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Do you even OGKB 2.0 Bro??? Let them eat Cookies!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The OGKB name is what threw me off at first , theres an OGK going around here that everybodys raving about , but i thought it was kinda week . i thought it might have been a cut of that being your kinda local to me , but this thread & the descripts at the cup site are what set me straight :biggrin:
heights, both the OGKB and the GlueBreath look magnificent CP... you must be in flavor town!

are you in fact the IG user norcal_icmag? keep it up!


Active member
I highly highly doubt that foreigner... Doesn't seem like the same dude CP is passin out cuts freely, norcal was charging for his...


Active member
Congrats and awesome story Chunky. I long for the day she fills up my garden. JW has set a great example.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Congrats on the win. It's even better when small time pollen chucker pulls off a big win :respect:


passing the gas
heights, both the OGKB and the GlueBreath look magnificent CP... you must be in flavor town!

are you in fact the IG user norcal_icmag? keep it up!

Nope, I'm me on IG but I don't post there just troll.

I highly highly doubt that foreigner... Doesn't seem like the same dude CP is passin out cuts freely, norcal was charging for his...

OK, I need to define what I consider "passing freely". Basically to me this means not on lockdown for profit.

Not having to pay somebody hundreds or thousands for a cut the way it was for a cookie clone on my 2012 trip to Cali when I first tasted her.

To me it means let it out of my hands without worrying about how to best profit from it or caring if the next guy sells copies of it for $25 or $50 or a million.

Duplicating prized cannabis and providing it to the rest of the world will not be free any time in the near future.
Consider yourself lucky if you have a sharing relationship with someone here or you have the ability in the future to purchase it from a dispensary or at a cup.

When you see the size of the Op Norcal runs do you can't think that it runs for free or that his cuts should be.

I didn't think I was entitled to a "free" cut of GG#4 when I got it at the MI cup last year. I made donations to 2 different IC members for cut of it.
They were asking for a very fair donation in exchange for something that they could have profited more from like these guys in a different booth...


They wanted $100 for sickly looking yellowed not visibly rooted cuts in a rapid rooter and $150 I think for the
solo cups that at least looked alive. They had hundreds of the shitty things with them.

I'm talking about being able to have access because greedy fuckers are not hoarding it so they can charge top dollar.

Clones don't make or move themselves for free.
Except for Krunch, I don't expect that everyone who gets her will leave trays full at Bay Area gas stations and post clues on IG.

What I hope is that easy access to this cut will improve the lives of sick people and anyone who likes being high.
That in a few years time it will be everywhere if it's treated like Josey did with the Glue.

I hope that if I give it to 10 good people they will do the same and you will have it as well one day, not just see pictures of it here and on IG.

Not just hearing people rap about it and only in states that you will never be able to visit but maybe actually get to smoke it and have it in your garden healing you.

The actual plant not one of the ones that goes by the same name and kind of smells like it. I mean that's what OGKB 2.0 is.

It's an OGKB GSC wannabe (with bigger buds and more nose but I digress…)
I'm clueless after 3 years of looking what I could do to get my hands on the "real" cookies or the actual OGKB cut because of hoarding.


Share your good luck people.



Active member
Exactly what I meant, sorry if I misspoke on your behalf. Either way, stoked for you bro!


passing the gas
I started crossing these OGKB S1's to each other and to the other clones I have as soon as I started finding pollen.

3 week nanners on the 1st clone run of the #3 fathered the GlueBreath.
I've only run a few of the many seeds so far. Some have looked good and had no smell.
Some have had micro nugs.

The 2.0 throws off a few sacs when ripe.
They seem to get caught between the bud and the branch and I find them when trimming and save them. No silver needed.


I find a few seeds in every plant that I've smoked from it. Just a couple. Surprised nobody found any in the cup entry.

The #3 has produced way more selfed seed. I found over 30 in one bud once.
My room might be to blame for this. It's not sophisticated. No AC

I have 4 S1's of the #3 and 4 of the 2.0 around 7-8 weeks now.
2 of the OGKB 2.0 S1's resemble easy other and have a really nice candy smell along with the smell of the mom/dad.
They look closer to OG Kush to me in their formation and they stretched more than mom/dad.



I got really excited when I first saw the leaves on this OGKB 2.0 S1.
They had a perverted duck foot and it was slow in veg like the Stink Panties and the original OGKB GSC.


She's close now but no cigar… no smell and painfully micro.
They don't all look like this NorCal…



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
The pic with you wearing a black glove and manicuring. Incredible dude, it sorta of reminds me of a white domina x trainwreck cross. It was incredible.

I'm excited to see what this thread comes up with. I have a lead on a cut. Thanks OP!
I just picked up the" Blissful Wizzard " clone and it looks kinda like the OGkb but is a Cherry pie x 09 GSC X Captains Cookie. Very excited to run it dude said it was all the best bay strains into one !!!


passing the gas
Were those weird looking cuts from a flowering plant?

That's just the strangest cut that's popped from the selfed cuts, the bag seeds bag seed.:biggrin:

I picked out and soaked 30 seeds from the OGKB 2.0 x CookieBoi cross and also a bunch from the big GlueBreath run today.
Hope to have them flowering before the MI cup happens so everyone can see what's locked up in this cross.

My Forum cut is at 9 weeks. small but frosty! this is how she compares with the OGKB 2.0.

Forum cut 9 weeks


OGKB 2.0 9 weeks


Babies arm FTW!