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Do you have $20?


I see a lot of threads and comments here about what we can do to end prohibition. Many of us are reluctant to be very public with our actions. I suggest if you can answer 'yes' to the above question, that you give it to the professionals in the legalization game.

If you can afford to buy seeds, or buy a sack, you can afford to help change the laws. If you don't, who will? Contact your Representatives. Support one or more of the reform organizations. We may choose to keep our hobbies to ourselves, but that's no excuse for ignoring the reform movement.

2009 is the year the traditional media has woken up to the folly of the drug war. Senator Webb's upcoming examination of the nation's prison system is all but sure to recommend changing the marijuana laws. State after State is making headlines. Do your part, and SUPPORT THE CAUSE!

It's OK if you want to roast one first. :joint:

If you are in the USA, might I suggest:

Marijuana Policy Project


Drug Policy Alliance

Americans for Safe Access

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Drug Reform Coordination Network Their weekly newsletter is the best. Sign up here.

Check out my sig for links to support the current legislation before the House. Contact your Rep, and do it often.

If you're not in the USA, please post the local reform organizations to support!


Patient Grower
How about just a lousy dollar bill every month? 15 million US pot heads x $12/year = $180 million per year budget.

It's pathetic if a person can't even cough up $1 per month to help.

Totah Sam


Same here. I was laid off in October. Company shut down. I don't even have two pennies to rub together. I still have no unemployment checks after five weeks of waiting. They did send me a nice shiny debit card but no money to use it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ I litterally have 6 dollars till I get paid. I dont sell, so I aint swimming in cash like some here, but I am more than willing to give a dollar a month, and more when I can.

one thing every grower can do here is spread any genetics they have. I have been fortunate enough for poeple to share with me and will pass it on. over grow the system, till it breaks or bends to your side. there really should be know reason we have to collectivley pay off all of the crokked ass politicians that run this country..... but we could pay them, get what we want, then behead (chop off their heads) them and take our money back :) lol jk........ or am I?


I dunno, I think this war can eventually be won without having to donate to any of those organizations. I think the legalization movement gets more free press for your everyday news show then it does from say NORML. The ball is rolling, it's just sometimes you people think things happen over night. Everyweek a new state jumps on the band wagon and changes their MJ laws.

And really who cares about legalization. Decriminalization and workable and humane medical laws are enough for me. With legalization will come taxation and the eventual drop of the commodity pricing.

I'd be happy if law enforcement just started turning a blind eye, and focused their attention on the real problems in society like perscription meds. You want a real good high, just go see your doctor.


more links, arm twisting

more links, arm twisting

I think the legalization movement gets more free press for your everyday news show then it does from say NORML.

I respect that you may NOT have the $$ to spare, and I wish better times in your personal economy.

But Iron Lion, I disagree. It is the reform movement's groups like

SAFER, whom I forgot to mention in my previous post, getting the call when the local news needs a pro-pot voice. Colorado owes much to their organization!

Students for Sensible Drug Policy has gone international and is working give a voice to youth who recognize how bad the laws are.

MPP has been getting so much good press this year, it is insane. A grant from them was behind the recent victory in Maine, and many of the State victories in recent years. They have put true legalization on the ballot in NV. They produce professional viral videos continuously, and have the only marijuana policy lobbyist in DC. That's right people, we HAVE a lobbyist in DC! DPA is routinely in respected national magazines and outlets read by the folks we need to convince to change their minds. NORML was instrumental in some of the recent actions in Mass., and is probably there in your state when you need legal advice. Their podcast is one of the most popular. DRCNet brings us stories every week that DO NOT appear in the local, or national media. You can sign up for their free newsletter no matter how broke you are.

You might be surprised how good it feels to feel like you're supporting the movement, and that we are actually making things change!! Give it a shot!


Active member
Even if you can't (or don't want to) make a donation, if you go to this link:


You can sign up with DPA to join their action network. Whenever there is legislation pending, either nationally or in your state, they notify their members who then have the option to click a link and send a fax to their elected representatives. You can use their pre-written fax or write one yourself. Of course, no one ever reads the faxes, other than some low-level staffer who briefly scans it and then puts a check in the yea or nay column, but at least it gets more checks on our side of the issue.

The service is free, membership is free. DPA hits you up for a contribution a few times a year, but otherwise their emails are infrequent and always relevant to something that's happening at the time. They also send you an email if there's a fax they think you might want to send.

The more our voices are heard....



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Yes, that is the way to do it...get out and vote, write your representatives and tell them what you want!

In these trying economic times it is difficult to raise cash. There are too many organizations ready to take your $$$ - the only way around that is to do something! Do yourself what these organizations would do for you...write letters, make phone calls.

But if you are in a position to help there are many worthy causes ready to do this for you.

There are far too many victims of the drug war already. End the madness! Legalize Cannabis NOW!


Active member
I do NOT suggest donating any money to Americans For Safe Access because they are clearly not interested in marijuana freedom for all, instead they wish to have a monopoly on the dispensary industry. Greedy pricks. I think FreedomFighter has a good thread on it and all the info.

Donating money is great, if you can. I think the best thing that all smokers out there can do is spread knowledge and ideas through word of mouth. By this I mean 2 things:

1. Talk about marijuana legalization with those who don't smoke and aren't familiar with it. Not your smoke buddies, duh, but someone in your life that doesn't really know you blaze.

2. Mobilize EVERYONE you know for 4/20/2010. It's high time that smokers everywhere get out and MARCH on 4/20. Even if you live in a rinky dinky little town, be a leader and get your friends together and plot a course of action. Picket an intersection with signs, bring a cooler with drinks and sandwiches, march through downtown with signs, anything like that. It will be more fun than you think.


i have 4 dollars, which one is no compromise, 100% legal mj?

My top endorsement goes to MPP. They are the bomb. None of the others can point to a single state whose laws they have changed.

That said, they are more pragmatic than a no-compromise position.


you can always go collect beer cans bottles for return money or you can collect scrap for the scrap yards for money or you can collect cargo wooden pallets to shipping yards for money. you can cuts grass start small and build your landscaping company or even a mobile car detailing biss. put ad's to buy junk cars under 200 and go to the junkyards and double triple your return,,

just my:2cents:


If we spent as much money as the health care industry gives to lobbists we would have laws passed. just my thoughts...


I do NOT suggest donating any money to Americans For Safe Access because they are clearly not interested in marijuana freedom for all, instead they wish to have a monopoly on the dispensary industry. Greedy pricks. I think FreedomFighter has a good thread on it and all the info.

I am not that familiar with ASA. Probably the least of those I posted. If you have that link I would be interested.

However, I'm interested to know who is and isn't giving up a few bucks and words to support the cause. We have to stand up!



How about just a lousy dollar bill every month? 15 million US pot heads x $12/year = $180 million per year budget.

It's pathetic if a person can't even cough up $1 per month to help.


Support MPP, NORML and SAFER. Please do all you can help these org.

Just say "Marijuana is SAFER than alcohol" when the opportunity arises.


Oh yeah I did write to Senator Bill Nelson and this is what he said (the cocksucker):

I oppose legalizing this dangerous drug.
I did repond to his e-mail.......still waiting though:mad:

All you Floridians please write/e-mail Senator Bill "pendejo" Nelson

Blue Dot

I do NOT suggest donating any money to Americans For Safe Access because they are clearly not interested in marijuana freedom for all, instead they wish to have a monopoly on the dispensary industry. Greedy pricks. I think FreedomFighter has a good thread on it and all the info.

I second that.

Don Duncan only cares about himself.