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Do you believe THC can "cure" cancer?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
No it's not. Prevention cannot stop cancer.
Epic fail
You are not just born to have cancer. You may have a genetic predisposition to cancer but it is life style that makes that predisposition a reality. It's called epigenetics, where your genes express themselves and your DNA can be altered thru environmental inputs.

If you eat garbage your whole life, smoke cigarettes, and abuse your body chances are you will get cancer, so is that environmental or is that genetic?

I bet if you looked at a wide range of cancer patients, there was something they did, ate, used or were exposed to which made it happen. It is so hard to avoid it in today's world with environmental pollution, toxins in our food and products we use.

I don't believe cancer is just something that happens, anyone I have known personally with cancer lived unhealthy lifestyles, even if they didn't realize their lifestyle was unhealthy as an outsider looking in I can see what may have caused what they had.

Not a cure in and of itself, but evidence has shown it can reduce tumors. Synergy with other drugs or substances may work toward the cure goal. Certainly putting the mind in a better state allows the body to combat disease. I don't believe that it cured my leukemia, but I didn't start truly recovering from all the anti-rejection drugs, pain pills, etc etc until I convinced my parents that smoking was beneficial and could do it openly. I then took myself off all the poison and haven't looked back since. 6 years post transplant now.


if it smells like fish
If I had cancer I would use RSO, and become a raw vegan that only ate certified organic produce.

Prevention is as easy as exercising, and eating a plant based diet. Is it full proof? No, but I like the odds. :)
death before veganism.....gimme a fat rare steak,,,,mmmmmmm,,,,.I was going to try simpson oil for my issues but life and the old lady got in the way...ucking bitch


Active member
We all get cancer every day. Fortunately, our bodies immune system kills the cancer cells in most cases. Cancer is a difficult subject, as it is over 200 separate diseases. For 10 years I worked in a cancer research center at a major university. I can tell you that researchers are burning the midnight oil trying to find a cure.
In my own opinion, I believe CBD is more important in healing than THC. It suppresses inflammation, which is the root cause of cancer and many other diseases, including arthritis, Chrons, etc.


Active member
Epic fail Win.

Not a cure in and of itself, but evidence has shown it can reduce tumors. Synergy with other drugs or substances may work toward the cure goal. Certainly putting the mind in a better state allows the body to combat disease. I don't believe that it cured my leukemia, but I didn't start truly recovering from all the anti-rejection drugs, pain pills, etc etc until I convinced my parents that smoking was beneficial and could do it openly. I then took myself off all the poison and haven't looked back since. 6 years post transplant now.

Bone marrow transplant? Cool! Good luck with that.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It was actually a double cord stem cell transplant. They couldn't find a 10/10 donor match for bone marrow, but were able to do a double cord (stem cells from two umbilical cords) transplant. You only need a 6/6 match because the cells are so young and less likely to attack your body after the transplant.

It was a horrible experience no doubt, but it's been six years. If you survive five years in remission after the transplant they consider "cured".

Post transplant everyone gets graph vs host disease where the new immune system attacks your body because it is foreign. This is a good thing because it's keeping the leukemia at bay, but it can also suck big time. You end up on baskets of drugs which almost ended up killing me again.

I didn't start getting better until I could smoke openly and ended up taking myself off all the pharma's. My transplant doctor was surprised at my turn around and was even more surprised when I told him I was smoking weed and had stopped the anti-rejection (which I should have been off by then anyway). This is Texas so while he said he couldn't condone it I should "keep doing what I've been doing."


Active member
It was actually a double cord stem cell transplant. They couldn't find a 10/10 donor match for bone marrow, but were able to do a double cord (stem cells from two umbilical cords) transplant. You only need a 6/6 match because the cells are so young and less likely to attack your body after the transplant.

It was a horrible experience no doubt, but it's been six years. If you survive five years in remission after the transplant they consider "cured".

Post transplant everyone gets graph vs host disease where the new immune system attacks your body because it is foreign. This is a good thing because it's keeping the leukemia at bay, but it can also suck big time. You end up on baskets of drugs which almost ended up killing me again.

I didn't start getting better until I could smoke openly and ended up taking myself off all the pharma's. My transplant doctor was surprised at my turn around and was even more surprised when I told him I was smoking weed and had stopped the anti-rejection (which I should have been off by then anyway). This is Texas so while he said he couldn't condone it I should "keep doing what I've been doing."

