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DIE Mickey DIE! I Will Kill You At Any Time!!! WATCH OUT!


how do my posts keep getting deleted????

this second one wasnt obscene or vulgar in the least!

i could care less whether you have sympathy for a mouse.

my point is, you dont have a very healthy mindset, thinking that one specie is superior to another, much as some men believe that women are inferior.

Cookie monster

I'm droping a call to peta about you lola :noway:...but first i'm gonna have to break the news to minnie and the kids


how do my posts keep getting deleted????

this second one wasnt obscene or vulgar in the least!

i could care less whether you have sympathy for a mouse.

my point is, you dont have a very healthy mindset, thinking that one specie is superior to another, much as some men believe that women are inferior.

I didn't see the second one, so dunno about your posts. Obviously somebody thought they were inappropriate or they would not have been deleted.

Regarding my mindset: I think it is beyond your capabilities to diagnose people from afar... lol. Hmmm. Thank you Dr. Crane. I totally feel I am superior to any old mouse.

All Mice are good for is feeding other small animals. That is what God made Mice for. To be eaten by Hawks, Owls and to be killed by LolaGal and tossed out to feed the other small animals. Don't worry! I make sure old mousie does his intended job and toss him in the weeds so he will be found and eaten.

I'm droping a call to peta about you lola :noway:...but first i'm gonna have to break the news to minnie and the kids

PETA better watch out! If any of them get anything on my FUR COAT it will be a Free For All Right there in the street. I will take PETA down.

How dare PETA go around destroying my private property. PETA will be buying me a new Red Fox.

p.s. If any of you Free Mousers out there have inherited any FUR COATS, please send them to me. Fur Coats should last 2 or 3 people's lifetimes, and I would love to have a nice warm MINK, FOX, or any type of fur coat.

My favorite is Red Fox. They make a beautiful coat, and I want one bad.


Garden Nymph
Hey Lola

Didya watch the Discovery channel today? They featured Ratzillas!
At least your house isn't infested with this rodent:


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I don't kill mice or any other animals...my cats do though. I don't mind living with wildlife....even spiders get a pass here. I have 2 gigantic spider bites that have been not healing for over 2 months now....I wanted to kill every spider I saw for a couple of weeks. Now I have a massive wolf spider named Mr. Chiesel living behind my cloner...awesome:( PoopyTeaBags feeds him....just great, haha.

You could borrow my kitty for a couple days Lola...he would take care of it for ya.


Dang Ratzilla is big enough to make a coat out of !!!!

Glad mine are just regular mice. whew!

I hope that Mickey did not move Minnie and the kids in yet.

Mickey got a nice last meal right before he died. He was eating some peanut butter, and had cleaned it all off the trip pad on the snap trap. Then ole Mickey got greedy, and decided to lick between the pad and the spring... oops!

Mickey never knew what hit him. SNAP!


weed fiend
mice like to crawl against the wall as much as possible. set a trap at the baseboard so it closes toward the wall. you don't even have to bait the trap. the mouse will get it just passing by.


Regarding my mindset: I think it is beyond your capabilities to diagnose people from afar... lol. Hmmm. Thank you Dr. Crane. I totally feel I am superior to any old mouse.

All Mice are good for is feeding other small animals. That is what God made Mice for. To be eaten by Hawks, Owls and to be killed by LolaGal and tossed out to feed the other small animals. Don't worry! I make sure old mousie does his intended job and toss him in the weeds so he will be found and eaten.
lol its pretty easy to see just how unhealthy your mindset it. and i dont need a doctorate degree to do it.

yepper, god maded myss fer food, just lak he made trees and o'l fer bernun. reckein god made men outta mud fer cullekk'n dems pap'rmunnees n wimin fer sssekzin n makin supper, too!

o yiah n drugs r bad, god tol meh so.

you must also agree that you are inferior to men?


Non Conformist
Wow, unhealthy mindset, infeior to men?!?! jus bacause she doesn't want mice in her house? LOL! what the fuck are you smokin?!? Are ya sure yer not just a troll with nothing better to do? lol BC


New mouse traps a success! :)

Victor mouse traps are making a new mousetrap of plastic, works super great!

Lola 3 Mice 0.



while i hate killing things, ive had mice problems before when i was in an apartment that i had to resort to poison cause they were getting to smart for the traps, and just the other day in the growroom i saw a big spider, my initial instincts were that it will help discourage pests from being near the plants but it was bigger than a 1/2 dollar coin so i couldnt help myself and felt i needed to kill it, especialy since it was near the laundry room...glad your traps are working out for you