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DIY: Alternative to Smoking with Butane Lighters, No cash for a vaporizer? This might


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be the next best thing... (rest of the title)

Hello everyone! :wave:

I made this thread on another site and figured it'd be a waste not to post it here. I made this thread before I read anything about the thread here. Don't really want to start an argument just want to put my opinion out there.


I decided to make this thread cause this is something that can greatly improve the quality of the smoke for people using butane lighters to smoke their herb. :smoke:

A while ago I was at a friend's house and he showed me a product he had gotten. It was this waxy hemp string wrapped around a piece of cardboard. You would light the string with a lighter then use it to light the bowl, joint, etc. The product is called Bee Line. So my friend let me have a pack to try out. I went through the entire pack and was completely annoyed when I had to go back to using butane lighters when I ran out. I had to get more so I thought about buying some from their website. You can buy 1 box with 20 packs for $26 with shipping and 3 boxes with 60 packs for $66. They do ship internationally.

Here is some information on Bee Line from their website.

Beeline is easy on you and easy on earth. It's hand made from all natural ingredients: hemp, bee's wax, and hand wrapped around recycled paper.

Whether your smoking your pipe, cigars, medicinal herbs, or hand rolled tobacco, you get the full flavor and no extra chemical taste.

Butane, sulpher, and flint from lighters are all highly poisonous and should not be inhaled. Studies have proven that long term inhalation of butane leads to serious lung, heart, liver, and kidney problems and is also very damaging to the brain and spinal cord. Fortunately there is an answer, Beeline. It is chemical free so say good bye to butane caused headaches after smoking.

If you'd like to check out their site more just google "Bee Line hemp".

Upon reading their website I discovered Bee Line is simply hemp string covered in beeswax. I took it upon myself to find the products and try to make it myself about a month ago. I have loved having this stuff around. I've even got my friend and my gf hooked on it.

How to make your own Bee Line.
This is the method I've come up with which seems to work rather well. If you try to make your own and come up with a better method feel free to post it and share the knowledge.


1) Hemp String - You probably want some of the skinniest string you can find. I think the thicker string will produce too big of a flame and be dangerous.

2) Beeswax - The kind I got is a small rectangular brick.

3) Bowl - One you don't mind ruining possibly. An old piece of tupperware might do the trick.

4) Scissors - This is the item I use to manipulate the beeswax when it's melted. Again you might want to be prepared for these to be ruined so if you only have one pair you might want to pick up another before you do this.

5) Cutting Device/Multi-Tool - Use this to cut the beeswax down in to smaller chunks.


You should be able to find hemp string and beeswax at a local arts and crafts or hobby store. The beeswax should be in the candle making section. You might need to ask where the hemp string is.

I had scissors and a crappy bowl lying around so all I had to buy was the beeswax and the hemp string which ran me about 15 bucks. $10 for the beeswax and about $5 for the string. I didn't really shop around on this stuff so I dunno if these are good prices.

Putting it all together

Step 1
First you are going to need to separate a bit of beeswax from the main block. For me this was actually the most laborious part of this entire project. I use the simple multi tool listed above to cut the wax. I just apply a flame to the blade for 30 seconds to a minute. After it gets nice and hot just start cutting away at the beeswax.


Chances are you will have to repeat this step a couple times before you get enough off. Honestly you don't need much. A 1" X 1" cube should be good enough to start. It also helps if you break the beeswax up in to small chunks so it requires less heating.

Most objects you use to cut the wax, ie knives can be cleaned by burning away the wax that builds up on them.

Step 2
Next you are going to just throw the bowl in the microwave and heat it in 30 second intervals until the wax is completely melted. Each time it comes out you can stir is up a bit to help it melt.

Be very careful as whatever bowl you use can become very hot, not to mention the beeswax itself.


Step 3
Warning: You can burn the crap out of yourself if you aren't careful. You can also ruin clothing with this wax. Be careful not to spill it!

1. Roll the hemp string up around your hand as shown in the picture.

2. Drop the hemp string in to the bowl. Making sure it is wound nicely will make it easier to submerge the string in the wax. Use the base of the scissors to force the string in to the beeswax.

3. I then flip the beeswax to completely cover the other side. The string quickly is saturated with the wax. You can tell as it becomes much darker.

4. Once you have saturated the string with wax carefully pull it out using the tips of the scissors. It's good to have something to drape the string over while it drips excess wax. A simple sheet of paper will do the trick or possibly even the container you melted it in.


Step 4
Next you will want to let the wax cool for about 30 seconds to a minute, however long you feel comfortable waiting. You will be pulling the string between your fingers to pull off excess wax. The sooner you start this process after you submerge it the easier it is to remove excess wax. This may hurt a little at first if you start very soon but once you get a good wax covering on your fingers you can do the rest with relative ease.


Step 5
Now comes the part where you can be even more creative with this project. Figuring out how to store your home-made bee line. Of course the company just gives it to you wrapped around a small piece of cardboard, but you have more options than this. If you aren't worried about anything fancy you can just roll the string up and use it as shown below.


I have come up with some other interesting methods. The first method I came up with was spooling it inside a floss container. This was actually quite a neat method but re-spooling the wheel inside got to be a pain. This was a really neat method though and will probably protect the wax on the string better than some other methods.


The next time I was making a batch I came up with the idea of wrapping it around a lighter. This way you don't have to pick up two separate objects, only the lighter. I have to say this method is my favorite so far. If you find an electronic lighter like I have you can actually light the bee line then clip it with the opening of the lighter. This really seems to be ideal as you can then manipulate the small piece of bee line you have for lighting. If you don't have an electronic lighter like this lying around, its worth the investment. The one I have is re-fillable and should be good to go until something breaks.

I should mention that if you don't properly extinguish the bee line's flame it can make for some really bad accidents. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS STUFF! Especially if you use the method of wrapping it around a lighter, just think about how bad that could be. :nope:

Regardless I have been using this method and truly prefer it. Any lighter should suffice for this task.


So there you have it. How to make your own home-made bee line.

I own a volcano, bongs, bubblers, dry pieces, a huka, and quite a nice home-made gravity bong. I am telling you that the difference in the taste is absolutely there. Its similar to smoking from the volcano in that you get the pure taste of the marijuana. :yummy: The flavor really comes across nicely. I've even found myself taking that last rip of the bowl without wincing (usually I'd rather dump it out than hit that last hit).

I'd love to see some of you guys try this out. This is totally the reason I spent my afternoon making this guide. Hopefully this can improve the quality of everyone's herb smoking and taste the flavors they were meant to be tasted. Good luck on this and let me know if you have any questions!

-WesleyPipes :smoweed:
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pack a bowl

sweet little tutorial, this could be a nice alternative to a lighter but i still think a magnifying glass is the best


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Great way for someone totally baked to set their house on fire. :)

I smoke cannabis with butane lighters(BIC) or matches. I think its "safer" than using processed bees wax. Butane is natural.... Clean, No Fuel taste/smell...

Interesting but nothing I would do or use.


Registered Med User
Thats why I roll my tree up in a paper or a tobacco leaf... Yall spend more time light'n your shit then smokin it.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I don't care for the taste of burning string myself, but that is an awesome tutorial man!!

Slick holder there too with the floss thing, very clever.


New member
Well keep your Bics. Butane tastes like assholes. I'm not saying bee line is necessarily the alternative, just that butane tastes horrible.

I'd rather smoke what tasted cleaner and let me taste the weed. I'll stick with the bee line. Would also note that I smoke out of glass 95% of the time so I'd say this does benefit people whose smoking preference is glass.

I think it also help for joints.

Enough naysayers, where are the crafty heads? :drum:

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better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
I love the idea but what happens when the fuse runs out and hits the lighter? Booommm!!!! (ala RoadRunner and Coyote early childhood imprinting heh)

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Active member
Another natural alternative is dried cedar strips. These are common among cigar aficionados.


great write up! i spent 8 bucks for 2 packs of beeline the other day. what a mark up. can you tell us how much you spent on materials?


Active member
Butane, sulpher, and flint from lighters are all highly poisonous and should not be inhaled. Studies have proven that long term inhalation of butane leads to serious lung, heart, liver, and kidney problems and is also very damaging to the brain and spinal cord. Fortunately there is an answer, Beeline. It is chemical free so say good bye to butane caused headaches after smoking.

There's a slight difference between the tiny traces of butane that survive a lighter flame and get inhaled and filling a plastic bag with butane and huffing that. The latter is quite deleterious to your health and could cause what the Beeline marketing BS says. Poison is all about dosage. Carbon dioxide, for example, could also be labeled "highly toxic" because if you fill a bag with it and start inhaling you could die. Even pure oxygen will kill you.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I do think I'd have my 2nd bowl lit by the time you're done friggin' around lighting something with a lighter to then light something else.......

3rd or 4th thread in less than two weeks suggesting I'm unhealthy doing hits w/a lighter, suddenly everything other than their method of ignition is bad for you/me, guess what fellow tokers, after 40+ yrs of smokin' I can tell you all to just keep on keepin' on.......


