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Do you belive in love?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
But You Have A Good Heart

But You Have A Good Heart


I've noticed in your post's that your mood is changing for the better. WELL DONE. You don't know me from Adam but I feel that you are now on the right track. I can share many thoughts and experiences with you but feel that time wll someday come. I've been HAPPILY married for 20 years now and have buried 3 girlfriends if that tell's ya anything in short. All now I will say is this.

Believe in yourself Agnes, because when it comes right down to it that's all we got. Now I'm not saying any of that look in the mirror and say I'm a good person crap,I talking from THE HEART AND SOUL. Ask yourself do I try to help others? I say yes and that in itself requires a good heart but with a good heart comes the bs of ill willed people taking advantage of us and trust me (I bet you already know) it sucks but yet we learn something so that it may not happen the next time for if it does then YOU are at fault. Life is short, I have died before and it changed my outlook forever. I now live each and EVERY day as if it is my last on earth for I now know it could be. I make time for friends and family and you to will somehow find that special person that ties your heart in knots and make's ya all crazy,but first you must love yourself HEART MIND BODY AND SOUL so that the love inside is not hidden by the fear of rejection.

TRY THIS: Always Think This To Yourself

I know I'm a good person ,I know I will help anybody any way I can and knowing this and believing this heart mind body and soul,If you don't like me then it's your loss but at least I tried. Thats all we can do Agnes is try,
100 % try, not half-ass try and in doing this and giving your all that's all you can do. Get the Idea K.I.S.S

Hope All Is Well In You World

I'm here if ya need me.



honestly at this point in time im still young and i dont know if im capable of love.


Bubblegum Specialist
Good Herb!

Good Herb!

I am glad to see that Agnes is feeling better.

Good cannabis does help and it lets us be kinder according to Master Soma.

Of course I always agree with one so enlightened as he. :D BOG

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Love is most powerful feeling there is....but it can bite too...and sometimes it is not fair at all....it gives you so much but it can also take everything away from you....so I think love is most strangest thing there is but I still want to believe it....

Yes Bog knows his love ...but i would also like to hear what Mrs Bog has to say
since ..as the saying goes behind a man power mind ..there's a power women

I love the Nirvana Co ..so much its actually sick ..i think !...even if its been god knows how long since i have seen Mau & Wilfred

but meeting Mau many many years ago ..was enough to never forget him & to make the decision to devote my life to his company ...the company has gotten me out of hard times ..with out even thinking twice

and no matter how fucked up my memory may get ..i can never forget that

i will never have a family of my own ...35 years old now i realize this ..but iam happy ..& as long as i know that 1 of the biggest & oldest seed companies trust me & love me ..thats enough for me ..thats gives me all the motivation to go on fighting in this crazy world

the same thing goes for Master Soma ...i know that everytime he reads or hears my words Master he shrivels ...because he is a humble man & he doesnt really like it ..but i dont care ...he will always be the Master of my heart after God

the moral of all of this is ...you never know when & how it will happen ...but sometimes certain people enter your life or even Gods creatures a Dog for example ...& change it forever ..for the better or for the worse...

Love for me is knowing that i always have some-one to talk to or i can count on to make me laugh when iam un-happy ..depressed

this i also have the Heads to thank ..a couple of times ..iam very much like Bog i think ...i also am a loner ..i wasn't as a child ...but iam also very much an idiot ...i believe that because i have a soft heart & some-one smiles at me that they are the same as me ..and i have been hurt many times by my heart trusting a bit to much

i was really & i mean really down ....if i had a gun i might have pulled the trigger !..iam that fed up of all this destruction & madness ehm pause because now iam crying like a baby

continue ..but i knew that the Heads ,& some other's would have something for me to fall on the ground dieing in laughter ..instead of actually dieing

so you dont even have to meet some-one or even see them face to face ..to love them ..& if they change your life in some way for the better ...you gotta love them ...peace


Active member
I'm 32, spent most of my 20s..( 7 years ) ..in the slammer. was in love once. what a wonderful feeling..but yes it does bite..Have had some relationships in the last 5 years but, never have i meet anyone special...I'm kind of used to it now Being lonley..

So i just try to have as much sex as i can..and when she comes one day then she comes...if not...I'm a total whore...

keeps the mind off being sad yes?..LOL

In my opinion love exists, its way more than pheromones interaction, if not how would one explain love at first sight?

You know, the ones that knock your ass to the ground, stomach shrinks, throat swells, and this just for looking, no personality envolved.. its like an inside avalanche, you cant stop it!!

Science always try to arrange some facts that explain why something happens - "this happens because that happened" - "you fall in love because of the pheromone compatibility of some sort and the following brain reactions extended to the whole body make you feel like that, 'in love' - kinda like it was a cause, but in my opinion its the other way around, its not a cause, it's an effect..

Love is dangerous.

I love it.


It is real because, afterall, Neil Young says "Only love can break your heart". Not that Neil Young is an expert on love. But we've all had broken hearts. And what was the attachment that caused it? Love.

On a happier note. It's great when ya gots it. :D


I thought i did. But what i did have i know i can never ever have back. so i dont know.sigh.peace :joint:
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Wow, we should have a Cannabis singles night out and get some folks together here. I bet there's one thing at least in common...
I think it's never too late to love, and there's always someone out there that is compatible to me or you....the hard part is getting out there and looking...


I believe in love, why wouldn't I want to?

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.



I'm sure when Agnes comes to Amsterdam. She will meet someone and may even love it in Amsterdam. Its that kind of city i think. Like Paris. Keep your chin up girl. You'll find someone again.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
I feel for all you single growers out there. I've found the love of my life and she's an indescribable joy and comfort to me. Well wishes to you all. Love may be just around the corner. Cliche, but it really does happen when you least expect it.

GreatLakes THC :wave:


Active member
Sorry Agnes...

Sorry Agnes...

I sure do believe in it!

I love my wife and my children more than anything.

We have been together a looooong time, and she accepts me for who i am. all my faults included. I am so happy to have her as my wife and lover.

My wife will always be the one for me. :confused: