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Someone PLEASE Explain!


New member
Warning: Venting!!!

Hi guys!

I am just curious about a few things and maybe someone here can help.

Why is that for every question about hydro I can get 50% to say "yes" and 50% to say "no"......no matter WHAT the question!!!

This is insane....humans have been growing plants for over 2000 years!!!! Have we not figured ANYTHING out in those 2000 years???

The real kicker is that in Hydroponics nobody seems to know even weather or not Micro-Biology in the root zone is even a good idea or not. Simply pathetic I tell ya!!

Nothing seems to work as it should. There are COUNTLESS products out that ALL claim to do the same amazing things!

You got your zymes.......

You got your carbo's.....

You got your Root Stimulators.....

You got your Bio critters..........

Then there is the onslaught of nutrients......

It just seems to me that more would be known after all this time......or that someone trying to learn to grow could simply do the research, find the answers, run a few test and be on his or her way!!

Some growers seem to have found the MAGIC combo.......I guess if you hold your mouth just right and your water chemistry happens to match the species of plant, the method used, and the nutrients you are using...........


Active member
There's all different forms of hydro, different mediums, etc. There's no one formula for everything. You can test out every product and you'll get different results depending on strains and environmental factors.


New member
I am WELL aware that there are different forms of Hydro.....as I have tried them ALL!!

Your missing the point...the problem is that there is no right or wrong answer....EVER!!

Like I said, for every question asked, you will get 50% to say no and 50% to say yes.....THATS INSANE!!!!

There should be a way for a person to select the method of growing and then research the answers for that specific method and plant species!!



Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
You must have missed my point too

" there is more than 1 way to do things"

If you are following advice posted on ICMAG, you are best served looking at who posted it, and what their results are.

I would never even entertain a theory of better growing from someone who has no evidence to back it up. Check their profiles and galleries for results, that will tell you the right way


New member
Ok, maybe I should give an example......

Lets take using a product like a root stimulator. Name one .....most use some form of micro-herd type approach. Meaning you have these critters that live in your root zone.

Ok lets say the system is a DWC that recirculates. Your medium is hydroton.

Call General Hydroponics and speak to a engineer. He will tell you that critters in DWC is a bad thing. Use florashield to rid your DWC of critters and keep it STERILE!!


Why are there ALL these products that promote micro-herds and fungi for the root zone in DWC?????

Please explain.........I got MANY more about EVERY aspect of Hydroponics down to the very water source.....and 28 years of testing methods and products.

And thanks for your time Snypes...I see you are a senior member and part of the 1% club....does that percentage represent the amount of growers who have actually found the right combination that matches there water chemistry and grow methods??? That sounds about right.....:)

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

so the rep from GN says you should BUY another product from them? There is your answer right there, that will help... Their bottom line that is....

Your "critters" tend to be bacteria that help roots draw up more nutrients, how can that be a bad thing? Sure, eventually, I am certain it can start to mess with your PPM and PH, and possibly start clogging up stuff. But no one promised this was easy

Most growing questions can easily be solved by using C.S

COMMON SENSE... which alas, the internet has a severe shortage of. The only advice I follow while growing anything is my own...


Active member
There are too many variables involved for any cut and dry answers. The key to good gardening, is learning to read your plants. They will tell you what they want, or don't want, and you adjust untill things are good. Then you can experiment with other products to try to get a healthy plant to yeild more. If you are constantly changing strains, it will be hard to dial in a hydro system, and I would recommend soil. But if you plan on learning the ins and outs of a particular pheno, i would go hydro, as it is easier to change things, and you see the result of the changes much faster. Anyways, that is why you need to read and fill your brain with as much info as possible so that you can make those decisions based on your circumstances, as well as learning to experiment on your own.


Active member
So someone fucked up their first harvest and wants to blame all the stuff that didn't work like it was supposed to. Everything I use seems to work like it's supposed to for me.


There is both good and bad advice given on these boards. People here will help you but ultimately you have to do your own research and your own thinking. If you are new to growing keep it simple. Don't even worry about enzymes, carbs, and additives if it is your first grow. Just use something simple like the Lucus formula or maybe Pure Blend pro.

Also, you might think about getting a mentor. One piece of decent advice is sometimes better than 50 conflicting pieces of advice.

Education is almost never free. Sometimes you pay for tuition and books, other times you pay for your education through mistakes. So, while you didn't meet your harvest goals on your first grow surly you learned some things that will improve your next grow.

I am sorry you are upset and I am sorry things didn't go your way. Better luck next time.


Active member
Sorting through the jumble of science, superstition, misinformation and advertising BS can give ya a real headache. Your best bet is find someone on ICmag whose results and experience you respect and mimic their approach. Personally, I always had spectacular results in hydro without any micro-organism additives. I may be too easy to please but spectacular is good enough for me. Why complicate things trying to squeeze a few more grams out of your grow? But that's just me. Good luck.


Active member
Good advice

Good advice

There is both good and bad advice given on these boards. People here will help you but ultimately you have to do your own research and your own thinking. If you are new to growing keep it simple. Don't even worry about enzymes, carbs, and additives if it is your first grow. Just use something simple like the Lucus formula or maybe Pure Blend pro.

Also, you might think about getting a mentor. One piece of decent advice is sometimes better than 50 conflicting pieces of advice.

Education is almost never free. Sometimes you pay for tuition and books, other times you pay for your education through mistakes. So, while you didn't meet your harvest goals on your first grow surly you learned some things that will improve your next grow.

I am sorry you are upset and I am sorry things didn't go your way. Better luck next time.

Excellent advice in fact. In my experience you rarely go wrong keeping it simple.


Active member
Posted in the Infirmary but No mention of a specific problem or sick plants??

Posted in the Infirmary but No mention of a specific problem or sick plants??

Rather than bitch about the current flow of the Hydroponics Industry why not ask of those who can make something work how they do it? If there was 1 program that worked best in every environment and was readily available worldwide everyone would use it (note that this was said with a heavy emphasis on the sarcasm). Would it surprise you that a rep at GH suggested I use Sensizym if I wanted Live Enzymes or Hygrozym if I wanted to use enzymes in a bacteria free solution? Neither of these products are made or distributed by GH. He wasn't trying to sell me something else from their line. He was answering my question about whether or not to use an enzyme based product with FloraNova. I rest My case ...