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Thanksgiving Gluttony Penance!

Storm Crow

Active member
Well there you are, watching the football game or just kicking back, pants unbuttoned because you just ate too much. You know, gluttony is a sin. Especially when there are people starving at this very moment. So Granny's going to act as the "Ever-so-High Priestess of the Ganja Goddess", and assign you your penance! :biglaugh:

Your penance is, since you have had more than your share of munchies today, you must provide for the hungry! I want you to go to the site below and play the game. You can do the vocabulary words, or even just the multiplication tables (hit "Change Subjects"). But play until you have equaled, in grains of rice, the number of calories you consumed today.


"According to some research, the average Thanksgiving meal is a whopping 3,000 calories. Nibble your way through some leftovers, and you could be consuming more than 4,000 calories in one day!" That is from-


(Add a couple of slices of Mom's Pecan Pie with whipped cream and you better add another 1,000 calories!)

The game is EASY- they give you a word (or multiplication problem) and 4 possible answers. You pick one and you earn 20 grains of rice for the UN World Food program. You are feeding the starving! 4,000 grains sounds hard, but you get 20 grains of rice for every right answer (no penalty for wrong answers). So even if you think that you ate 4,000 calories today, that's only 200 words or problems. (My 3rd graders do 100 multiplication problem worksheets every day! You're a big kid and can do more than a 3rd grader!)

I've done 10,000 grains a day, every day (and I'm on dial up!) since right before Xmas. I get kids at school to practice multiplication with it (and BOY do they need that practice!). It should take the place of that dumb solitaire game ( or what-ever you do to fill those "wasted minutes") on YOUR computer. You can play it for 10 seconds, or 10 hours, but play it every day. Make a big difference in some someone's life!

Granny :joint:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
better yet,,, im going to send an ethiopian family an apple laptop with webcam

so they can watch us celebrate the prime rib,, turkey,,, all the sides and various desserts

:jump: :jump:


Non Conformist
Right on Granny!

Right on Granny!

I'll give it a try here ina lil bit......Herb wtf? why would you post somthin like that here?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
B.C. said:
I'll give it a try here ina lil bit......Herb wtf? why would you post somthin like that here?

come on,,, you stiffs need to lighten up,,, or light up

either one ,,, come,,, have a HAPPY holiday


That's a great link. I get to feed the worlds hungry and brush up on my spanish:) I will also share it with some friends.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!


Non Conformist
I'm as high as high can be dude. Granny's talkin about folks starvin and yer talkin about rubbin in their faces? I jus don't think that's funny, in fact I think it belittles her and her efforts to help these people. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's the way it's commin across. BC
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Storm Crow

Active member
I did my usual 10,000 grains today.

I did my usual 10,000 grains today.

But every once in a while, I go "mildly manic", :jump: and thing like this happen-
42,000 grains! Anyone going to beat that?

Granny :joint:
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I think i did something like 2100 grains earlier today when I woke up. Planning on doing some more here sometime tonight.
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no wuckin furries!
no Thanksgiving here in oz........but having a go getting some rice regardless ....seeing how smart i am.....im not as thick as i thought i was :D ..... will have to get my 2 sons on here...already saved it to there favorites .HH. =]-~


Non Conformist
Well I did 3700 earlier today, it only took me 8 er 9 hours. lol I'm jus kiddin, it didn't take long at all! I've sent this to all my friends in my addy book aswell. We'll get them folks some rice! It's too bad we can't do more for them..... I think about how easy it is to grow things like tomatoes, cuccumbers and squash and wonder why they don't? They grow about anywhere and no matter where yer at there's almost always some sorta animal manure for fertilzer and there's always urine and wood ash too. If you were ta keep just a bushel basket worth of tamadas for seed the next year, that would give ya thousands of seeds. Same with other veggies too. Seems like someone would get that ball rollin don't it? But I don't know, maybe things are jus too unstable where they are. It jus seems like it would be an easy way to gain so much and help so many. Maybe someone should take some the donated money that goes over there and invest in things that continue to grow get bigger every year. I spose it's easy for me ta say this settin here on my couch, but it's an idea anyway. Take care... BC

Storm Crow

Active member
If you are in a famine situation, such as is occurring in parts of Africa, or anywhere a big disaster has hit, quite often you can manage to scrounge a little bit of food. Not enough to keep you alive- the calories just aren't there.

The rice is "belly-fill"- not so nutritious, but full of calories. Add a bit of fish, a few beans (or even grasshoppers!) and a few wild greens or whatever, and you got a meal! The scrounged food is now enough to keep body and soul together!

The UN rice makes the difference!

You provide the rice!


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