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Do Men Assume Women Can't Grow?


Active member
I know a lot of keen gardeners who were women (My Nan loved it) but I think the reason less women grow is the legality of it. Blokes generally are more gung ho about things and think less about consequences. That's not to say we're stupid about it but I think we are more predisposed to being "Dodgy".

That said there's plenty of women growers on the forums just a lot of them don't publically annouce that fact.


Active member
Do men assume women can't grow?

...nope. Communal farming esp. for bhang (cannabis) is mostly done by women.
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Traktor driver
Dutchgrown said:
Generally speaking of course.............:D............was recently thinking
why there aren't more women growers online? and why men automatically
on various mj sites that the poster is a guy? Can't begin to
count how many messages I've received on other sites that all included
such things as "bro" or "mate", oh yes, and "dude", not that it bothered
me, always got a chuckle out of it. :p Perhaps it's because of all the electrical
work, or if hydro....plumbing too, just the construction/modification necessary of an indoor growing area?????


Now I think you've lived in England long enough to know that pretty much everyone (and his/her dog) can be reffered to as mate, so that one doesn't count :D


DutchGrown, I hear ya. Women are some of THE best gardeners . Lots of love and patience.I also understand about the dude, bro thing. It should be just regular conversation assuming its a Women or a Man...Not a man First. I have been guilty of this before. I will be more thought full in the future...


yes women are very good growers...some are better than others but generlly better than men. BUT as we men go on our merry way in life most women spend their life time raising children and that is where the legality comes into play. they might risk their freedom but never their children. So until more of us men raise the kiddies you probably might not see so many female growers

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I assume that women grower's like hiding behind the terms bro dude mate whatever... added security and what snot. By the way... call me Shirley :D


You will not be forgotten
once ladies get the idea of what nutrients to switch up and get the basics i would have to agree that women have the patients and care to blow most male growers outa the water :D


New member
I cant believe this is even a thread.... you men....shit.. can u show more stereotypical ignorance.... I have a great partner with whom I share an amazing bit of gardening. That, my friends, is one of the few places to be together where we can feel and share the same things... Our love of the earth, the amazement at how things grow, and because of us. The Garden is the greatest place to connect to your mate. We groove on the garden and it grooves on how we love what they do and how hard we work to make it so wonderful... We share the anticipation of the harvest and the joys of sharing the fruits with our friends and and look forward to smiling hugely at their amazement and pleasure. It is one of the best things and has added totally to the marriage (one of the reasons we hooked up... tomatoes and basil). Heading down with her now just to sit and look........ and groove baby!


i believe they can, and have the capacity to do a better job.. look at how the average non comercial grower treats his plants.. Like babies, right? well it only makes sense to me that they could have a greater capacity to grow grreat herb.

seems to me like more men are into it though.... wish i knew more female growers so i could marry one up. YEEEEEEHAW
but seriously ladies grow that grass like i know you can.


Seeing how women can hear better, have more sensitive taste buds, can see better, have the ability to lactate and live longer then males. Growing weed should be a given.

Ive never though for one second that females were any thing less then my complete equal. More like my better. But I'm one of those rare males with an open mind.

I would pick MJ grown by a female over a male any day. Due to the opinion, I'm sure y'all are more sensitive to the MJ high and a better judge of the qualities of a given plant.


Game Bred

cuz most guys are online lookin for porn anyway and come on by?
ladies have better things to do(like tending thier awesome grows*)

*have you noticed that you see guys with the most horrible grows while you hardly ever see a ladies grow look like ass?
ive yet to hear a lady grower suggest,condone or attempt peeing on plants ;)

my .02
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