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Did you watch Trump last night, if not you should life could be in danger' .....

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Well-known member
I just finished a tutorial on indoor opiate growing for personal use. I was on script morphine for ten years but the eleventh year the dose quadrupled almost without my noticing.
Growing my own guarantees I cannot accidentally kill myself with an overdose.
Just like the famous folks, I found myself taking too many pills by not remembering I took them. The brain will do this, probably has reasons but it is scary.

Political drugs, laws written for political power, never bode well for the regular folks that make up our nation.
Marijuana, Opiates, now Salvia and Kratom join the list.

Although it does seem that Salvia is the least addictive drug put out by mother nature. No dopamine reaction from Salvia, no chemical induced want to ever use it again. Takes an act of will to partake more than once.
Kinda why it had limited use by holy men in its original context.

But I do wonder, Does Trump want me dead for growing Poppies? I have been known to give pods away now and then.
Is that considered selling?
Would the death penalty make me stop gifting my produce?

If I believed it...damn right I would stop. It's only a hobby.
If it was full time and my source of income then I would up the level of protection I employed.
The problem with growing poppy is they could get you with conspiracy to manufacture heroin. Of course you keep it nice and small and don't tell anyone nobody will ever know.

Really kind of pissed me off, our founding fathers fought the British Empire for freedom! Now we don't have the freedom to get high? Fuck that shit! One of the few things I like about Abraham Lincoln "prohibition only creates crime where there is none". Drugs have been 100% legal in this country until our country was taken over by tyrants, Abraham Lincoln was one but it's only gotten worse.

Christians don't like drugs, which is the biggest reason for drug laws. Sure a lot of people do die from the use of drugs, but nobody should have the authority to treat drugs like a crime. All we have done with these laws is create cartels and gangs just like alcohol, gambling and prostitution prohibition it created Al Capone, the 5 families and many other gangs the only reason we are no longer allowed to own full auto firearms really. Of course nothing will change from a ramped up war on drugs it's just going to get worse.

Really my biggest problem with these communists they want a more tyrannical government, they want to do away with free speech and start a classless society. While I'm all for LGBTQ and colored people to have freedom, the only way that works is being able to defend themselves. Opiates where outlawed because people didn't like the Chinese they just worked harder than blacks and whites. I really don't see an issue money really shouldn't be that big of a deal you own a piece of land you shouldn't have to pay taxes you should be able to live off of it like a free man and freely trade goods without being taxed.

Of course the Confederacy lost the war and since no state has the right to secede from the Union. State rights don't really exist, it's a well known fact, federal law trumps state law. Really a bit like how the British Empire rule trumped the colonial rule from the 1500's until 1776.

Of course the nation is so divided we really can't stop it. Clearly majority are anti drugs, even here on a drug forum, sure most will say "cannabis is not a drug" meanwhile it is a drug.

Really, you can even get the death penalty for marijuana and many people are doing life for marijuana of course it hasn't been enforced that badly in recent years. The problem is Trump and Sessions want to enforce the drug laws harsher and they are getting support for it. The laws already exist they just don't enforce them to the fullest extent.


Can we ehhh, like ease off the religion here guys?, because it looks to be getting out of hand again and will probably end up in another religious war, as usually happens, especially amongst the Abrahamic religions, as history dictates..

Perhaps spin the thread around to the topic in the title, and leave all this religiosity behind, since it never ends good.

Sorry, but what a stupid comment. Really, "end up in another religious war, as usually happens, especially amongst the Abrahamic religions, as history dictates.."

Yea, lets stop what I am about to slam you for. lol. Also, name one single group of people that walked the earth that didn't go to war....... I am waiting. War isn't a religious thing, war isn't a race thing, war is a human thing. But blame the Jews if you want.

Reminds me of the stupid argument that the Indians were here first, and the whites took what was theirs........ Well, the Indians were savages, that went to war against each tribe. Powers shifted all the time, and that power was taken by murdering entire tribes. Mass graves of 10k people were found who were killed by Indians. War is what we humans do, not just America, not just the Jews. We just happen to win our wars.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Sorry, but what a stupid comment. Really, "end up in another religious war, as usually happens, especially amongst the Abrahamic religions, as history dictates.."

Yea, lets stop what I am about to slam you for. lol. Also, name one single group of people that walked the earth that didn't go to war....... I am waiting. War isn't a religious thing, war isn't a race thing, war is a human thing. But blame the Jews if you want.

Reminds me of the stupid argument that the Indians were here first, and the whites took what was theirs........ Well, the Indians were savages, that went to war against each tribe. Powers shifted all the time, and that power was taken by murdering entire tribes. Mass graves of 10k people were found who were killed by Indians. Libtards. War is what we humans do, not just America, not just the Jews. We just happen to win our wars.

