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DIE Mickey DIE! I Will Kill You At Any Time!!! WATCH OUT!


Non Conformist
Heeeere mousie-mousie-mousie, BC has a big hammer fer yooou..... :yoinks: lol I hope you get em all Lola! BC

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Yea, its tresspassing..... kill it good Lola! Hopefully you dont have a nest in your home. That could suck real bad!


If you have some teatree oil spray some in the areas where you've seem them. Bugs definitely hate this smell and supposedly rodents do as well.

Hopefully,someone will chime in on the teatree efficacy on vermin. If it does work repelling them.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Isn't there a thing you can plug into the wall that lets out an aultra sonic sound to drive away unwanted creatures....that we cant hear, but bugs and rodents can?


This pic woulda been perfect for the OP :joint:



Poor little mouse. I prefer humaine traps that allow you to release the creature afterwards. Like H2O, I feel sorry for the little critters. They're not intentionally causing trouble, so I just prefer to set them free to enjoy their life in the wild.

That being said, when my cat has brought mice in before and I've tried to save them, they've bitten me pretty badly. One mouse put his teeth straight through my thumb.


Isn't there a thing you can plug into the wall that lets out an aultra sonic sound to drive away unwanted creatures....that we cant hear, but bugs and rodents can?

I wish it would work, I would get one. Every fall they march in, and I have to kill till Thanksgiving.

If you have some teatree oil spray some in the areas where you've seem them. Bugs definitely hate this smell and supposedly rodents do as well.

Hopefully,someone will chime in on the teatree efficacy on vermin. If it does work repelling them.

I sprayed the whole foundation of the house 3 times with Neem oil. I also put moth balls under the house. I guess these 2 treatments don't phase em at all. haha.

I put a wheel of cheese outside in the yard, trying to lure them away from the house, but giant rats ate it up overnite... hahaha
was having the same problem about a week or two ago saw 1 or 2 mice around the house and garage. So decided to go with the ole decon set out a few lil piles for my mice friends. Sure enough they ate it all up and havent seen a mouse since. That being said I am positive where one of the fellows went to die. A few days after seein all the decon being gone I was driving to work and turned on the defroster to defog the window and all this torn(chewed) up tisse or napkin kinda blew outta my vents in the car. I didnt think much of it really old car 195k miles. Well a few days later i go to get in my car and the fucking god awfullest smell is in there, come to find out one of the mice got me for killin him. He or she apparently ate the decon and then proceeded to crawl up in the ventalation on my car and die. So for the last week and a half or so my car has smelt like a nice big rolling dead mouse.

figured someone or everyone would get a good laugh outta this, and be warned lol
good luck hope you kill the lil bastard...........


^^ haha, little mouse sabotaged your car after you posioned him

be careful with rodent poisons, my dog ate sum and almost died, my dad was an idiot and put sum in theback yard for moles and buried it a litle bit, my jack russel dug it up and ate it cause it had sum like peanut butter shit on it :( . i would not use poison if you have animals.

yeah i feel bad for the mice, i always had litttle pets when i was a kid, even wild mice. when humans move into the forest or anywhere, and destroy a plot of land that probably housed species like mice, then demand that the mice are the ones intruding and at fault drives me crazy, did you ever think that you are the one tresspassing. also cats arent "natural", using a cat to hunt local species in the yard and land is damaging to the ecosystem, you've just introduced a very lethal predator into an ecosystem that before had very few to no predators.

i feel bad for you though lola, its not easy when they start pissin and shitin everywhere. do what you need to do


Well, I sure wouldn't pick up Mr. Garrison's penis/mouse... yuck. I'd shoot that critter.

Just think where it has been... lol and what Mr. Hand has done to it....


just lost a few LR#2 seedlings to mice...poor little bugger's hadn't even fully spread their cotyldons and got eaten to the soil...also the mice are burrowing into my co-co coir to get to the roots of my Haze and LR#2's...set out mouse baits...have several live-mouse traps out and 3 small dogs...I even glued metal flyscreen over my passive intake vents...but the mice's teeth keep growing throughout their lives so they chew incessantly...and if one generation of mice don't chew through the mesh, the NEXT generation will!...and since the're baleing hay at the moment and the weather is warming the little buggers are migrating to MY HOUSE :(....add to that the seal on my fridge is so bad the little shitters were getting into the bottom of my fridge...had to keep EVERYTHING on the top shelves 'cause they could not climb the smooth walls and could not jump that high (boy, can mice jump high!)...thankfully I have a new fridge being delivered in next 5 days...living out of an esky at the moment...
Sorry to be so rambling but I just had my first smoke in 8 days of LR#2 dried for 12 hrs as small buds on the back of my computer monitor...

if the plural of mouse is mice
and the plural of goose is geese
then why is the plural of moose not meese?
damn :)...rambling again...

my LR#2 smells like bubblegum {the confectionary-gum...I have never smelt bubblegum-the plant!}

I hate mice ;)



stone fool
Get a blow gun, I used to shoot rats on my stove with one back in my wild west days, mice are harder to hit though.

Cookie monster

I'm going to stick up for the poor mouse.

It's probably not an easy life in the wild considering pretty much everything out there wants to eat you, think about it what doesn't eat mice?

And if the poor little guys are lucky enough to survive in the wild long enough to find a safe place to live such as your house they are faced with booby traps,chemical weapons and ultra sonic noise weapons.

Then of course you have the mental trauma of seeing most of your family die in horrible circumstances every day right in front of your eyes..

I'm all for humane traps and catch and release....any mouse that has been lucky enough run the gauntlet deserves a 2nd chance :2cents:

good drown

hockey sticks + mice = best.
if you have a good wrist shot, open a door and go at it. i've done this a few times, one time i wristed it into a brick wall, i thought it was dead, but he ran up the steps!

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