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Do you believe THC can "cure" cancer?


Active member
If you had a defect in a cell cycle checkpoint like an over expression of cyclin then how in gods name does diet or weed cure that? Do you guys honestly believe that a molecule inside that smoke you inhale travels all the way down to a tumor site and magically attaches itself to our DNA or protein for the purpose of regulating expression? Or maybe that thc is flagging cancer cells distinctly for apoptosis? Wtf man learn your cell biology. If weed cured cancer there'd be no such thing as cancer, plain and simple. Life isn't one big conspiracy theory and no one is supressing the secret healing abilities of marijuana. It doesn't cure cancer. It merely improves the quality of life for someone with cancer. People dedicate their entire lives to studying cancer and finding a cure. Don't insult them with drivel. Genetically altered antibodies...now there's something that has potential. Fuck weed, real people are dying and you're talking about something that gets you high. It's just like these drunks that can't stop crowing about the benefits of wine. It has hardly any benefits which are negated by the terrible effect that alcohol has on the body, but that doesn't stop drinkers from jamming their bullshit down your throat. Weed is no different. Some of you need to accept that it is not a miracle plant.

so much bullshit I dont know where to start, but ingesting orally rather than smoking is an option you know?


Kiss My Ring
1st...if you think ingesting a gram of RSO a day was for fun think again. i'm pretty sure that the benefit from smoking is psychological.
2nd...cancerous lesion healed and disappeared, making that 90 days worthwhile, and convincing me.

3rd...mental state, and beliefs certainly are cards you'd want to keep in play and convincing others that there is no hope in this modality foments discouragement.

Heredity and Cancer

Cancer is such a common disease that it is no surprise that many families have at least a few members who have had cancer. Sometimes, certain types of cancer seem to run in some families. This can be caused by a number of factors. It can be because family members have certain risk factors in common, such as smoking, which can cause many types of cancer. It can also be due in part to some other factors, like obesity, that tend to run in families and influence cancer risk.

But in some cases the cancer is caused by an abnormal gene that is being passed along from generation to generation. Although this is often referred to as inherited cancer, what is inherited is the abnormal gene that can lead to cancer, not the cancer itself. Only about 5% to 10% of all cancers are inherited – resulting directly from gene defects (called mutations) inherited from a parent. This document focuses on those cancers.


not all cancer is hereditary and most are caused by environmental factors.

cannabinoids modulate cell activity.
The cannabinoid system and immune modulation

  1. Thomas W. Klein1,
  2. Cathy Newton,
  3. Kellie Larsen,
  4. Lily Lu,
  5. Izabella Perkins,
  6. Liang Nong and
  7. Herman Friedman
+ Author Affiliations
  1. University of South Florida, Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Tampa
  1. 1Correspondence: University of South Florida, College of Medicine, MDC Box 10, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 12901 Bruce Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612. E-mail: [email protected]
Next Section

Studies on the effects of marijuana smoking have evolved into the discovery and description of the endocannabinoid system. To date, this system is composed of two receptors, CB1 and CB2, and endogenous ligands including anandamide, 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, and others. CB1 receptors and ligands are found in the brain as well as immune and other peripheral tissues. Conversely, CB2 receptors and ligands are found primarily in the periphery, especially in immune cells. Cannabinoid receptors are G protein-coupled receptors, and they have been linked to signaling pathways and gene activities in common with this receptor family. In addition, cannabinoids have been shown to modulate a variety of immune cell functions in humans and animals and more recently, have been shown to modulate T helper cell development, chemotaxis, and tumor development. Many of these drug effects occur through cannabinoid receptor signaling mechanisms and the modulation of cytokines and other gene products. It appears the immunocannabinoid system is involved in regulating the brain-immune axis and might be exploited in future therapies for chronic diseases and immune deficiency.

paper at:
i would say Thc by it's self NO.. other cannabinoids in synergy along with a healthy alkaline diet POSSIBLY YES.. there is alot of unknown factors


ICMag Donor
If you had a defect in a cell cycle checkpoint like an over expression of cyclin then how in gods name does diet or weed cure that? Do you guys honestly believe that a molecule inside that smoke you inhale travels all the way down to a tumor site and magically attaches itself to our DNA or protein for the purpose of regulating expression? Or maybe that thc is flagging cancer cells distinctly for apoptosis? Wtf man learn your cell biology. If weed cured cancer there'd be no such thing as cancer, plain and simple. Life isn't one big conspiracy theory and no one is supressing the secret healing abilities of marijuana. It doesn't cure cancer. It merely improves the quality of life for someone with cancer. People dedicate their entire lives to studying cancer and finding a cure. Don't insult them with drivel. Genetically altered antibodies...now there's something that has potential. Fuck weed, real people are dying and you're talking about something that gets you high. It's just like these drunks that can't stop crowing about the benefits of wine. It has hardly any benefits which are negated by the terrible effect that alcohol has on the body, but that doesn't stop drinkers from jamming their bullshit down your throat. Weed is no different. Some of you need to accept that it is not a miracle plant.

