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Do people REALLY think growing marijuana is easy?

It's all good.

I keep reading posts from different people, and hearing things from different folks (outside the forum) that want to come to Cali or other marijuana friendly states and grow, and they don't know the first thing about growing. They read threads on the internet or they smoke with their buddies so they think they have some inside knowledge but they don't know the game at all.

I created the thread because people use the term so loosely "I want to grow" that they really don't know what they are getting themselves into.

Before I got the grow business down, I lost a little over $10,000. Happens to a few here and there but I lived and I learned.

For most of the people "talking" about how they want to grow, they just don't realize its an animal in itself.


O for sure.

Well I have done my homework and I am very confident that I will not have the best buds of course butI dont see any reason I wont be able to pull a decent harvest, especially with all the help from people on here.

I mean if I need to know something all I have to do is ask some experinced people on here.
But yea people who just try to grow with no reading and no idea, and if they wont admit that there are people who can teach them a lot, they will fail.
I mean this as a sincere question, not to talk shit: can somebody explain to me exactly what part of growing they find difficult? Have you had another job in your life to compare that to? I have worked at McDonalds in high school and honestly I found working the drive thru during rush way more intellectually challenging than growing. Just sayin.
Growing to make money (or big money) is a little harder than a 400w in a closet.

With cash invested, time spent, and DEPENDING on your first harvest, there are alot of anomolies and people only see $$$$ and don't realize it's not as easy as it seems.

Otherwise, everyone would be doing it right?


Active member
easy until you have to go out of town and your plants die from no water, the light burns out or power goes out, or you fuck your shit up and grow a batch of hemp.

easy if you don't have to do it yourself. like most things, it's 10% talent, and 90% hard work and persistence and working smart.

i'm sure brewing beer is easy. i haven't done it yet because it's easier to go to the store.

i wish i could say the same thing about herb. nothing easy about forking over $60+ an 1/8th for medicinal grade.


The hardest part of growing for me has dealing with bullshit people. I have had two beautiful grows destroyed, one by rippers the other by a jealous grow partner
Jealousy is usually the hardest part with growing (ex boyfriends/girlfriends/wife/husband) and even best friends.

It sucks to have 2 days left before you chop down your harvest and you come to the grow house but the door is already kicked down and all the plants are cut off. I've heard all about it!!



Comes in different flavors too - JimBeam!!
dude all you need to do is give the plants electrolytes they love electrolytes allthey need is electrolytes water is for toilets electrolytes

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Growing should be an easy thing to learn for all of us since most all of us come from agriculturally based communities in the past and thats what we and our ancestors have mainly survived on....plants.......and the knowing of how to grow them well for food/clothing and meds....or none of us could be here talking about growing one particular plant (cannabis) for medicinal or recreational use today....

My Grandfather used to grow all of his fruits, veg's and flowers and he taught me how to do so when I was very young, so I had a close affinity with the soil from an early age....and just adapted that knowledge to cannabis at a later age...

Alot of good points have been put out in this thread, obviously to grow cannabis on a commercial level entails alot more of an investment in time, money and hard work than just growing for personnal use.....and as many members have stated the illegality of cultivation puts a tremendous burden stress-wise on the prospective grower.....thats the hardest part if you have to live in fear listening for 'THAT' knock on the door....


Growing is easy. Hiding the grow is the hard part.

Exactly! It's just a plant. Its simple to grow. It's our hobby so naturally we like to spend lots of time tweaking this and that....but really, it's quite simple.

Hiding it, and the stress of it, is the part that wears you down.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

As an experienced group, we all understand (us growers) how much lighting we need, what strains to choose, what mediums to use, what growing systems suit us best, what our P.H should be, watering cycles, CO2, etc, etc, etc…. but now that marijuana has caught such mainstream attention with shows like “Marijuana Inc.” (which I happen to love) and cannabis laws changing everyday, I hear so many people talking about “I want to grow weed” that I think to myself “man, don’t they realize how hard this is?”