Active member
LOL,Really!!!!You use a butane lighter to light your string,yech!!!I make my own string and then by rubbing 2 sticks together I create a spark that lights my string........much cleaner than a match or nasty old butane!!!
I also solar melt my wax,makes for a cleaner tasting product!!LOL
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all praises are due to the Most High
Another natural alternative is dried cedar strips. These are common among cigar aficionados.

excellent advice man :)
I use my glass pipe very seldom, I rather use papers personally, but for when I use the pipe, I buy a little piece of wood Ochorona lagopus and cut it in sticks. then, these wooden sticks serve to light the pipe, I light the wooden sticks with a candle that I keep lit until the toking is done. real easy and no lighters needed nor sulphur from matches either.



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
C'mon guys, I thought we appreciated and valued ingenuity around here. I saw a post here on the Bee Line, and everyone was talking about how great it was, but now this guy gets this kind of reception when he shows you how to make it yourself?

You guys are understanding that this is lit ONCE per session, right? You're not lighting it, taking a hit, and putting it out. What you're basically looking at here is a mini, portable candle. The line isn't going to burn like string, it's going to burn with a slow even flame.

Also, as far as the 'taste' of the string, um, what? You're already smoking hemp dude! :biglaugh: Just make sure you get good 100% hemp untreated uncoated string/twine. Hell, I got some at WalMart.

Thanks for the tutorial Wesley, I was looking into the Bee line and had the same thought "I could make this shit for like $2 for 20 feet" :D

As soon as I get some meds in, I'll give this a whirl. :yes:

I'll have to find another way to carry it though, the string wrapped around the lighter does look suspiciously like a stoner bomb waiting for you to forget your lighter :biglaugh:


all praises are due to the Most High
you are right NiteTiger, WesleyPipe's tutorial is real well done, and I had forgotten to comment on the great work he did with it in my previous reply :)
Read the identical guide you posted on another forum, wesley.

To the ICMaggers, i did some research after reading this guide (same guy i'm 100%) on another forum and it is incontravertible that this stuff is cleaner than using a lighter directly.
However, its a case of how much? butane is pretty nasty stuff tbh especially the impure, low grade stuff found in cheap lighters. The ultra-refined stuff we would use to make BHO will be somewhat cleaner but still a bit dirty. For joints, its easier just to use a decent electronic lighter with some well refined butane in it. But for you bong and pipe smokers this stuff is probably a wise choice, just from the fact that there is less toxins for you to suck through your bong which would work as a collector for these toxins.
don't forget butane is after all a byproduct of petroleum refinery.

hashbean did some vids on this stuff and seems to still use it quite a lot, I'm going to be making some very shortly with a combined flame snuffer within the holder for it. This is probably more of use to those of us who smoke a lot - i tend to smoke all day and am always relighting joints, packing many bongs etc.

Like all things, is going to always be personal choice. A friend of mine uses papers I would not wipe my ass on.. full of chlorine etc, really thick, and he uses roach material that has all sorts of nasties in it... won't hear of anything else.. Another friend will not smoke anything not in a glass bong.. personal choice. It's certainly worth a try to see if we like it, and can be bothered with the messing around.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Also, as far as the 'taste' of the string, um, what? You're already smoking hemp dude! :biglaugh: Just make sure you get good 100% hemp untreated uncoated string/twine. Hell, I got some at WalMart.

With all due respect - the twine covered with wax does add an extra taste that I do not notice with a bic lighter and find unpleasant. We don't smoke hemp - we smoke kind buds, and I can tell when something else is in the mix.

Good for anyone who can't taste it, but it seems a little rash to dismiss mine and others opinion on a subjective topic.

Also, for those of us who smoke personal bong loads or small hits, so we get greens every time among other reasons, that means using the burning string every time you take a hit, not just once per session as you indicate is the case. If you pack a big bowl and keep it lit, sure, but that is not how everyone smokes.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
To the ICMaggers, i did some research after reading this guide (same guy i'm 100%) on another forum and it is incontravertible that this stuff is cleaner than using a lighter directly.

I don't see how smoking with wax and string is "cleaner" than a lighter whose fuel breaks into co2 and water when combusted..

Lets see your research, as I strongly disagree with your statement.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Uh yeah sorry this doesn't compare to a hakko at all.

I actually tried bee line and fucking hate it. so annoying to put of the flame each time shaking while hitting a $400 bubbler.

hakko's are $29.95.

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