You are lucky I'm out of rep - because this post would certainly get a negative...

Your full of opinion and little fact...which just leaves you full of it.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm not sure one way or the other on THC's ability to cure cancer, however I'm fairly certain that if I were dying from cancer (or anything else) I'd feel a whole lot better passing from this dimension to the next as I'm burning a joint, the ultimate puff, puff, pass.......



Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
I think it heals the mind which helps you body heal itself.

I think cancer can be beat without chemo thru diet, like the Gerson Method, where you basically bombard your body with organic fruit and vegetable based nutrients. Cancer is caused by imbalances in the body and prolonged inflammation, I think prevention is the cure.

EXACTLY...!! When will people realize that poison(Chemo),burning(radiation), and "ectomies"(mutilation) don't do anything for the body but destroy the immune system....SMH.


Active member
i would say Thc by it's self NO.. other cannabinoids in synergy along with a healthy alkaline diet POSSIBLY YES.. there is alot of unknown factors

THIS^^^. Method of ingestion seems a key factor depending on cancer strain being treated. Topicals on skin and external tumors, vape for brain, edibles for other organs. There has been verifiable success using RSO, Charlotte's web, and other high CBD preparations. I have read the CBD to THC ratio is key. 1:1 seems good. But THC by itself alone, no. All cannabinoids used in conjunction, very likely yes. Many other diseases as well.
If you had a defect in a cell cycle checkpoint like an over expression of cyclin then how in gods name does diet or weed cure that? Do you guys honestly believe that a molecule inside that smoke you inhale travels all the way down to a tumor site and magically attaches itself to our DNA or protein for the purpose of regulating expression? Or maybe that thc is flagging cancer cells distinctly for apoptosis? Wtf man learn your cell biology. If weed cured cancer there'd be no such thing as cancer, plain and simple. Life isn't one big conspiracy theory and no one is supressing the secret healing abilities of marijuana. It doesn't cure cancer. It merely improves the quality of life for someone with cancer. People dedicate their entire lives to studying cancer and finding a cure. Don't insult them with drivel. Genetically altered antibodies...now there's something that has potential. Fuck weed, real people are dying and you're talking about something that gets you high. It's just like these drunks that can't stop crowing about the benefits of wine. It has hardly any benefits which are negated by the terrible effect that alcohol has on the body, but that doesn't stop drinkers from jamming their bullshit down your throat. Weed is no different. Some of you need to accept that it is not a miracle plant.

So say's the big pharma P.R rep that is pushing the latest radio-active poison to TRY and cure cancer wait, I mean line his pockets with the money of terminally ill people and their famillys !!

bullshit man


So say's the big pharma P.R rep that is pushing the latest radio-active poison to TRY and cure cancer wait, I mean line his pockets with the money of terminally ill people and their famillys !!

bullshit man

Yeah that ^^^^^^

Quarter mill to Mom's oncologist. Not so much as a card when she passed.
Fuck em all

@dropyera****... Us or them? Who u gonna believe when it's u or a true loved-one?


Well-known member
from my perspective, from all i've read and seen, nothing cures cancer except death. so, for me, cannabis is better than all the alternatives offered by allopathic medicine.


Active member
frankincense oil is apparently very good against cancer especially ovarian and breast cancer. I have sourced it for a friends wife and my mother
If I had cancer I would use RSO, and become a raw vegan that only ate certified organic produce.

Prevention is as easy as exercising, and eating a plant based diet. Is it full proof? No, but I like the odds. :)


Well-known member
There is so much anecdotal evidence out there that MMJ works. Here in Colorado where things are somewhat legal, there is talk of using some of the tax money to fund studies at our universities to answer the question. I hope the studies prove what we already know.
Yeah that ^^^^^^

Quarter mill to Mom's oncologist. Not so much as a card when she passed.
Fuck em all

@dropyera****... Us or them? Who u gonna believe when it's u or a true loved-one?

sorry about your moms it makes me so so mad i have dealt with a similar situation i am going to a hematologist/oncologist now, he is a dick and that is put nicely.

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