Go onto to Google and type in “how to grow marijuana” and you’ll see number 1 – 698,000 different links of “how to grow marijuana”. Everyone is trying to sell their books or DVD’s but they don’t want to tell you how if you plug your lights incorrectly into different sockets how you can burn your whole house down. How you can invest anywhere from $2,000 - $40,000 and completely fuck up your first harvest by not knowing what you’re doing and losing your ass in the process, or probably getting a beating from the guy who fronted you the money!

There is so much that goes into growing, but all people see are the $$$$. (I’m talking about the retards that know nothing about this and want to grow). Am I the only one that’s kind of urked' by this or have you felt the same way? I keep reading posts on different people wanting to move out to cannabis friendly states to grow but they don’t realize that true experience comes from trial and error. If you can afford it.

What do you guys think? Do people really think you just plant seeds, add some sunlight and PRESTO = you get money?

its just like the fucking kids who think they can pack their bag for the emerald triangle and by tomorrow they will be producing hundy packs....


Growing isnt difficult.Growing with the laws the way they are and the unfounded prejudices people have against it makes it a handfull


Growing should be an easy thing to learn for all of us since most all of us come from agriculturally based communities in the past and thats what we and our ancestors have mainly survived on....plants.......and the knowing of how to grow them well for food/clothing and meds....or none of us could be here talking about growing one particular plant (cannabis) for medicinal or recreational use today....

My Grandfather used to grow all of his fruits, veg's and flowers and he taught me how to do so when I was very young, so I had a close affinity with the soil from an early age....and just adapted that knowledge to cannabis at a later age...

Alot of good points have been put out in this thread, obviously to grow cannabis on a commercial level entails alot more of an investment in time, money and hard work than just growing for personnal use.....and as many members have stated the illegality of cultivation puts a tremendous burden stress-wise on the prospective grower.....thats the hardest part if you have to live in fear listening for 'THAT' knock on the door....



id say no freaking way is it easy..sure any one can drop a seed but picking up a few grams every harvest gets challenging.. my 2 c

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Growing cannabis IS easy, certainly easier than almost any commercial crop. Lets face it, there are many successful cultivation methods. Even thinking that there is some 'holy grail' of a system for growing such a well adapted plant as cannabis is rather silly. In reality, you can grow it just about any way that fancies you. While many cultivational methods work equally well, genetics are 'set in stone' and hold the most important position in the quest for growing the best. To harvest the best weed in the world, plant the best seeds and do a reasonably good job cultivating.

- ezra -

I agree with that comment from GN and i also share the opinion that there is a sort of evolutionary memory or instinct that helps us to cultivate. if your doing well at it its often because your communicating with your plants. if you get too preoccupied with technical methods of growing and more complex systems you could do well but you could also loose touch with your plants and the subtle ways they communicate to you every day. some people have the touch, known as the green thumb, which in my opinion is usually cause they can just go by their gut feel, and thats the instinct that i im talking about...

Growing should be an easy thing to learn for all of us since most all of us come from agriculturally based communities in the past and thats what we and our ancestors have mainly survived on....plants.......and the knowing of how to grow them well for food/clothing and meds....or none of us could be here talking about growing one particular plant (cannabis) for medicinal or recreational use today....
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I'd have to say easy in small grow but much more complicated as you get bigger. I've had the spidermites, then we got PM, first go had a light leak from the AC unit that caused hermies that pollinated half the crop, my partner missed the male flowers and you know the rest on that. Guys that are running big rooms and getting good yield are working hard and studying and reading. There are definitely so folks on here that make it look easy, but large op not easy, if you read ICmag for months it makes it easier.


Yes, growing MJ is easy, but so is everything else.
An artist might not have a clue how to grow a plant but they'll be the master of their craft.
Sure anyone could grow MJ easily, it sure as hell ain't rocket science....but, you can make it into rocket science.

All it takes is effort and time, and anything is possible, whether it's astrophysics or baking the perfect pie.

Not to mention, MJ is a very forgiving plant.

Most of all, though,
Anything can be easy, anything can be hard, all it depends on is who you are.

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