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Dimebagg's Ultimate Reboot - 150w perpetual 1gallon DWC


Nice grow, dimebagg.
How often do you have to adjust pH given that you grow in 1 gallon tanks?
I have a small hydro experiment in a tank 3 times bigger and I have to adjust pH 2 times a day.

Sorry for the late response, been away for awhile. I dont have to adjust the pH, I let my nutes do that for me. I think that managing pH on this scale without a pH buffering nute would be pretty difficult. What nutes are you using?



Well guys, its been a long time. I took myself a little vacation, and had the garden looked over by the one person I trust doing so. They aren't a smoker, but they enjoyed the experience and were glad to help. Since they knew nothing about growing anything, my feeding instructions were simple, and I insisted to them that no matter how bad the plants looked when I got back, I wouldnt blame them.

I came back to what I expected: a load of overgrown, light-burnt plants. My PPP in flowering was droopy, soggy feeling, with lots of dead leaves and a big portion burnt form the light. I trimmed her up a bit, tied down what I could, and let her relax a few days with plain water. So today, for the first time in a month, I dumped and cleaned the pot, to unveil a load of undissolved nutes in the bottom of the pot.

So anyways, again, this is not my work. Although I cleaned her up a little already, heres my PPP after being parted with me for almost a month:


She still smells nice, slightly sweet with a hint of fruitiness. Plenty sticky too. Buds arent too dense for the most part, but the few large ones are filling out decently. So I did a huge trim job, got most of the crunchy dead and dying leaves out of there. Not what I like to do usually, but this freak situation called for it.


So yea, I'll be updating more frequently from here on out. Just went through some big changes in my life, all of them good, and Im finally getting able to settle in again. Stay tuned


Thanks majortom, she should give me plenty of stash to last for the moms to start getting sexed. They also overgrew, and since my caretaker took over at such a critical time, he didnt know how to train or LST or trim, and they are concepts that are hard to teach on a whim. The moms have lost a lot of lower limbs, and may now be too tall for the mom box. Ive got a few new clones in the rooting pot, and just moved a SSSDHxG13, a Bubbleicious, and a Satori into the flower chamber to sex. In 24 hours the Satori already put out some pistils!

So thats where I am. Im back, and able to tend to my girls needs. I'll have a good stash soon which I hope proves to be a good trial run. That should last me the next 2 months until the cycle starts picking up. I cant wait to see how these moms turn out


Welcome back :) the ppp looks nice and yielding despite what happened during your vacation. Looking forward to new runs.


Active member
Good to see you back, holmes:) I loved the last one and was mad bummed when you had to stop. Likewise I'm just starting up again:)
Sorry for the late response, been away for awhile. I dont have to adjust the pH, I let my nutes do that for me. I think that managing pH on this scale without a pH buffering nute would be pretty difficult. What nutes are you using?

I'm using a locally produced powdered nute mix that is used for cultivation of strawberries. It's really cheap, and when used in coco it works very well (I adjust ph to 5,8).
The 3 gallon tank I used in a 4 site drip system experiment that got ruined because of the heatwave we had here (temps got to 40 C!!!), basically I had to adjust ph once in the morning and once around 8 pm using citric acid (I think it's called that). I haven't abandoned the whole idea though, probably going to run a dwc in 30 l tank or recirculating dwc in series of 3l tanks. I got an aquarium pH controller thingy from a friend who used to have a saltwater fish tank, I bet that's gonna come in handy.


I'm using a locally produced powdered nute mix that is used for cultivation of strawberries. It's really cheap, and when used in coco it works very well (I adjust ph to 5,8).
The 3 gallon tank I used in a 4 site drip system experiment that got ruined because of the heatwave we had here (temps got to 40 C!!!), basically I had to adjust ph once in the morning and once around 8 pm using citric acid (I think it's called that). I haven't abandoned the whole idea though, probably going to run a dwc in 30 l tank or recirculating dwc in series of 3l tanks. I got an aquarium pH controller thingy from a friend who used to have a saltwater fish tank, I bet that's gonna come in handy.

Wow, yep, sounds to me like you just need to find the right nutes for yourself. Im always a fan for locally produced anything, but I think youd be better off with sometime more specialized. I can vouch for General Hydroponics Flora Nova series (liquid), and Im now using General Hydroponics Maxi Grow/Maxi Bloom (powder). I decided to try powder out this time for cleanliness, and just to see if there was a difference between the two. I'll need to do a few more runs before I can say which worked better for me, but so far both have done well.

