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DIE Mickey DIE! I Will Kill You At Any Time!!! WATCH OUT!



Mickey, if you dare to step in my house one more time, I swear it will be your last!

I hate you! I hate your Mother and Father! I wish you would all DIE!

There's a mouse in my house! I saw it a while ago. Bold devil! I put new batteries in my electric chair for mice from Victor Mouse Trap Company.

When I opened the trap up, there was Mickey's brother dead already! YUCK.

I screamed.

I got after Mickey with a machete, but he is too quick for me.


Get that lil' bastard!!



No Longer a Human Watering Can
HA HA HA ,,,, i can just picture it .... u chasing a mouse swinging a machete !!!!! ha ha ha

h^2 O

that's horrible man. I once got called over by a neighbor who had one stuck to a glue trap, and i took like 20 mins getting the thing off with water and oil and stuff and dude it looked at me like i was going to kill it and i could see it's fear man and i realized it's just wrong to kill stuff like that. Dried it off and off it went!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
awww poor mouse. i guess he was just in the wrong house. cant blame you for killin it though . If you just put it out side it will just come back in, and they carry diseases.


that's horrible man. I once got called over by a neighbor who had one stuck to a glue trap, and i took like 20 mins getting the thing off with water and oil and stuff and dude it looked at me like i was going to kill it and i could see it's fear man and i realized it's just wrong to kill stuff like that. Dried it off and off it went!

Oh Hush! Weren't you gonna kill your Aunt a while back? hahaha

The electric mouse trap is so humane.

Ole mousie smell that good peanut butter, and he come down the little mousie chute.

Then he step on the little metal pads to get a lick and ZAPPP!

Ole mousie have hisself a little heart attack.



just dont take a pic of yourself holding the dead lil bugger and post um on the net like that chick with the drown rabbit.....


just put a ruler or something over a bucket with some peanut butter at the bottom, he'll fall in the toss e'm outside. Give e'm a break they just like you house.


why should things die because of a derived fear that we have only created in our conciousness?

im sure theyre 100x more scared of us, than we are of them.


When mice start building houses and I can go live with them, things may be different.

I don't want the nasty devils pooping all over the house.

they are incontinent and dribble piss all the time.

send addy and I will rescue them and send to ya'll's houses... lol


just create a desirable envorment for them elsewhere? so they wont enter your home looking for what ever they are.


ICMag Donor
Let ya cat out Lola, he'll get it for sure. I am surprised you have mice, usually if they sense a cat around they won't stay. Don't kill the lil bugger though, let ya cat do it then it died of natural causes really-it's natural prey...


Unfortunately, country living means that there ain't no other warm spot for blocks in any other direction, sometimes miles....

So any port in a storm, seems to be their attitude.

die mickey die


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
You need a cat!

Mine kills my mice, neigbours mice...all the birds..and other small animals. All i got is a fat snoring cat and all is quiet..


all praises are due to the Most High
what I wonder is what is a girly who screams when she sees a mice going to do if she were to actually hit and kill a mice with a machete? I have done so, so I know the mess it makes...
will girly be able to clean afterwards?


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
what I wonder is what is a girly who screams when she sees a mice going to do if she were to actually hit and kill a mice with a machete? I have done so, so I know the mess it makes...
will girly be able to clean afterwards?

I've killed plenty of mice with my chefs knife...not so messy imo. They are pretty ''dry'' on the inside. Just a small spot of blood and a severed head :D


Cage as many as you can in the flower room and use them for co2 enrichment.


You need a cat!

Mine kills my mice, neigbours mice...all the birds..and other small animals. All i got is a fat snoring cat and all is quiet..

I had mice, till the neighbor bought a new cat....now there are no more mice...or any other small animals, birds or insects....:yoinks: