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Do commercial grower's you know FLUSH?

Do commercial grower's you know FLUSH?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Stop with the flush debate already!

    Votes: 7 11.5%

  • Total voters


Bro.....EVERY ppm means somethin from the get , so without a good meter to letchas know where you`re at EC and PH wise you`re fucked....



Active member
ICMag Donor
my water is 200 ppm before nutes would that change the 750 i'm shooting for...thanks


Sorry if yas didn`t understand that EVERY ppm adds up so yes.....

If yas run tapwater then yas don`t know what`s in it causin said ppm`s so yas haveta include that in your juice measurements.....that said...

True R/O H2O is needed to know EXACTLY what`s in your juice , so work toward puttin a filter in your budget cuz hardwater nutes and or products made to work with tapwater might work just fine , but I never had access to em so R/O filters made my shit what it needed ta be for many yrs...



Enormous Member
I can't tell a difference. I've grown for a long time, and have run side-by-sides testing whether or not people could reliably tell the flushed weed over non-flushed. The results were clear, no one could tell.

I think sometimes the pot snobs need to take a step back and think (and taste)objectively.


Let`s not make generalizations CBM cuz I`ve seen some nasty ass overferted hydro dope that wouldn`t even burn well , yet was bone dry from the plant`s not havin enough time ta get rid of residual salts before chopped ,so......

The concept of flushing has it`s merits if folks tryta shove juice up the plants ass that they can`t use and ultimately store till end of cycle if ppm`s aren`t dropped consistently to allow the plants to cannibalize themselves without losin all the macro`s and micro`s they need to swell as much as they can before chop/harvey..........

Runnin lower ppm`s across the board and then toppin off with R/O and dwindlin nutrient concentrations last couple-3 weeks strain dependent till end of cycle always worked for me.....and...

I respect that you never over-juiced your plants where folks couldn`t tell the difference between flushed and non flushed and that`s as it should be....

Less is more...DHF...:ying:.....


Active member
flushing is really a bad term and confuses the shit of things

flushing in soil or any other medium is really flooding your medium with excess water to rid the medium of salts, buildup and or break the ionic bond with the rhizosphere

Actually.. that's called leaching.

Flushing in soil is simply switching to plain water, waterings.... the last few weeks.

CBM: I've run into literally THOUSANDS of tokers that have no distinction between flushed/un-flushed. Hundreds of growers too.
Bottom line is... I can tell, and if I can tell... your body sure doesn't need it. *shrug*
Hell, I can tell when you use tap-water instead of R/O. Can tell if you used tap-water throughout the grow and only flushed with R/O.
Line em up.. I'll sort em out, easy as pie.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Actually.. that's called leaching.

Flushing in soil is simply switching to plain water, waterings.... the last few weeks.

CBM: I've run into literally THOUSANDS of tokers that have no distinction between flushed/un-flushed. Hundreds of growers too.
Bottom line is... I can tell, and if I can tell... your body sure doesn't need it. *shrug*
Hell, I can tell when you use tap-water instead of R/O. Can tell if you used tap-water throughout the grow and only flushed with R/O.
Line em up.. I'll sort em out, easy as pie. Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Exactly. No matter if a person can tell or not, this med issue concerns people that are already sick and do not need to be subjected to even the remote possibility that nutes left in the weed might harm them or worsen their conditions. What's the question? If you a growing for others, flush the damn stuff. If you are the only one using it then do as you will. Like so many things these days, there may be a lawsuit caused by the distant effects of nutes left in weed and you don't want to be on either end of that turkey do you? My friends cut off the nutes, change the hydro water to straight R/O and Clearex used as suggested on the package. They also ran it for 24 hours or more and watched the meters until the numbers quit climbing. They couldn't tell the difference but someone like Hydro-Soil has suggested that can taste it then use it as recommended. They start flushing when the 1/3 to 1/2 of the trichomes are yellowed and flush for two weeks. Sure it adds some time but the results are worth it to them and me...


Active member

The really big issues come into play when you start making Simpson oil or Holy Annointing oil to help a patient that's in dire need.

Concentrated tapwater elements? Concentrated low-levels of nutes? Not in my meds, thanks. These people already have immune systems in dire jeapordy.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Guys....This is the OLDEST runnin arguement on the forums from the mid-90`s when weed boards first came online.....

To flush or not to flush.....I`ve seen Organic and Hydro EXPERTS butt heads and folks banned from swearin by their methods and results with neither backin down , cuz they`re both right and I`ll explain why...

As stated above I agree with flushin/leachin , wtf ever yas wanna call it with dirt/soil/organics cuz of all the amendments and shit the media/substrate is comprised of to give the plants the vital nutrients , macro`s and micro`s they so need to try to be all they can be by end of cycle......but...

To dilute all the stored guano`s ,green sands , rock phosphates and God only knows what else is inside the rootzone ,it TAKES that dilution factor for the "fade" so the plants will cannibalize themselves of the stored nitrogen for the yellow fan leaves and "fall colors" like outdoor plants resemble before chop....and now....

In hydro and coco as well , ppm`s can be dwindled down to well below most tapwater levels that folks drink every day as in less than 200 , and with proper dry and cure the ppm`s left over from liquid nutes is less than negligle....and...

I understand as well about making extracts from fan leaves for Rick`s oil Hydro-Soil , but I assure yas all the oil I made for my arthritis before shutdown was/is just as fuckin pure and functional as your organic flushed wtf ever you make , no disrespect intended...but...now....

I`m gonna cross the line and not only call bullshit but HORSESHIT on you`re so-called abilities to discern the difference in the solutions used to grow a plant properly for med patients to consume , cuz I`ve gifted at least 50 of my old head grow bro POTSNOB`S from Hell on the left coast over the yrs with my shit and not 1 , but EVERY 1 begged me ta show em howta grow such clean tasting , gray ash burning , and awesome bag appeal meds.....and I did...

To finalize my first hand observations over the yrs.....The plants have no idea what they`re eatin be it organic or hydro and I guarantee yas 1 thing that I`ve already made clear and stand by it from witnessing first hand over many yrs........

Flushing in any setup but dirt will starve your plants of the goody they need to finish and be all they can be...If yas run low ppm`s from the get , there`s not much chance of the plants havin a lot of stored nutrients to be cannibalized in the first place , so keep toppin off with R/O and let them bitches hoon and swell till they can`t no more.....then ....

Chop their ass and see what they SHOULD look like with a proper dry and cure....or not and keep flushin....and lastly.....

Again no disrespect intended Hydro-Soil , but you stated an opinion and not a sound science so I had ta call yas out on it......



Very intresting guys, thanks for all the considerations to be taken when you decide to flush or not.Krunch, hydro,DHF everyone...
to answer the initial question yes i do flush or leach what have yah. most every other comerccial medical grower i know also flushes. i just water with good ol clean water for the last 2 weeks.


Is there no easy way to get some facts about/test this properly? Would you need a gaschromatograph to test the plantjuice and the plantmatter over some time?
How about a brixmeter, i know it tests sugar, but maybe there is a correlation that would help us to approximate dissolved/stored salts?


I`m gonna go all high tech redneck cuz the only thing that I would trust for TRUE comparisons from each and every specimen across the board would be the "Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry test" for EVERY element leftover in each fuckin piece of nug material , so as to tell the TOTAL truth and not just add conjecture and speculation on how much water it took to get X amounts of plants from flushed and finished to dried and cured certified organic "med patient" quality......compared to....

Just droppin/dwindlin ppm`s and lettin em finish as Mother Nature intended under normal conditions outside cuz....

See guys...here`s the thing........

Ya`ll are tryin ta grow dope inside that was meant for OUTSIDE....so....

To do it right and yield accordingly takes all the little things combined with perfect environment and minimum 50 watts per sq ft IME "inside"....

Been missin my Bobble`s for the technical/scientific explanation`s , but just tryin ta help folks do more with less and end up with more....

