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Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?



women can be great growers

....just as long as they don't start knitting cozzies for the pots, or dressing up the plants in cute little outfits
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knitting cozies my ass

knitting cozies my ass

maddog99 said:
women can be great growers

....just as long as they don't start knitting cozzies for the pots, or dressing up the plants in cute little outfits

Madddog, I hope you are joking.I happen to know a woman grower(me) that is probably handier than 90% of the men on this board. As far as if this woman in question(me agian) can grow.......
ya i think so.Watch and see



........I think you took my post the wrong way

maybe it should be some "are" great growers

...reason I posted the other B.S. is because my older sis. recently got a very fluffy kitty that she dressed up in an outfit and had its pics takin

...gonna steal that damn cat one day and teach it not to let her do that shit to her anymore
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Women can be good growers.. Maybe moreso then men(womanly instincts and all) even.. But how often are women growers? It's not that men think women can't, it's that men only see a few women growing, so they assume that women can't...

And you all know what assumptions do...

Okie grown

Active member
sure there are good women growers

sure there are good women growers

It would be stupid to say that there are no women that can grow nice healthy plants.The ladys here at ic most all have pics and threads showing there skills.Perhaps there are more men growing because of the risk involved.Alot of women have kids to raise (ofcorse men do too) and dont want to go to jail.But like i said the women here can grow great!Keep on keepin on.


Wow, endzone's garden is over the top! Thanks for postin those SupaD.

And we ladies here can definitely hold our own. :D

Harvested this Monday (represents about 60% of 3 ice plants):



I usually average about 4oz/plant in DWC with 5-6 wk veg time.

Hiya Journeyman :wave: funny we haven't bumped into each other before now.

Ok, it's about time to sit with the vaporizer and hubby and cheer the sox as they break the curse!


New member
Supa Dave holy shit that is the bigges mary j leaf ive ever seen did you take pics of the buds to. You are definitely showin up alot of us guys more power to ya. I dont think my plants would mind a cozy actually i think they might like it.

Amsterdame do you got pics of those up close in the gallery. They look alot sativa but cant totally tell from that far away nice job though and 4 oz per plant is one hellof a ratio it shows how many killer growers are women and there isnt nothing wrong with that.


Hey phishy, i didnt take pic or grow that, but that is the BIGGEST ASS LEAF i ever seen too, grown by a CHICK over at CW. Thought the ladies needed some props. There is a link too her grow in my orig post, i think she said she got over 17oz's of that one and 20something oz's off of another one, now thats one girl who can grow for sure.....


Why would ANY man think that there is ANYTHING that women can't do as good as men?

Except for maybe start a war. Or piss standing up.

(and even THEN with a little practice....)


Rock on, brothers and sisters!


Hi Phishy, unfortunately I don't have close up shots of those buds. I've only got a cell phone camera, so most shots without great lighting, look pretty shitty. I keep investing my spare change in the garden, but I gotta get a decent digital camera soon. If we were doing video, I'd have it made with the Canon GL-1. :)

What you're seeing on that platter is Ice which is, I believe, a more dominant sativa hybrid, but it's definitely got some indica happening. I'd guess it's around a 60/40 mix.

Rock on ladies! :wave:


ICMag Donor
it doesnt surprize me that woman can grow amazing plants, we have that nurchuring thing goin on, i have always had house plants, and they have grown good for me. Just started growing MJ and its a little different then other plants but basicly the same, water, light and some food. Its a team effort for me and my hubby, we both take care of them, its great, i love it, brings us even closer together. that pic of that huge leaf that girl grew on CW is the biggest i have ever seen! wow i want to try to grow one that big. i dont think its a gender thing i think its a love for growing and taking the time to do it right. so as i have been saying...show us your labors of love ladies!! let everyone know we can do whatever we put our minds to:) peace and love each other;) mrs.b


Active member
Any one who assumes any gender isn't capable is a fool! There are men who are great chefs and women who are great race drivers. I think each individual should be able to seek and achieve according to their own capabilities! And if any of you ladies are in SoCal,...so am I. Good Growin'!!


My aunt has been growing 6footers in her backyard since i was a kid.
I havent seen her for a long time but id bet my bottom dollar she is still growing.
I always figured women would be better MJ Cultivators than men. Its just that it's not very common for women to grow Marijuana. I only ever met one woman that grew, but I have met an uncountable amount of guys that do.


No I never assume(d) women can't grow,
just so rare, or hardly seen.
I think it's a turn on, ( no not that way ) ;)
A green thumb is a green thumb period.



this is wery simple every grower thinks he/she is the best grower in the world
no body likes when some one ''pro'' comes to you and gives you some shitty hints.

''no no dont do it like that do it like this like i do it''

so women or man it dosent mater for my self the bud is all ways good :)

for me its ok if i ask some advice ands some one helps its great :yes:


Well...I'm growing this....


And this:

and doin' a fine job of it if I do say so myself ;)


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