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In need of help BAD and NOW please!!


Hey guys :wave:

Unfortunately I'm back here to the infirmary with MORE problems now that are WORSE than ever! My 1 Euphoria girl is almost completely yellowed up(yes every single leaf) and my 2 Gonzo's are almost there too! I filled out the list so here it is:

How long has this problem been going on?3 weeks or so
What STRAIN are you growing? DP's Euphoria & Rez's Gonzo#2
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Both Seeds
What is the age of your plants? About 2 months old
How Tall are the plants? about a foot or so(maybe more)
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) None
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 1gal's right now repotting to 3gal's Friday(gotta wait to get some Dol. Lime and tomorrow is Thanksgiving..they need a repotting BAD!)
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) FF OF W/about 40% perlite(a lil to much for my liking)
What Nutrient's are you using? FF's Grow Big/Big Bloom, Cal-Mag, and Liquid K
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 2 tsp GB, 2 tbl BB, 1 tsp Cal-Mag, and 1 tsp of Liq. K per Gallon of DISTILLED water.
How often are you feeding? Every other watering
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) ALWAYS add in this order, GB>Cal Mag>Liq K> BB
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? Don't have PPM meter
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? for both usually from 6.0-6.8(Will update tomorrow after watering what the 3 plants exactly are)
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? PH Pen
How often are you watering? As of lately just about every-other day(or every 2 days)because they are just about(if not a little bit) rootbound.
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? A few days ago and every other watering(except for 2 weeks ago when they got 3 waterings of straight distilled water before taking clones(getting the N out)
What size bulb are you using? The 2 Gonzo #2's are under a 8 bulb T5 and the Euphoria is under a 400W HPS(until I get my 2 1K's up this weekend)
What is the distance to the canopy? The Gonzo's are about 5-6inches away from the T5's(no burn on them though but I gotta raise the light tomorrow) and the Euphoria is about 2-3ft. or a tad more from the 400W HPS(was about a ft. away but I got her lower cause of her problems).
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) Do not know at this time will update tomorrow with it
What is the canopy temperature? About 70-72-73 degrees.
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) Well their all on 24/0 schedule now and it usually stays anywhere from 68-74.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) None right now because both tents aren't setup 100% and with them vegging with the smaller lights I don't need any because the room is so cool as it is.
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? None until this weekend when I put in my 2 1k's.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? There is a small computer type fan(but i'd say one step up size/cfm wise(don't know exact cfm) that I got at the hydro shop blowing on the tops of my gonzo's(it's hanging right at the top of the T5's).
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? No, I let it dry out nice in between waterings
Is your water HARD or SOFT? I use Distilled and I don't know which it is lol!
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Distilled
Are you using water from a water softener? No
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? All 3 have recently had clones taken from them(only about 10 each)
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Nope
Are plant's infected with pest's? Not that I know of at all, I've had a "Hot Shot No Pest Strip" hanging in my room for almost a week(if not longer) now just to be careful(as of a few days its DIRECTLY in the veg tent with the Gonzo's because of the holes/slits in their leaves I figured maybe something was in there, but now I realize the problem is ONLY on the Gonzo's I have 3 DSD's touching the Gonzo's and they have barely any probs at all, so I figure its not pests).

Heres some pics:

Euphoria(almost completely yellowed up):

The 2 Gonzo's(One of the pics or 2 shows a leaf that has a weird white spot on it like some kind of liquid or trailing from a bug and it was on a few leaves)

Top Leaves:

Random Leaves:

And this is weird, Right at the top I have one leaf that is all curled up kinda and shriveled(only one of it's kind on the plant)

Well there you have it I filled out my sick form! Now all I gotta do is wait for the doc to see my poor little girls :rasta:! I hope to hear from you all soon as my Euphoria doesn't have much time before I think I totally lose her(and she starts flower in 1 week), and my Gonzo's are both mothers so I need to keep them in tip top shape also! Thanks in advance to anybody who takes out time to give me some input and suggestions as to what you think could help me! Take care and stay safe my fellow ICMaggers!

Sniffs :wave:


Doesn't the Euphoria look like textbook Nitrogen deficiency?
The Gonzo looks like some cal/mag issue together or caused by pH being off

Evil 1

OK iv looked and can only give you you advise on what I know, most problems with plants are fertilizers I looked at your ferts and I dont know if they have enough nitrogen in them iv had similar leaf problems before and I always attribute them to me under fertilizing unless you hav over fertilized and hav nute lock so the plants cant absord anything if so give them a flush and start over with the fertilizing, you do have what looks like to me a bit of leaf burn on a couple of tips but nothing serious, the leaves that are yellowing and dying at the tips I will say is because of a lack of nitrogen get a fish emulsion fert they smell bad but iv used when plants get to that point and they normally rebound I think they have good absorbtion because they are organic and maybe get some trance elements not N-P-K other trace elements they could be lacking some of those, the leaf that has curled is either a stressed plant or is suffering from a bit of heat stress, but bottom line is your gonna have to wait before you put them into flower you need to get them healthy again before flowering them or it will most probably affect your yield quite badly :joint:

Evil 1

And also you need to get your ventilation system running plants need fresh air constantly and that might be attributing to the problem :joint:


