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Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

Do you want marijuana to be legalized?

  • YES!!!

    Votes: 102 86.4%
  • HELL NO!

    Votes: 16 13.6%

  • Total voters
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You realize this thread was about reasons for WANTING TO LEGALIZE IT, right?

Not a threat, but a sincere suggestion.

I said I was done in the hopes that you would stop saying such stupid things, but I was obviously wrong...

Actually I did not realize that. But since you speak of stupid things. I am the one who posted this thread so I am confused at how you know what my intentions were. The thread is titled, Do you want marijuana to be legalized? I said my opinion and asked what others thought. It was not a thread about reasons for wanting to legalize it at all. Curious as to what others thought either way.

Sincere suggestion was it? I wonder if you would be so sincere or so suggestive in person.


I don't know the laws very well, but I can tell you that here in the bible belt, MJ is still a big crime with some hefty time. 10lbs here is considered trafficking and you get a 5 yr min mandatory. I say legalize it.

Amstel Light

Actually I did not realize that. But since you speak of stupid things. I am the one who posted this thread so I am confused at how you know what my intentions were. The thread is titled, Do you want marijuana to be legalized? I said my opinion and asked what others thought. It was not a thread about reasons for wanting to legalize it at all. Curious as to what others thought either way.

Sincere suggestion was it? I wonder if you would be so sincere or so suggestive in person.

you started a thread asking " do you want mj to be legal" on a site full of heads that are persecuted for loving it ? wtf? are we supposed to ponder the idea of continued persecution cause a couple of wanna be business men can't figure out how to make ends without it being ilegal?! you have to be joking right?......
you started a thread asking " do you want mj to be legal" on a site full of heads that are persecuted for loving it ? wtf? are we supposed to ponder the idea of continued persecution cause a couple of wanna be business men can't figure out how to make ends without it being ilegal?! you have to be joking right?......

I spend alot of time here on icmag and other forums. Mostly in the grow room section. I have some good friends on here and some that I have never met but think highly of. There are alot of people here that grow for profit. Check out the grow forums seriously. Maybe they are not strictly for profit but trust me most people who grow do sell some here and there, at least a little. And theres alot of commercial going on here too.

I figured I'd have both yes and no's (more yes) but not oh you deserve to rot in hell and go fucking hang yourself. And lets gang up and lower the rep on the few people that agreed with me. I thought it'd be a cool thread that discussed how people felt rather than attack atttack attack.

Krunch is one of the most helpful growers on this damn site and your lucky to have him here. He'll answer questions posed to him and has earned alot of peoples respect. Why crucify him just because you don't like me?

If posing this thread and my opinion have made me unwelcome thats up to the mods to decide. I bet if I had posted this over in the grow area you may see more people see it my way.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What did you think the answer was going to be bro? What's this site all about? It's war out there. The government uses military tactics with the sole intent to destroys a herb and those who ingest it. They come at you with guns and force to destroy you. Dead people bro. There are casualties of war. Over a plant. Battle lines have been drawn for a very long time and many us operate in the shadows of society as criminals. That weighs on soul. I'm not being hyperbolic either.

So what in the world did you think the response to this was going to be? Yes we want to end the war. Yes we want to end the persecution. Yes we want to be able help the sick and be considered part of the commodity economy. You are so quick to disregard the pain and suffering of your own community. Shame on you.
you have a right to your opinion no matter how demented it may be, but saying you give money to DARE in my opinion at least is as bad as saying you give money to child rapists or Neo-Nazis, how would you expect that to go over on a cannabis fan site?


weed fiend
I know a poor unfortunate that decided to get soused in a N. Georgia tourist town. Rather than driving the 3 blocks from the bar to his motel, he decided to do the responsible thing and walk. Poor fella tripped over a weed growing through the pavement and the local police got him for public intoxication. He was advised to get a cab if that ever happened in the future. Funny thing is there's no cab company in the town and a "volunteer" cabby in the next town is unreliable and slow as x-mas.

Long story short, the quarter ounce of mj in the guys pocket bought him a $2000 ordeal and several years probation. If he were unfortunate enough to get a traffic ticket in the same town, he might face time (jail, not prison) over the pot.
i want a reclassification to allow testing to the medicinal properties ect.
makes it somewhat legal and keeps things how they are.


