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Pulled this off of DEA microgram

West JB, Hurley JM, Dudas FO, Ehleringer JR. The stable isotope ratios of Marijuana. II. Strontium isotopes relate to geographic origin. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2009;54(6):1261-1269. [Editor’s Notes: The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of marijuana samples grown in 79 counties across the United States was analyzed to determine if a primary geological signal is retained in marijuana, which could therefore be useful for geographical sourcing. The marijuana results were compared with modeled bedrock 87Sr/86Sr values based on 87Rb decay rates and a generalized geological map of the USA. A significant correlation was observed between marijuana 87Sr/86Sr and modeled bedrock 87Sr/86Sr. Although values clustered near the 1:1 relationship, there was a predominance of possible anomalies, perhaps attributable to carbonate bedrock. A small number of negative anomalies were also observed, which were generally associated with granitic bedrocks. These results suggest that strontium isotopes in marijuana record the geographical origins of marijuana, and that refinement of the base strontium map (or strontium isoscape) and improved understanding of other strontium sources would be productive. Contact: Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA.]

I thought this was interesting, if anyone had trouble reading this. The piece says that they can identify where outdoor cannabis was grown. I would think around my area, it would look like many other counties!


Active member
some crazy shit, isn't it? saw something about this in the news a couple years ago - cops in AK were using it to track where the pot was coming from. They actually made some progress with it if I'm not mistaken.


Well-known member
Not sure I bye that are you sure that’s what it says because seeds from outdoor growers are traded all the time. Are they talking about the uptake of water and minerals the plant does while growing or just what the origin of the plant is. Because the later just tells where it came from not where it was just grown.

I find it hard to believe (not impossible) that they can pin point what area or even state the plant came from. Region maybe because Midwest may have a different makeup then southwest for example but breaking it down to any one state lets say IN vs. WI hard to believe because states are just man made borders has nothing to do with geographic makeup.
Hammie its the uptake of a specific strontium isotpe they are looking at. Well rather the decay rate of said isotope and then matching it to a loctation with an identical decay rate.

This maybe new to MJ but strontium is in your bones. Anaylsis of your bones Hamstring can determine what area you live. So its just an old trick being given a new purpose. It can't pin point where your growing at, but it can ball park it. So that way the DEA MJ erdactation teams can concentrate on regions with high growth density.
no way this would really work since most people use heavy amendments and different soil etc. etc.

Yes it can work. Strontium will be in the same ground you dump your soil into. It can and will be absorbed by plants. Perhaps you plant close to the bedrock it eminates from. Or your plants roots will grow out of your soil into the native soil. Or when it rains it can leach in from the surronding soil.

I'm not saying that this test is infallible or anything. There are limitations to it, as stated above. Maybe even others not mentioned in the article. I'm guessing that this test would only be used after a large bust, that was, obviously, not in the grow area. The testing of small random samples just seems a waste of time and money.

High Noon

Where ever the soil companys get their peat from will be showin' up on a radar somewhere, blipin' like a motherfucker.
They'd never be able to pull off a study like that here in the states because it is federally illegal to do marijuana research.


smuggling methods...

smuggling methods...

Wouldn't it be cost prohibitive anyway to test a bunch of weed? only if they already suspected it was the same...

I think Ive paged through all of those micrograms. some very ingenius hiding places. think of all the things they aren't finding. I see the finally wised up and made the new ones private.
Didn't that they put the H in the coke bricks because it the Mexicans charge the Columbians more to move H? It said somewhere in one
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