Both nute lines buffer the pH 5.8ish. Ive tested with strips and its always close. I dont have a nice professional pH tester, but that just because I have no use for one. If the pH reads closely on the strips, and Im producing enough stash for myself, then I'll just keep on truckin
Thank you Dimebagg for clearing a lot of things out for me. The nutes that I use are most likely intended for run to waste systems or very large setups, I guess.
However, in my neck of woods people don't do commercial hydro much so selection of nutes is limited apart from my mix, the only thing available were single salts that I would have to mix myself, and I'm by no means chemically inclined (economy major, lol).
A grow shop opened recently, though, and they carry GHE and Hesi ferts, so I'll chek it out.

silver hawaiian

Active member

I'm late for the show, but I love your setup! And beyond the setup, your photos/diagrams/dimensions/scale is outstanding!


h^2 O

absolutely amazing dude - that one plant right there is like a qp. Jesus. This is exactly the kind of setup I need to put together. Very nice man!
As for the 12/12 from seed - any pics of that? How did it turn out? I've got some now that I'm thinking of flowering...probably end up with like an 8th though
Whatever you're feeding them - it's working.


Thank you Dimebagg for clearing a lot of things out for me. The nutes that I use are most likely intended for run to waste systems or very large setups, I guess.
However, in my neck of woods people don't do commercial hydro much so selection of nutes is limited apart from my mix, the only thing available were single salts that I would have to mix myself, and I'm by no means chemically inclined (economy major, lol).
A grow shop opened recently, though, and they carry GHE and Hesi ferts, so I'll chek it out.

Sure thing brother. Your new local grow shop should definitely carry at least one of the two. Good luck man.



I'm late for the show, but I love your setup! And beyond the setup, your photos/diagrams/dimensions/scale is outstanding!


Thanks bud, Youre not too late at all. Ive had some problems with my camera, but as soon as its repaired I'll be back to some better quality photos. I want this thread to be as close to a DIY as possible, so anyone can replicate it as closely as they want.


absolutely amazing dude - that one plant right there is like a qp. Jesus. This is exactly the kind of setup I need to put together. Very nice man!
As for the 12/12 from seed - any pics of that? How did it turn out? I've got some now that I'm thinking of flowering...probably end up with like an 8th though
Whatever you're feeding them - it's working.

Thanks man. That big PPP is the 12/12 from seed! Its been about 10 weeks or so. Running them from seed adds about 2 or 3 weeks on to the flowering time to allow the plant to develop, it took almost 3 weeks to show sex if I remember correctly.

From my past experiences, as well as with this grow, the 12/12 from seed is difficult to maintain in my area. Growth is so explosive with this hydro setup that, with the extra few weeks of growing, I cannot keep my plants small enough to share the box with other ladies. But its always fun to try! haha.

I'll be able to maintain the clones much easier, and will have multiple maturing plants in the flowering chamber very soon.



Well, in an unexpected turn of events, the PPP has been chopped. She died sometime in the past 3 days after her water change, maybe it was shock or something, idk. The just started turning a light brown/greyish color and started drying up. I tried to get some pics, they look like the color is off but its not as washed out as it seems. The buds are actually close to that color. Any idea what this looks like? Im trimming and hanging as I type, I wish she could have went another week or two.

Im going to start running my water through a pur or brita filter, Im afraid theres something a little off about it





Active member
Sounds/ looks like mold dude, bummer. Is your rh too high? Good looking yields though man, keep it up, I'll be sittin' here.


Sounds/ looks like mold dude, bummer. Is your rh too high? Good looking yields though man, keep it up, I'll be sittin' here.

Ive never had mold problems, not sure what to look for other than what I've read. So theres a chance I really shouldnt be smoking this?


Inspirational set up, it's a shame to see them looking so unhealthy. What are your average humidity/temps?
check the base of the stem theres prolly a ring of white mold about a inch under ur medium. i had a few do this to me (looks the same way) on a mother and 1 6 weeks threw flower having the water lvl too high in the res was my best guess on why it happened. others were fine in the cabs so i dont think rh/temps was the culprit. the worst part is that once u catch it... its already over.

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