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Do you work high?



I think its interesting how different people are physically affected by cannabis use on the outer appearance. I always meet new people who say that if I hadnt told them I smoke mmj, they would never know it. Now if I smoke hash off of a hash skillet, then forget about it, my eyes are chinese like and I cant stop giggling, you know for a fact that Im a stoner. I also dont work with the open public and I am my own boss so I can get away with it.


Active member
I have gone work high almost every single day I have worked since I was 15 or 16. I have worked every type of job out there, and usually out preform anyone I work with. Done everything from deliver pizzas, cook, frame houses, hang dry wall, paint, worked on a chicken farm, cranberry harvest, etc, etc... now i work for myself and bro, and smoke together.

no one knows im high so i don't know how its a turn off. nothing i go around announcing to the public. if someone does know i am high, and it is a turn off well to bad. i don't care if people know i am high, but i tend to keep everything down low. the paranoia i experience after smoking is only a good thing. its good people to be introspective, and uncomfortable like that.


I work high too, never a problem with my work either, and I am far from lazy. I do have pain, and it helps with the pain, but I have been getting high and going to work since I was in High School. If you are the paranoid type, my buddy always said "If they've never seen you sober, then they've never seen you high" LOL

i think this is the philosophy most should take. most people think im high when im completely sober. and vise versa when im high. i guess having a laid back goofy personality helps :tiphat:


Active member
done it as well..its hard sometimes..basically, for me..if i get high even once before work, ill have to keep smoking all night..otherwise when the buzz wears off in a few hours, i am dragging ass..

at that point i get stuck into smoking on every two hour break..i love working high, but i took years of smoking and tolerance to get to the point where i could actually concentrate on a job while being blazed..but nowadays, it seems to improve my mood and my work

I second this notion


love machine
ICMag Donor
When doing REAL work, i would never get high beforehand, for that it helps me made clear decisions, work much faster to get thing done.

After all works done i will sit down, grab a cold one and spark a doobie. Nothing like enjoy the goods after a hard work day.

Unless im tending the plants or trimming, thats a different story. :D

master shake

Active member
did community service today high, graduated college (engineering) doing about half the work and classes high. It really depends on the individual and what the work is if the weed is a hindrance.


Patient Grower
I'd never get a chance to get high if I didn't. I'm all day performing neurosurgery on my patients, and then spend the evenings driving people around on the tour bus. I might be giving up the bus driving though and become a pilot for a commercial airline. Really, they're very similar jobs. A plane is just a flying bus you know.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i used to get high all day long when i was an employee.
but once i become the employer, i stopped during work hours.

$$ comes first, party later!
p.s. pretty much everyone who works with me blazes, but theyre not allowed on my dime.


i have in the past with mundane low wage, throw away jobs...i kinda like the one i have now, and chances of death and serious injury are much greater - soooooooooo...cigarettes suffice during the day:)
When I was in high school I worked at Long John Silvers for about 3 years. And out of the 13 total employees only 2 didn't smoke, but they were cool. We used to blaze all the time in the freezer, that shit makes you cough so much. Or we would "make a run to the dollar store."
Not anymore. But when I worked at the christmas tree lot, two different pizza places, a snowboard instructor, a handful of customer service joints, and an answering service, it was every day all day.

Those jobs though I was generally surrounded with stoners and they were all entry level stoner jobs.

But now that I have sold out and have a pretty nice 9-5, its just not worth it.


Active member
Image is huge, I dislike "stoners" too, no need to act dumb boys and girls. Herb lifts my mood and my ability to focus my energy and completes task. lot of good points in here esp Rudolph thats about my stance too.