Good luck...DHF...:ying:....


The labs agree with me. Not you. Sorry.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Show me the money.....Don`t talk and run HS.....Show me lab reports on fully dwindled down hydro dope versus fully organic so-called "med quality" nuggage....

Labs prolly don`t even know what they`re testin other than what`s told em , much less what substrate/medium and nutrient regimen used cuz most growers don`t know how much juice is up their plants asses , ESPECIALLY Organic growers only usin water and soil ammendments....so.....

Again.... Callin Bullshit....I`m from Missouri.....Show me....and not just show me your side that`s most surely biased , but rather "both sides" equally diagnosed and tested usin the same strain flushed and so-called organic against the other grown with no more than 750 ppms of hydro nutes.over the life of the plants till couple weeks or so toppin off the rez with R/O till finish with below 200 ppms till proper dry and cure that get`s rid of all but miniscule amounts that ONLY a Lab could discern....so....

Labs will pick mine every time as the cleanest....bet on it....



Active member
i always flush. but one time using ej i didnt and nobody knew the difference including me. i go really light on the nutes tho and taper off to the end. i like my plants ugly at finish LOL


Active member
Labs will pick mine every time as the cleanest....bet on it....

Pay for the lab results and prove it. *shrug* You're talking out of your hat.

I can pick out unflushed meds, every time... without a lab. Obviously you, like the next 10,000 people next to you, are not as sensitive as I am. It's a fact of life that I deal with, every day.

Call up a lab in a state that does testing... ask them what the residual nutrient amounts in thier meds are. Guaranteed, the top meds they test are flushed.

I'm done here. People can believe the desensitized populace... or they can take the word of the labs and the rare peeps like myself that are that sensitive.

Personally, I'm going to spend money on my kid instead of sending meds to the lab to show everyone I'm right. You do what you like.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


It's very well possible that you have a finer sense of smell and or taste, Hydro-Soil. Then again, maybe your talking out of your ass, like ca. 90% of the wine-testers. ;)
Considering that most people can't even differentiate strains and phenos by blindtesting, i would say you're the outlier.


3rd-Eye Jedi
its more finite than that, i cannot smoke most peoples pot because the smoke is hotter and thicker

its simple take brix measurements at harvest time of pot you let fade before harvest and take the brix measurement of pot you fed till maturation cure them the same and smoke them

it is not doing anyone any good comparing their personal experience as an end all proof especially when you don't have a "comparative" method to share

it does highlight the complete lack of understanding in regards to mineral content in plants and its effect on smoke and the inhalation there of, if anyone's ego gets tweaked by this comment your don't belong here

there are very few studies regarding ambient mineral and the effects on the composition of smoke and properties of combustion

i have seen a few smatterings of information of the last few decades but very very little overall

HOWEVER minerals have profound effects on combustion, smoke and environmental contamination

hi brix does not mean it wont smoke well or be aceptable smoke but there is a big differencce in the composition of smoke in pot pulled with high brix or low brix

by restricting access to feed right before harvest fading you can bring high brix plants and have them feed off of their ambient leaf stores


that is, your growing resin to smoke, the flowers themselves should have the chlorophyll, the waxes and tars and the minerals depleted by the time it hits the pipe

now fading is not an end all and much of the process is also facilitated by a good cure, and this is not to say high brix plant matter is "unheady"

ive had plenty of organic pot that was never 'faded" or "flushed" but simply cured and it smoked well tasted well and left a nice ash

ive also had plenty of chemically grown hydroponics (grew in water with GH then ionic for a decade) t smoked well tasted well and left a nice ash

ive also had every variation in between and I have also smoked plenty I mean PLENTY of organically grown well faded pot and my lungs as well as those of my contemporaries recognize the difference

it is preposterous that anyone contend that minerals do not have their own properties that lend to combustion properties smoke composition or can end up part of the smoke itself

what commercial croppers don't want to flush cause the thought of growing a plant in declining health is a potential loss of revenue

but no one is gonna just step up and say it

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