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Did you watch Trump last night, if not you should life could be in danger' .....

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Well-known member
Well....the servers for this site are not stateside, so unless they start to restrict what sites can be accessed from mainland babylon, I can't really see any problem....

Well I can see a big potential problem with this, restricting access to ICM from potential USA customers will be the first and easiest strike to push through.

...... remember, in trumps statement from yesterday he said ALL drugs and mentioned the internet, and we know he wants that border wall and will use any dirty trick to get it!

....... and we know he needs to keep jeffy happy and how jeffy feels MJ as the gateway drug coming up from Mexico along with the newer stuff.

.... and also his beef (payback time) with alla those independent-minded folks in Cali and PNW who had the nerve to legalize against federal wishes.

So Gypsy I'm curious, what percentage of ICM members are based in the USA and how bad of a hit would ICM (and euro-based advertisers/seedmakers/companies) take if USA providers were banned from allowing their customers access to pot sites? :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hey Gypsy,

If these political threads bother people, why not make a "Politics Only" forum. Then, the people who enjoy the ignorance of arguing about something they know nothing about can go to that forum. The intelligent people who don't watch the news can enjoy the rest of the site and stay out of that forum.

Just a thought.

Actually there is a little-know place where they can go, it isn't a forum but rather a User-created Social Group called Not a Safe Place.

:laughing: I'm a member and I highly recommend it!;):tiphat: :moon:


and now that " someone " deleted my personal info in signature they can now thank that person for hemp thread never getting an update moving forward no matter the back-peddling or reason ...

everyone of these site's are the same, deleting post and fostering b.s. towards ones ideology'

it really does not matter as everyone will be laser focused on global economy in full meltdown very soon and rip into everyones debt ponzi in said life .... as 99% can't fund debt loads personal, local government, state, federal ....

this will be my last post, everyone can carry on with this shit-show until panic hits your town' nobody on this globe will hide from the war that follows this economic meltdown'

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Don't worry debt has value.

Everything is fine and Jesus is coming back to smite the libtards.

Just pray until it happens.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So Gypsy I'm curious, what percentage of ICM members are based in the USA and how bad of a hit would ICM (and euro-based advertisers/seedmakers/companies) take if USA providers were banned from allowing their customers access to pot sites? :tiphat:

My crystal ball is a bit blurry today, and I have no idea where anyone comes from on this site, unless they state their location, and that could just be a very clever ruse....

Actually there is a little-know place where they can go, it isn't a forum but rather a User-created Social Group called Not a Safe Place.

:laughing: I'm a member and I highly recommend it!;):tiphat: :moon:

Yes.....we do have an invitation only sunken forum for topics that you might say are a tad sensitive....and it is 'Not a Safe Place'...you can only get there by invitation, and only if you are a very good boy/girl and stop being naughty all of the time......lol.

and now that " someone " deleted my personal info in signature they can now thank that person for hemp thread never getting an update moving forward no matter the back-peddling or reason ...

everyone of these site's are the same, deleting post and fostering b.s. towards ones ideology'

it really does not matter as everyone will be laser focused on global economy in full meltdown very soon and rip into everyones debt ponzi in said life .... as 99% can't fund debt loads personal, local government, state, federal ....

this will be my last post, everyone can carry on with this shit-show until panic hits your town' nobody on this globe will hide from the war that follows this economic meltdown'

Don't let the door hit you on the bottom as you leave Kankakee..
Constantly flaming other members in countless threads and even flaming them in your sig with their own quotes is juvenile to say the least.....There are plenty of other sites out there for you to bother.

Don't worry debt has value.

Everything is fine and Jesus is coming back to smite the libtards.

Just pray until it happens.

Lol.... Mr Mustard....I'm digging the dark satire in that.


Active member

...hows that for dark humor, lol.


Speed of Dark
Regarding the original topic of this thread, I do not ever watch Trump, nor do I read his tweets.
What I do instead is watch the new laws and policies of our government as it changes the society of the nation I grew up in.

My life is very much in danger from the culture being formed, as are my 'half breed' children.
Hybrid vigor we call it in the gardening forum, I suspect they are feared even more than the 'pure' minorities of color.

Much as I dislike the FBI, it is the agency taking out leaders that could instigate a rebellion before they get a following. This maintains the uneasy status quo of white supremacy.
I applaud the great strides Trump has taken to weaken the FBI, but the effect has not reached the 90% of workers still diligently doing their ongoing jobs.

Internal war in the USA is becoming more probable whether or not I watch appointed president Trump.

As is the danger to my life.


Well-known member
Lol, I thought you were saying he was going to be impeached?
i dont remember that

Really the guy is seeming more like Clinton every day,
if you couldn't immediately tell trump was a conman as soon as he opened his mouth and said he was running for president i don't know what to tell you. how people fell for his 6th grade level con amazes me.

so he might not win if their is a good candidate against him and not Bernie Sanders.
you say this as if Bernie Sanders isn't the most popular politician in the country, the defacto leader of a party he's not even a member of, has the largest crossover appeal to republicans and especially republicans under 30, every head to head hypothetical matchup against trump in a general election had sanders TROUNCING donald.

did you see bernie at that national walkout against school shootings? did you see the crowds and cheers he was getting? i wonder who all those fresh 18yr old voters will be voting for in 2020? LOL

even mega idiots like ben shapiro think bernie is the dems best chance of winning, i think he's even said bernie will win if he's the nominee.

I still think we need a revolution in the name of freedom. Corporations can make as much money as they want I can live for free.
the problem with this is you're basically saying corporations can get as big and as powerful as they want as long as i'm left alone. human nature isn't altruistic or benign. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. this would be a recipe for extreme fascism where corporations own and control every thing.

Funny the mind of a leftist.
yeah it's funny my mind thinks about issues that americans overwhelmingly agree on and want to see them implemented. what a pipe dream!

I bet you were saying there was no way he could win last time too........
i wasn't, and i really dont care to be honest. if you vote for a republican or democrat at this point you're just not paying enough attention.

So in your mind, who will beat Trump? Who will run against him and beat him?
if bernie sanders runs in 2020, which looks very likely, he will mop the floor with trump. all evidence points to this.

We dont live in a real democracy. We have a representative republic. VERY BIG DIFFERENCE!

Representative Democracy = Democratic Republic

There's maybe one country on the planet that is a Direct Democracy and we're definitely not it.

But it doesn't really matter what you think the country is. We're effectively an oligarchy. Princeton University did a study on this, it's proven. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746

Big money bought our government decades ago. They're in gridlock over the things Americans want. But when it's time to drop some bombs or arm someone or increase military spending or decrease taxes on the elites.... There's no opposition, not even a peep. All the republicans who scream shit like "how are we going to pay for bernies free college" didn't say a goddamn peep when trump increased military spending by nearly $100 billion. which is roughly the same cost per year as it would be to make public colleges tuition free.
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