Amazing. And the religious right has been trying to squelch stem cell usage for so long. Many of these diseases might have been cured already if not for their meddling. My buddy has been in the hospital for 12 months after a liver transplant. He keeps getting sick from the anti-rejection drugs..had pneumonia half a dozen times, sepsis, and every other infection imaginable. One of the conditions of his transplant was he had to be completely alcohol/drug free, so they tested him frequently and if any cannabis was found, he would be dropped from the waiting list for a new liver. The condition he is in now, I think cannabis would help, but they won't allow him.
Good job and good luck with your situation. Hard to believe these creationists want to suppress stem cell research. It probably holds the answers to most of our health problems, and could also have an effect on longevity.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

And you know this how? Just based on your opinion and how that squares with your understanding of cancer and cancer research? I'm not saying marijuana does cure cancer but I don't see where your assertion it doesn't is any more valid then anyone's assertion it does.

Regardless of whether it does or doesn't kill cancer it has benefits for people dealing with cancer and undergoing typical treatment for cancer. That's all that really matters. If it ends up slowing the progression or somehow killing it off in the process then great but no doctor is currently using it as a cure for cancer.

As for the original question, THC by itself? No. Marijuana however is a lot more then just THC so the right combination of cannabinoids may have some benefits beyond stimulating appetite. I doubt it kills cancer because that would have become known by now with all the people using it to deal with the side effects of chemo. Can it prevent or slow the progression? Unclear, some studies suggest it might but there are not enough proper studies being done to determine this. Most studies being done are being done with an anti-marijuana agenda.


Well-known member
It also may be a dosing thing. Until recently cannabis has been used as a palliative to treat the side effects of clinical treatments ie chemo.


Kiss My Ring
normally questions like this refer to the entire cannabinoid profile, as separating THC from the rest of the constituents is beyond personal capabilities for a desperate patient.

RSO has that profile defined as THC but containing the others as well. it may well be the other cannabinoids or the terpenes or phenols...or everything working synergistically that overwhelms cancers.

when we talk about THC in RSO we must include the others as having an effect.


Well-known member
I don't know if it cures it but it definitely slows it down tremendously.

My wives grandfather has cancer throughout his chest and most of his organs. He had been doing chemo for almost 5 months with still signs of the cancer growing. The doctors gave him marinol to help with his loss of weight and appetite, and it didn't help at all. After this, the family came to me and asked if I would try to at least make his last few months comfortable by giving him cannabis instead of the marinol. It has been about 3 months now and he is feeling better than he has in the last year, gained just over 25 lbs and the cancer hasn't shown signs of any increase.

I consider this to be proof that cannabis does help the human body in the fight against cancer.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Amazing. And the religious right has been trying to squelch stem cell usage for so long. Many of these diseases might have been cured already if not for their meddling. My buddy has been in the hospital for 12 months after a liver transplant. He keeps getting sick from the anti-rejection drugs..had pneumonia half a dozen times, sepsis, and every other infection imaginable. One of the conditions of his transplant was he had to be completely alcohol/drug free, so they tested him frequently and if any cannabis was found, he would be dropped from the waiting list for a new liver. The condition he is in now, I think cannabis would help, but they won't allow him.
Good job and good luck with your situation. Hard to believe these creationists want to suppress stem cell research. It probably holds the answers to most of our health problems, and could also have an effect on longevity.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Anti-rejection meds are nasty nasty. You end up having to take a ton of pills for the side effects for them and then taking a ton more for the side effects of the side effects ad nausem. The treatment becomes almost as bad as the disease. They were keeping me on them because I was having issues and stacking meds on top of it, but it had become a downward spiral. I was on the meds because I was on the meds. Pharma BS.

That's BS about not letting him smoke weed. Shame really.

I can't stand to watch the bumbling bible thumpers hold up stem cell research. There are so many diseases that they'll be able to cure once it's widely implemented and understood.


Well-known member
I recall Nancy pleading on behalf of of us all and invoking the name of her then deceased husband with respect to stem cell research, still they turned her down. No problem for the same crowd to green light genetic manipulation of our damn food though. So damn sad.
No I dont think THC by itself will cure cancer. There are many other active compounds in cannabis, so no. Smoking, will do not do a thing for cancer other than decrease pain. Consintrated Cannabis compounds taken internaly and topicaly do seem to have a anti-cancer affect. I do HOPE its a cure but only time will tell.


My understanding is that cannabis oil/juice is the quick way to homeostasis.
The long way 'round would include massive lifestyle changes. Deep deep internal detoxification to hit all those reset buttons, and then rebuilding your temple with proper nutrition and outlook.
Take a look at Dr. Richard Andersons "Cleanse and Purify Thyself" for hitting those deep resets.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I can share some personal experience.
For what it's worth.

Had a good friend who got brain cancer.
Glioma astrocytoma multiforma.
RSO did not "cure" him.
But it did give him another year of quality living!

I have also, personally, removed suspect skin abnormalities.
Topical oil removed them completely, no mark, no scar.
That is, to me, impressive, but the best I saved for last.

