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Do you work high?


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I don't work high. I really couldn't usually. I would feel too self consciense. However many other caregivers don't see to have this same fear.... consequently they come across as high alot. To me it is a bit of a turnoff, and I would think to the patients it may be to. I was around many patients and caregivers lately, and I couldn't believe the lack of professionalism.

What do you think? If you work at a dispensary, or provide to patients are you high?


Bush Doctor
I dunno about working in a dispensary, but I used to do my factory job high every day. I still got my work done, and right too. How professional does it need to be? As long as Im getting what I pay for, then thats enough for me.


done it as well..its hard sometimes..basically, for me..if i get high even once before work, ill have to keep smoking all night..otherwise when the buzz wears off in a few hours, i am dragging ass..

at that point i get stuck into smoking on every two hour break..i love working high, but i took years of smoking and tolerance to get to the point where i could actually concentrate on a job while being blazed..but nowadays, it seems to improve my mood and my work


I do everything stoned... work, play, sitting around doing nothing... Its my natural state of being... lol

Of course, if im not, I have pain, so I just function better stoned... but its never caused real problems with a job before... Everyone is different though.. I know some people that as soon as they take a couple hits they become bumbling idiots :) ... Really depends on your tolerance, as well as the strains your smoking... imho anyway :)


peeps sus me out like I'm on drugs or something when I'm straight so its easier to be stoned all the time!


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Yeah, I guess it is a matter of how well you can function well high. To tell the truth, I have never even tried something that is more of a true sativa, so maybe I could make it that way. But with indicas or mostly indicas, there is no way. I almost think one of my problems is that I am too nervous too. But then I see the kids that are stoned and basically can't get the job done and I remember that it is not just me that can't hack it. But when I get home from a day, nothing is more relaxing...


Used to all the time, back when I was flipping pizzas. Now I work in cube land. I think it would be easy enough to do what I do blazed, now that I know real well how to do my job, but there are too many straight people. I have a hard time not laughing at them as it is! I would be giggling all day at the petty shit I hear going on around me.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Used to all the time, back when I was flipping pizzas. Now I work in cube land. I think it would be easy enough to do what I do blazed, now that I know real well how to do my job, but there are too many straight people. I have a hard time not laughing at them as it is! I would be giggling all day at the petty shit I hear going on around me.

Yeah! I could have that same problem!


i work high everyday..today I smoked about 7 joints while at work with my co-workers


Active member
I work high too, never a problem with my work either, and I am far from lazy. I do have pain, and it helps with the pain, but I have been getting high and going to work since I was in High School. If you are the paranoid type, my buddy always said "If they've never seen you sober, then they've never seen you high" LOL


yep i work high, i work in a bakery and i find it makes me more creative in my decorating work as aposed to wen im not high


Moon-grass farmer
Everyday. I have a hell of a tolerance though, so I don't really get super baked unless I really try. I just sneak a toke whenever I get a clean chance. Breaks, lunch, run to get parts, etc. I do HVAC, and right now working for a company who does strictly residential. So the downside is I'm around homeowners all day. But I'm comfortable around random folks, and hell, a percentage of our client base tokes too. As well as over half the company.

If I were going through a light-smoking period I wouldn't smoke all that often at work... End up forgetting all kinds of shit and feeling awkward around people. But for the last year or so I've been smoking like a chimney. Work doesn't stop it.


I agree its a turn-off in general when people are high all the time and DEFINITELY a turn off when people in the medical community are stoned out of their mind. I feel like a lot of the budtenders and people working at clubs are just completely high off their ass. Not low profile at all and you can definitely tell frequently. Often I find budtenders and other employees slow, disorganized and slurring speech.

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