it's really helped me tolerate the bullshit that comes with working at jobs I truly, truly hate(d).

Currently I work at a name brand retail shipping store...the whole day is devoid of any sensory input but frequently shitty attitudes, grey carpet and typing out labels, as well as packing up boxes. The owners are crazy hyper-capitalist, moralist small business owners...not that I hate /them/, but working for them is miserable. Toking up at this job makes it almost tolerable. I also have better than 99.9% accuracy with packing and labeling, it's safe to say that it doesn't affect my work.

When I was a road musician I often found that I liked smoking at the end of a tour as a lot of the material became repetitive and boring for me to play...I also played in a lot of heavy improv groups and smoking helped me disconnect my brain and just play with my guts and hands...now that I am studying music in school though, i find that i like to have a straight head for playing more complex music.

One of the cool things about marijuana is how it uniquely interacts with all the things we do and for each of us those experiences are different. I kind of agree with the person that said it's somewhat unprofessional...maybe only to the extent that it's not the best idea to look like a glazed ham with a mustache when people want to deal with you; it just seems to put people off. Squares get the wrong idea about marijuana because of people who act so obviously stoned at work. Of course if you're a legit medical patient, maybe the prescription is to stay super blazed all day-I'm not going to judge. It just seems prudent to put your best foot forward and aim towards a moderate approach to all things.
Then again, that's just my two cents. :)


Captain Expando
i think it's very unprofessional for an individual to be high while working.

I kind of agree with the person that said it's somewhat unprofessional...maybe only to the extent that it's not the best idea to look like a glazed ham with a mustache when people want to deal with you; it just seems to put people off. Squares get the wrong idea about marijuana because of people who act so obviously stoned at work.

Even if you work in a mega-greenhouse 10 hours a day/6 days a week pruning and watering plants and flowers?


I do all kinds of things high!!!

I do all kinds of things high!!!

Ripping down lumber, climbing in rafters doing carpentry, driving the company van, going to college, working as an IT tech, working the specialities counter, taking an exam, talking to my counselors, shopping, reading, sleeping - YEAAAAAAHHH

I find that even dangerous jobs can be safer when your stoned, sure has improved my mentality and diligence in stressful stiuations... (strain specifics here I guess though)

As to dispenseries.... I say why not - Just don't be a total airhead ya kno!

:artist: :blowbubbles: :groupwave: :headbange :party: :angelshug: :grouphug: :skiiing: :dancer::dance::woohoo: :friends: :dueling: :witch: :lurk: :coffee::mopper: :violin: :bandit: :monkeyeat :shooty: :badday: :underwater: :santa1: :tree:


Active member
it all depends on the individual i guess. smoking seems to improve everything i do, or at the very least doesnt hurt it, and makes it more enjoyable. i do care about my image and thus avoid going out and interacting with people while looking blazed off my ass. but i could be high as a kite standing there talking to you and most people wouldnt have a clue. (thats a trick you learn in the army pretty quick if you want to smoke while deployed.. :D) i think of it like this, everybody likes to drink on occasion, and will generally be understanding of you drinking, but if everywhere you go you always look drunk, then that reflects badly on you. i dont see why it should be any different with marijuana. if people can tell that you are obviously stoned, then that is unprofessional if you're at work.


i think it's very unprofessional for an individual to be high while working.

I actually agree. I am the boss now and my job is too important. But on my days off (which are many in my profession), I burn all day. I use to burn at work, but I wanted to be taken more seriously and wanted to advance. As soon as I decided I'd start waiting until I got off work, good things started happening in my career. All my bosses know I smoke because I've know them for going on 15 years (one of them was a roommate way back when and later my neighbor across the street). So when I stopped, it became noticeable and they rewarded me as such.

Now when I'm at home, where I'm the boss, and working on my 100 year old house (yard, carpentry, plumbing, yada yada yada) I'm burn the whole time. Electrical is the only house activity I don't smoke before or during. Don't want to pull a stoner moment and fry myself.


Oh...and btw. I'm like many of you where I've been smoking for so long, I don't look high when I'm high anymore. People don't know when I'm high.


High Grade Specialist
it really depends on the job, right now i work in a small office and the bosspeople are really cool so i dont smoke because it would be uncomfortable hanging in such a small room and i produce enough fuckups being sober anway LOL

but i had some shitty jobs like baggage loader at the airport, mailman, that-dude-at-the-gardening-center where i was blazed pretty much all the time because it sucked so much.


Active member
Im a cook at a high volume fine dining restaraunt, and i will say that iit depends soley on what im doin that day at work.If im preppin for 10+ hours(at least 3 days a week)then i put my headphones on and smoke a phatty.If i have to cook dinner for 350+people i like to stay a little more clear-headed.I also think it is very strain specific.


Active member
Looking stoned at work is unprofessional, not being stoned. You need to remember that it effects everyone differently, and you need to responsibly make that decision on your own. I personally work stoned, and the only person that can tell is the foreman I smoked with at break. Now I'm not gonna go smoke a blunt of the funk at break, but a couple of tokes is very comfortable for me. Also I suffer from chronic back pain, and catching a small buzz at my breaks makes me a more efficient worker. This is not the case for some, thus the responsible decision based on YOUR experience. I work with electricity, under sometimes unsavory working conditions, using power tools, climbing on building steel over 100' at times(with harness of course), operating lifts lulls forklifts and driving company trucks, yet I have an impeccable job history in both efficiency and safety.

Bottom line, if it effects your job performance, don't do it. If your talking like a stereotypical cali surfer with bloodshot slits for eyes, don't do it.

I said it once in this thread, and I'll say it again. If they've never seen you sober, they've never seen you stoned. You need to set a precedent. ;)


Well-known member
Done my fair bit of toking at work. I used to be a welder and found it very hypnotic while stoned.


Active member
Im a cook at a high volume fine dining restaraunt, and i will say that iit depends soley on what im doin that day at work.If im preppin for 10+ hours(at least 3 days a week)then i put my headphones on and smoke a phatty.If i have to cook dinner for 350+people i like to stay a little more clear-headed.I also think it is very strain specific.

Now this is true also. If I am digging a ditch for an underground install, or running conduit, or pulling wire, I'm gonna get stoned. If I am terminating an PLC, I will prolly refrain.


May your race always be in your favor
I don't smoke at work, because I don't work. 100% disabled vet. When I did work I smoked before I went to work, nobody ever suspected anything.