Hey guys thanks for all the replies so far! MUCH appreciated! I just want to clear one thing up...I do grow in a tent a "DarkRoom" to be exact. The DarkRooms are BRAND NEW and have NO OFF GASSING problems at ALL. I have tons more girls in the same tents that are perfectly lusciously green with no nute def.'s at all and no problems so I KNOW for a 100% FACT its not "Off Gassing". Also the fact that I have 2 tents and both have been filled for the past 2 months(and any of the problems I've had so far is due to nute's I know that or PH). And yes I think the Euphoria looks like some N-Def., but I don't know for sure I need somebody to confirm! I think it also has some other little def.'s in it also. The Gonzo#2's had a Cal-Mag problem before and I've been feeding them Cal-Mag for the last month and a half or so. When I first started it cleared right up and it looked a little different than what I have now. So I think I'm going to flush my 3 girls tonight completely with distilled water and re-pot them in some fresh FF-OF with some Dol. Lime(Don't have that in the soil right now). Anybody else have any suggestions on what to do after I flush/transplant them? That Euphoria girl is almost gone beyond repair so please let me know ASAP what I should/could do to help her!!!

Thanks guys :wave:


Take Five...
I think you have overfed causing mag lockout and other issues. See if they improve after you transplant and flush.

They also look rootbound, which would cause some of that yellowing and spotting.

That white spot looks like minerals from a drop of water that evaporated on the leaf.


Hey thanks Heady Pete :wave:!

I do also think it could be a overfeeding problem(maybe me keeping the gonzo girls on the cal-mag for a few weeks AFTER they started looking better(from lack of cal/mag) and I have now OVERFED them with Cal-Mag. Going to get some Dolamite lime soon and then transplanting! Anybody know about how much Dol. Lime I should add to my soil? And any idea's on the Euphoria girl on what I should do? Any products I could use?


Active member
i would suggest a lengthy flush with plain water adjusted to 6.0.

after that, plain pH adjusted water until they begin to look more healthy.

this should take about a week...

feed less often and wait until the pots feel light to water again.

be patient...

its nice to love your plants, but you are over loving them to death.


Hey guys :wave:, Hey Sleepy! Thanks for your input man much appreciated!

I know it might seem like I'm OVER-Loving my girls, but I'm really not, well maybe in the sense of me being super worried about their problems getting worse daily but thats it. I feed every other watering(Like usual) and I ALWAYS wait until the soil is dry and the pots are light.

Now I need to know how much Dol. Lime to add to my bag of soil? Or my 3gal grow bags?(whichever is easier to measure out), and I also got 2 different kinds of lime last night, they are:

**-"Lawn & Garden Lime"-Special mix of calcitic & Dolimite Lime
(Can't find this one on the net)

**-"Epsoms/Organic Traditions(company)-"Garden Lime"-Pelletized for easy application & it's Derived from Dol. Lime

This is a link to the Epsom's one-

I'm also having trouble adjusting my DISTILLED water PH EVERY TIME! It's usually about 7.5-8.0 fresh out of the bottle(distilled not mixed with anything just straight). So like anybody would I tried using the amount the PH down bottle says to add(1/4tsp/Gal.) to get it to go down 1 full point and my PH shoots all the way down to the 2's 3's and 4's. So after wasting a few jugs of distilled water on that I figured well thats weird maybe ill just add less. So NUMEROUS times I tried adding 1, yes ONE little DROP(from an eyedropper) and it takes it from 7.5-8.0 to about 5.0-5.5 JUST from 1 little drop? I don't know what to do, but it's been like this forever and I bet that could be causing some of my problems with my girls because every time I give them straight(just plain distilled)water I'm giving them straight water with a PH of 7.5-8.0(which I know is bad). So does anybody know what my issue could be with the distilled water and getting the PH down? Oh and I tested the run-off from my girls last night and all were a steady 6.6-6.8.

So anybody whos got info on the Lime/PH issues let me know please and thank you!

Sniffs :wave: :joint:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
your having problem adjusting the distilled water because distilled is pretty damn pure water. there's basically nothing in it as far as minerals/buffers, so thus a lil drop of ph up/down solution is causing wild fluctuations. I would stay away from distilled personally, if your stuck needing a bottled water source reverse osmosis or ro water may be a better choice.

If you have descent tap water meaning not over 200-250ppm you may be better off letting that sit out overnight to disipate chlorine and using that. In fact you probably wouldn't need as much of the cal-mag plus if you had some minerals in ur water to begin with. Some growers here actually do a half and half thing to bring down the high ppm's of their tap, they'll use half ro, half tap. But yeah ur getting the wild swings due to the purity of the water

on another note, I have used the epsoma brand grandulated d.lime quite a few times with no issues when I was growing oganically . Many grind down the granules to a powder for quicker assimulation, but I've never done that either. when I was using it I would add a tblsp. of of the d-lime granules per gallon of mix prior to planting my crop then let the soil mix sit a good week or two as it broke down..

I'm not experienced with the product that has calcitic calcium in it, so cant comment to much on that particular one.
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Active member
damn, that is puzzling... :chin:

try some tap water, i guess...process of elimination until you solve it.

either water i use, tap or from the R/O filter, requires a pH lowering by me, after nutes/additives are added. out of the spigot i have 8.0-9.0 range...it makes life more difficult.

maybe try recalibrating your pH meter and replacing the batteries??

how long have you been using this setup/medium/nutes?

maybe time for a change?

it took me a while until i found a method that suits me.

not everything i do/use works for everyone else.

it is quite frustrating, and i commiserate with your situation.