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Dime's West Coast Cannabis strainarama


You will not be forgotten
thanks for postin up Sacko man! glad to have you along for this year, hope we all have a successful season and have some tasty puffage for next year :D

hey there shinobi :wave: glad you stopped in, and hope to have you around later on this year, Smoke one for Dime

RIP darrell Abbot, your music will live on :joint:


Hi Dime,

Wish you the best for your 07'Outdoor'grow !

I will keep an eye on your ladies, they will be some great one's out of your hands :joint:

have a good day !



The Tri Guy
hehe, been pimping in the chatroom Dime? Just going on the crowd you have managed to attract to your grow thread. You have some well respected plants in your rotation, gonna sit back and watch em turn into a forest. I noticed the other forest ranger FT stop by, so if they get out of hand, you'l get em back, although watch out for forest fires.


You will not be forgotten
Hey Guys thanks for stopping in, i just took some more shots but im not able to upload them at this point. hope everything is progressing for you guys.

Walker, thanks for stoppin in wish you the best with your outdoor ladies as well.

Skar- hope to have you around when these ladies start puttin out :D keep an eye out for you later in this season.

GMT- hey budddy good to see you!! you know im pimpin it when i can, love to show my ladies to those who can appreciate them the most :joint: ill have to watch for your next run. Definately happy with my genetics and how they are looking this year, should make for a happy harvest indeed :D ill definately have to watch out for fires of anykind, hope for an uneventful year.

Keep it green, and smoke on!



You will not be forgotten


well i was able to upload a photo tonight, so i figured i would put one up to show how they are coming along inside before they go out.

(click to enlarge)

they are between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 feet tall. are on a great start for this season

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Your plants are big enough to go outside i think. When you are going to transplant them to their spots? Good luck with your grow :D


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother? man those look nice a bushy.. Have they all showed sex?
great work brother.. bbl peep some updates.. peace..



The Tri Guy
How many are you putting out Dime? Doin em single cola rather than topping them a few times while young?


You will not be forgotten
Hey Gents :wave:

Grunwald- hows it goin man, they have been vegging for at least 3 months already from established clones, so i do believe they are ready to face a long veg period outside :D

hey there Sacko man good to see you! these are all clones from female mothers so no need for them to show sex, even though most do have some calyx poppin out here and there. Best wishes to you as well on your venture this year, and wish you many females!

GMT- hey there buddy! at this point im not sure how many exactly are doing out, at least as far as this garden goes. i might be trying some other genetics elsewhere depending on time constraints and weather. if those start up and running i might do a grow log on them as well. at least 6-12 at 3feet plus are goin out, and i am planning on topping them real well before they go out and dropping the tips that are cut in rooting gel.

Hope to see you guys back around soon!
its time to smoke so until next time i bid you all a fond farewell :joint:



There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Glad you finally made it back to chat.. Only way I would have found your thread lol.

Thanks for the link.......oh and ..........T A G


The Tri Guy
:pimp3: lol, got yer hat on again dime?

Ah now I can see what you're doing with them dime, ok, still watching, and waiting for that :yoinks: moment that I know is coming.


Joint Date: Today.
duuude those babes are FULL of grow shots!! youll have some monsters in your backyard again!

Ill be here watching :smile:



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
^^^ yeah, no lie, you're gonna have some serious trees on your hands!
Get them outside soon, please! :D:yes: Yer gonna need a backhoe to bury 'em!


You will not be forgotten


Thanks for all the kind words and dropping by everyone! i am very excited about this year. by my calculations it should be one to remember if i have anything to do with it :woohoo:

Imnotcrazy- glad you decided to stop by and post man! hope you got this page tagged cuz it should be at least a decent show, and hopefully we see some interesting things happening in the garden this year.

GMT- hey again man! the hat sure is on! heh, this year im hoping to be able to snip a decent ammount of clones off these ladies to quick root any possibly throw among some ground cover to fight for life. we will have to see where my laziness gets in the way of my ambition this year :bat: Hope to see you you soon brotha, ill keep an eye out for you :wave:

Xtra- thanks for droppin in on my humble grow. really hope to out do myself this year with size. hope to have these ladies in the ground very soon. and yeah! anyyyyyy day now heh, only a few hundred days left of vegative lighting and all :D

PureSativa- hey mon! thanks for stopping by with more Dime photos, you picked out some good one! Hopefully everything continues to go along smoothly for me as well as the rest of you with your seasons this year! i expect to be seeing some mighty fine ladies in your thread this year as well :yummy:

Wamen- yeah these ladies are primed and ready to rock it outside, the sshxkush that i have outside is starting to flower a bit, so she might have to come inside for a while to stablize and bring their hours down slowly. Once these ladies get chopped up a bit they will be ready to bush out in the ground!

Highlighter- hey there, thanks for dropping in. sure hope to have some serious bushed out trees this year, that would be great. you dont need to coax me to get them outside! heh, iv been wanting to get them out, but this one plant that started flowering outside is making me put it all on hold for a bit. i dont want any hold up from plants revegging. Hope to see you back here as things progress.

Figured i would throw in some shots to make things interesting from last years garden.

a little super cropping action that really helped to hold up all the weight above it^

Some colas from the smallest plant^

a wider view of the christmas trees^

heres a shot that i love for its color^!

Hope you all have a great and safe season.

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