Active member
Anyone advocating for pot to remain illegal for your own or your friends monetary gain is a POS, IMO.


well lets see you are on a forum full of cash croppers and people who produce the buds most regular smokes smoke, so why are the POS simply because they want to make money in an underground market. were the moonshiners POS? tax evaders POS?

F the government, i dont need some old farts to tell me what i can and cant do.

Its sad that people in states like GA face jail time over small amounts. they should at least decriminalize it to californias standards.
you have a right to your opinion no matter how demented it may be, but saying you give money to DARE in my opinion at least is as bad as saying you give money to child rapists or Neo-Nazis, how would you expect that to go over on a cannabis fan site?

I thought it would bring up a discussion not an all out war. I gave $10 buck to DARE and you equate that to being as bad as giving money to child rapists or nazis. In fact at the time I was stoned and thought it would be funny. I still think it was funny.

Obviously you have no children and are not Jewish because that is an ass bag statement.

Like I said I stay in the Growers forums and over there many people are selling it. I mean come on. Not everyone here grows because they love gardening or getting high.

People with 3k of lights aren't growing for personal or so they can give it all away.

Mr. Stinky

it doesnt matter from a money perspective. all of you advocating it stay illegal because you think the price will tank must be drunk. thats not how it works fellas. it takes real skill, knowledge, and experience to grow real weed. sure, there will be thousands of retard newbs givin it a go, but 99% of them will quit, fail, kill the plants, etc. not to mention the unbelievable surge in demand when its now legal. think of the millions of folks who have to take piss tests for their work who will suddenly be able to enjoy a toke. the demand will be far far ahead of any possible supply. this plant is impossible to farm commercially with machinery, so large corps wont be able to pull the market like you kids are talkin about. the only thing large corps could do would be hash, or something like qwiso in hit-sized packs. good smoke isnt possible with anything but the care and time of an experienced grower.

im ready for it to become legalized in my state. all my rooms will be put to max use making clones to try to fill the demand of all the dumbasses in the city wanting to grow their own weed. they will be back for more and more clones as they kill them or finish them. none of these morons will be able to clone, and growing from seed is a pain for indoors.

or it can stay illegal. dont really care. ill make a ton of money off all you assholes either way:nanana::woohoo:
I am fine with decriminalization for possession and for medical marijuana in all 50 states. I think prison sentences are excessive in most circumstances. I just don't feel all that sorry for those that get in trouble because they just want to get high or make money. That is what I do and it is a risk I take. I only do it for the money. I have no illusions about it.

It has allowed me to help my family and friends. My girl needed braces and I got them. I work damn hard at my job but it doesn't pay enough to keep up with the bills and raising kids.

I won't say I'm sorry for providing. Sure I could get a second job. My wife could go get a job and put the kids with a $3 hr babysitter but I won't do that.
it doesnt matter from a money perspective. all of you advocating it stay illegal because you think the price will tank must be drunk. thats not how it works fellas. it takes real skill, knowledge, and experience to grow real weed. sure, there will be thousands of retard newbs givin it a go, but 99% of them will quit, fail, kill the plants, etc. not to mention the unbelievable surge in demand when its now legal. think of the millions of folks who have to take piss tests for their work who will suddenly be able to enjoy a toke. the demand will be far far ahead of any possible supply. this plant is impossible to farm commercially with machinery, so large corps wont be able to pull the market like you kids are talkin about. the only thing large corps could do would be hash, or something like qwiso in hit-sized packs. good smoke isnt possible with anything but the care and time of an experienced grower.

im ready for it to become legalized in my state. all my rooms will be put to max use making clones to try to fill the demand of all the dumbasses in the city wanting to grow their own weed. they will be back for more and more clones as they kill them or finish them. none of these morons will be able to clone, and growing from seed is a pain for indoors.

or it can stay illegal. dont really care. ill make a ton of money off all you assholes either way:nanana::woohoo:

You haven't read Adam Smith have you? And trust me a mega corp will build a crop harvester in a snap of a finger. They will have mega farms with scientist and all sorts of experts. They will have so many experts and state of the art equipment they would easily produce good bud. Maybe not the best but good enough to dominate the market. Look at every type of agriculture there is and big companies run the show.