I'm not dissagreeing with you about there being wars out there thru history fought over many lands and for many things, for that is the truth, ...I was refering to wars amongst Abramic religions, religious wars that seem to crop up quite often, where religion is a strong factor in wars on one side or another......man/womankind has been fighting for their beliefs in whatever deity for thousands of years.....its not just Abrahamic religions going to war over belief at all...most all religions seem to get to the armed struggle stage at some point or other, most of us hope not to be caught up in it, if it can be avoided....

Since the conversation previously in this thread was getting nasty/off topic and the off-topic subject was religion I interjected and mentioned religious wars since there was mainly talk around an Abrahamic religion (christianity)...and I did not want to see the thread dissolve into some slanging match, which often can happen.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lets have a little bit of background.

Abrahamic religions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Symbols of the three largest Abrahamic religions: the Jewish Star of David, the Christian cross, and the Islamic star and crescent.

The Abrahamic religions, also referred to collectively as Abrahamism, are a group of Semitic-originated religious communities of faith that claim descent from the practices of the ancient Israelites and the worship of the God of Abraham. The term derives from a figure from the Bible known as Abraham. Abrahamic religion was able to spread globally through Christianity being adopted by the Roman Empire in the 4th century and Islam by the Islamic Empire from the 7th century onward. As a consequence, today the Abrahamic religions are one of the major divisions in comparative religion (along with Indian, Iranian, and East Asian religions). The major Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism in the 7th century BCE, Christianity in the 1st century CE, and Islam in the 7th century CE.

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are the largest Abrahamic religions in terms of numbers of adherents. Abrahamic religions with fewer adherents include the faiths descended from Yazdânism (the Yezidi, Yarsani and Alevi faiths), Samaritanism, the Druze faith (often classified as a branch of Isma'ili Shi'i Islam), Bábism self-published source] the Bahá'í Faith and Rastafari.

As of 2005, estimates classified 54% (3.6 billion people) of the world's population as adherents of an Abrahamic religion, about 32% as adherents of other religions, and 16% as adherents of no organized religion. Christianity claims 33% of the world's population, Islam has 21%, Judaism has 0.2% and the Bahá'í Faith represents around 0.1%.


Well-known member
So if anyone was hoping that Jeff Sessions would get kicked out of position, that bed time story can be put to rest now. Good luck one and all. BUT, if one's actions are not signed off by " Big Brother " you could be facing a deep cost so weigh those actions against this war thats coming. And with technology most likely they already know about many in supply chain.

:laughing: Well I guess good ol' Jeffy can stop worrying about getting fired after the 'gift' Mr. Suck-up gave to trump last night, his agenda is assured!:biggrin: :tiphat: :biggrin:


I'm not dissagreeing with you about there being wars out there thru history fought over many lands and for many things, for that is the truth, ...I was refering to wars amongst Abramic religions, religious wars that seem to crop up quite often, where religion is a strong factor in wars on one side or another......

I can admit that is truth as well. :tiphat:


Well after you edited your post 30min. later ( after being called out )...... I guess you can't stand being shown the fool. :dunno:

So your a Zionist :sasmokin:


Well-known member
:laughing: Well I guess good ol' Jeffy can stop worrying about getting fired after the 'gift' Mr. Suck-up gave to trump last night, his agenda is assured!:biggrin: :tiphat: :biggrin:

indeed, interesting how history repeats
some of us remember the quote, 'there is a cancer on the presidency'


Well-known member
...... I guess you can't stand being shown the fool. :dunno:

Hey kank, since we're back to the subject of religion, you never said anything about my Bible quote in post #121, you know, the one about alla the herbs and seed-bearing stuff given to us by Jebus and his father for food, etc.:blowbubbles:


I have no problem with weed being used as medicine as Jesus was not against wine either ... but a world of difference between medical weed and pills, coke, meth, heroin etc ....

He speaks towards not abusing things


Well you did change the post 30min after I called your ass out ....

And I noticed twice now you did not deny being a Zionist ? But lashed out with double speak', obscurification ...

So point blank are you a Zionist or Orthodox Jews ? Yes or No ? Or are you embarrassed ...


And why does it take you 25min between these witty answers ... oh i forgot, you gotta go back and edit all your b.s....

Speaks volumes


Well-known member
I have no problem with weed being used as medicine as Jesus was not against wine either ... but a world of difference between medical weed and pills, coke, meth, heroin etc ....

He speaks towards not abusing things

...... but kank, you've completely missed the point, or maybe decided not to deal with the fact that since well before and after the Bible was written, women have been using these God given herbs to perform abortions as we choose, as he intended!;):tiphat:

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