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006.
Malignant and aggressive, both lobes, Gleason score of 7/8.
Had a prostatectomy but the margins were positive with perineural invasion, etc.

Biological regrowth took about a year and a half to show up on a PSA assay.

Sourcing enough oil for treatment proved to be quite difficult with Hawaii's plant limits, but I was able to purchase some trim from a local grower.

So, I started treatment.

About then my friend's Glioma was diagnosed so I had to split my dosage with him.
Then had a grow-crash and ran out of oil.
Had a pono friend donate some, then ran out, yet again.
SkunkPharm stepped up and supplied oil for Charley and I got the grow up and running again, but it took months.
Had a friend in California donate Hash for oil extraction.
And a very pono man on the wet side donated a large quantity of oil, twice!
Still ran short though.
Have not managed a full course of treatment in one go, yet.
(I'm gathering oil now to do just that.)

The point is, running out was a good thing, as a diagnostic.

PC grows very slow at first, but the growth is not linear.
We use the PSA assay to factor a "doubling rate".
That doubling rate is a good indicator of life expectancy.
I just finished drawing a chart that plots the PSA increase over time. during the entire period.

That chart clearly shows exactly when I started each run of RSO and exactly when I stopped.
The rate of growth slows significantly when ingesting oil!
It increases again when I stop!
I'm already an old fart, so a slowing is all I need to outlive the cancer.

If you want a single case, proof of effect, I finally have some documentation, such as it is.

Other than the skin tag pictures, real numbers are very hard to find.
So I'm quite happy with finally having objective lab reports to back up my more subjective, reversal of symptoms.
(weight loss, difficult urination, general malaise)

That's my 2 cents.
And I'm still here to offer it. :dance013:




I have no idea. Who knows what researchers will discover about the plant down the road. I only know that it didn't prevent nor cure cancer for my dad. He was a 20 year toker and grower before he got cancer, he continued to use cannabis for the 3 years he was sick, throughout all of his treatments, and surgeries to remove his brain tumor, and eventually he still died. Cannabis definitely eased his suffering through the whole thing though, so I am grateful for that.


Active member
I can share some personal experience.
For what it's worth.

Had a good friend who got brain cancer.
Glioma astrocytoma multiforma.
RSO did not "cure" him.
But it did give him another year of quality living!

I have also, personally, removed suspect skin abnormalities.
Topical oil removed them completely, no mark, no scar.
That is, to me, impressive, but the best I saved for last.

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006.
Malignant and aggressive, both lobes, Gleason score of 7/8.
Had a prostatectomy but the margins were positive with perineural invasion, etc.

Biological regrowth took about a year and a half to show up on a PSA assay.

Sourcing enough oil for treatment proved to be quite difficult with Hawaii's plant limits, but I was able to purchase some trim from a local grower.

So, I started treatment.

About then my friend's Glioma was diagnosed so I had to split my dosage with him.
Then had a grow-crash and ran out of oil.
Had a pono friend donate some, then ran out, yet again.
SkunkPharm stepped up and supplied oil for Charley and I got the grow up and running again, but it took months.
Had a friend in California donate Hash for oil extraction.
And a very pono man on the wet side donated a large quantity of oil, twice!
Still ran short though.
Have not managed a full course of treatment in one go, yet.
(I'm gathering oil now to do just that.)

The point is, running out was a good thing, as a diagnostic.

PC grows very slow at first, but the growth is not linear.
We use the PSA assay to factor a "doubling rate".
That doubling rate is a good indicator of life expectancy.
I just finished drawing a chart that plots the PSA increase over time. during the entire period.

That chart clearly shows exactly when I started each run of RSO and exactly when I stopped.
The rate of growth slows significantly when ingesting oil!
It increases again when I stop!
I'm already an old fart, so a slowing is all I need to outlive the cancer.

If you want a single case, proof of effect, I finally have some documentation, such as it is.

Other than the skin tag pictures, real numbers are very hard to find.
So I'm quite happy with finally having objective lab reports to back up my more subjective, reversal of symptoms.
(weight loss, difficult urination, general malaise)

That's my 2 cents.
And I'm still here to offer it. :dance013:


Nice story. Good job! Prostate cancer runs in my family: Father had it, both of his brothers had it, his father had it, so I'm guessing I will get it at some point. Age is a critical factor. The older you are when diagnosed, the better. Reason being, prostate cancer moves more slowly in the elderly. My dad thought he was going to die when diagnosed. I told him, "don't worry", you are too old to die from it. He was 75 when diagnosed. He lived to 93. The cancer had nothing to do with his death.
Do your doctors know about your self medicating, and if so, what their take on your test results after taking the oil?
Hopefully, someone here with RSO will step up and donate.

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