Active member
i say we bombard these 3 douchebags with neg rep....

haha you call them douchebags yet these are the people who are out there on the front lines.

how is a grower a douche because he has the balls to setup a 10k and supply his friends.

and its not only the growers who are making money, everyone who touches the waterfall gets paid too, the middlemen, all sorts of people. they take the risk so they get the financial reward, what the hell is the problem with that?

sorry you dont have the balls to risk jail time to get yours, i got into this game because i was tired of wastin 40 dollars every two days buying 8ths of bullshit. now i got all sorts of free nug to smoke and im payin my rent what more could i ask? and im not some lazy kid who got into this because im too lazy to get a real job. i worked low paying manual labor jobs for most of my teenage years, earning bullshit for back breaking work. OOHH sorry i dont want to be a slave to someone else and work 8 hours a day, i risk jailtime doing what i do but it makes my current state of mind much less stressed.

money is the bigggest part of the MMJ game and our lives in general! would you rather big government companies rake in all this dough, or let the government get their hands in this?? fuck that.

My opinion is that weed shuold be decriminalized all across the country. Citable by only a hundred dollar citation like it is here on the west coast. but full blown legalization i ust dont want, i would hate to see Joe Camel shwag at 711 and people actually smoking that garbage.

Even if its legalized there will still be a market for premium indoor and thats where hopefully some people can make more money.




weed fiend
...think of the millions of folks who have to take piss tests for their work who will suddenly be able to enjoy a toke.

Not so sure about that one. There are those that will consider dirty pee as dangerous as drinking on the job. Just because you'll get to smoke legal one day is no guarantee employers will have to accept mj smokers in their work force.

the demand will be far far ahead of any possible supply. this plant is impossible to farm commercially with machinery, so large corps wont be able to pull the market like you kids are talkin about.

It will simply be another part of the AG industry that requires human hands by the tens of thousands. Migrant AG laborers?

the only thing large corps could do would be hash, or something like qwiso in hit-sized packs. good smoke isnt possible with anything but the care and time of an experienced grower.

Nobody ever thought sliced bread would materialize either. Necessity is the mother of invention. You'll have pre rolled joints, fresh fluff, compressed, freeze dried, etc.

Okay, just kidding about the freeze dried.

im ready for it to become legalized in my state. all my rooms will be put to max use making clones to try to fill the demand of all the dumbasses in the city wanting to grow their own weed. they will be back for more and more clones as they kill them or finish them. none of these morons will be able to clone, and growing from seed is a pain for indoors.

I've been growing a relatively short time and yet I've accomplished what you say "dumbasses" can't do. I admit I might be inclined to buy your clones if you had something better than what I already posses.

or it can stay illegal. dont really care. ill make a ton of money off all you assholes either way:nanana::woohoo:

Not if it's legalized. Assholes like you will be forced to compete or you'll go outta business. Here's a good idea. Hang a sign on your future legal business door that says, "I'll make a ton of money off all you assholes." :biglaugh:


Active member
Not if it's legalized. Assholes like you will be forced to compete or you'll go outta business. Here's a good idea. Hang a sign on your future legal business door that says, "I'll make a ton of money off all you assholes." :biglaugh:

you think there isnt already competition?? you think every cash cropper is on ICMAG? we gotta compete with the asian mobs, gangs, and every imaginable shady mother fucker possible.


weed fiend
You haven't read Adam Smith have you? And trust me a mega corp will build a crop harvester in a snap of a finger. They will have mega farms with scientist and all sorts of experts. They will have so many experts and state of the art equipment they would easily produce good bud. Maybe not the best but good enough to dominate the market. Look at every type of agriculture there is and big companies run the show.

This is true. American tobacco and cigarette manufacturers produce arguably the best cigs globally. There might be some small ops that make a finer product but Marlboro and the like are the choice of hundreds of millions of smokers world-wide.

We also have the best automation machinery minds in the business. We're not the worlds bread basket for the Midwestern plains alone. We have automation, ag scientists, etc etc etc. We also have micro climates/geographics that will efficiently support the vast variety of mj.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

of course legalized & if anyone thinks that the likes of 'big tobacco' will
ruin it for us with cheaper prices then shame on you, all these years and
you've learned absolutely nothing about growing awesome weed? Do you
really think that a fucking corporation can come in with something sweet
as Herijuana? I don't think so, plus just like cigs they'll combine them w/
whatever poison of the day they deem fit to make them burn faster etc.

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