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Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

  • YES!!!

    Votes: 102 86.4%
  • HELL NO!

    Votes: 16 13.6%

  • Total voters
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Its already legal for all intents and purposes..ie rapid expansion of 'legalization' etc...When people decide it's their choice of medicine, their religious sacrament...in general, something thats theirs, "legality" or "legal" are merely semantics.
shure. semantics can also "..come with a long jail sentence, handed down to you in a few short minutes"...

It's not already "legal" for all intents and purposes. That's called readily available. Dictionary. You should take your semantics to Harris County Population and see what they think of it.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
But yet you have, quite astounding!
I think you could have probably tried a little harder...being a dick and all!!
HAH! JK youre great

Its the truth tho. People got it too easy on the other side and then have the audacity to say they dont want it legal. Ya its easy to say when you goto a store and buy your shit..


Poll-Do you want Pot Legalized?

Poll-Do you want Pot Legalized?

I know im ripping off that thread, but I thought its a perfect poll question...

good drown

the only people who dont sell it on the black market, and they could give 2 shits if a parent and their childs life get ruined as long as they dont get caught


yea maybe

yea maybe

Of course. It should be a commodity like anything else.
sure, but like I said in the other post, not if Big Pharma has anything to say about it, and trust me, their lobbyists have PLENTY to say : )


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Then I will Advertise it!
Only Scumbag dealers benefit from its current legal status...
I love be a Ganja grower...But hate to be a Criminal!! its just not cool.
F--k the Dealers! be Would be better if they vanished off the earth 2moro IMO! GROW YOUR OWN repeat to fade...... JBo

Amstel Light

haha you call them douchebags yet these are the people who are out there on the front lines.

how is a grower a douche because he has the balls to setup a 10k and supply his friends.

and its not only the growers who are making money, everyone who touches the waterfall gets paid too, the middlemen, all sorts of people. they take the risk so they get the financial reward, what the hell is the problem with that?

sorry you dont have the balls to risk jail time to get yours, i got into this game because i was tired of wastin 40 dollars every two days buying 8ths of bullshit. now i got all sorts of free nug to smoke and im payin my rent what more could i ask? and im not some lazy kid who got into this because im too lazy to get a real job. i worked low paying manual labor jobs for most of my teenage years, earning bullshit for back breaking work. OOHH sorry i dont want to be a slave to someone else and work 8 hours a day, i risk jailtime doing what i do but it makes my current state of mind much less stressed.

money is the bigggest part of the MMJ game and our lives in general! would you rather big government companies rake in all this dough, or let the government get their hands in this?? fuck that.

Even if its legalized there will still be a market for premium indoor and thats where hopefully some people can make more money.

yea it all sounds like douchery to me...nah the fronlines would be birmingham alabama, saltlake city utah maybe....10K takes REAL balls in those places.....

no problem with making money from it...wishing that the rest of the country not be free to do the same is my problem with you...

nah I am sitting next to a growlab 80 with 3 plants wich would prolly equal more penalty's than your 10k grow....

I am nearly 40 years old and flipped my first "burger"(qp) at 15 so definetly not the guy to hear a story from you on how to hustle..

UMMM the big companys and the goverment already rake in all the dough due to it's ilegal status.....i'm not arguing with you morons ....I understand now why you feel this way, your not smart enough to make it as anything else if this is taken away from you right?

Its the truth tho. People got it too easy on the other side and then have the audacity to say they dont want it legal. Ya its easy to say when you goto a store and buy your shit..

:yeahthats the fucking nerve ...... unbelievable


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Once our movement becomes legally entrenched our lobbyist will have more to say. Prescription pills are getting a bad image. Smoke is the #1 cash crop in America right now and I don't see the price dropping completely off the map. It may at first, but it will correct itself. Taxes are going to help set the price. Anyone you thinks they are going to get an zip for $10 bucks is crazy. Manufactures know how long it's going to take you to consume that and will price accordingly.
hey roadwarrior, I was under the impression that this is something you regularly do, so I guess I misunderstood. sorry. But what does having/not having children or being/not being Jewish have to do with anything? Maybe the comment was a bit over the top but it was meant to make a point not make you seem like a demon so sorry about that.

Hey never said I was against selling, some are rabidly against it but how would those who don't/can't grow their own get theirs otherwise? They provide a valuable service and I have nothing against that. What I am against is anyone being in favor of the current injustice just to make money. Even if I was an f'n kingpin, I would still be against prohibition bigtime, maybe moreso since I would face big jailtime if caught. Advocating keeping draconian laws to line one's pockets is not a good idea as far as I'm concerned, not if you are against prohibition and still line your pockets, more power to you!

No need to be sorry. I thought the comparison to nazi or child rapists was over simplified thats all. I simply meant that Jews that survived the holocaust and children that were raped may disagree that what I referred to here being on the same scale. I know you didn't intend to demonize me and I thank you not doing so.

Actually I agree with you that the laws are draconian and penalties are way to stiff for most offenses. I am all for reform especially with plant counts as that really means nothing with the ability to grow trees. I had to leave Florida when the changed the laws. I found it wasn't worth the risk. Mandatory minimums are idiotic.
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