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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


I wouldnt worry too much about the Texas school book situation. Enough attention has been put on that subject. Other states will start to choose what educational books to be required of their students. It IS amazing though how one school board in one state can potentially have an affect on an entire nations education system. The Feds should jump in and make a final say. They already got auto, health, banking and my MJ freedom..................... so about those census forms, I hope those mofos dont come knockin on my door. I got some nice buds curing.


WOW >>>>>>>>>>> just uneducated speaking .......:thank you:
A lot of you guys aren't old enough to remember what this country was like before the Hispanic invasion. If you live in Florida, California, Arizona, New Mexico, or anywhere near our southern border, and you are old enough to remember, you would know without any doubt that our country was much better off without them. These areas have been ruined by unchecked "immigration", which is really an all out invasion, in reality an act of war. These people aren't pioneers, they are leeches. Immigrants who came to this country in the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s were pioneers. They were coming to a vast unsettled country. They came from all countries and spoke all languages, but came together to form the "melting pot", they all learned English, and they built this country from nothing to the number 1 country in the world. They fought and won 2 world wars, while millions of them died. But the people coming now are not pioneers. They are coming to a country that is already established, already built, already #1. They come here to work the system, to have their babies, to bleed our social services, to use our emergency rooms, and many of them don't even have the respect to learn our language. They actually are trying (and succeeding in some cases) to make Spanish an official language of this country. This country was founded with English as our language, and our laws are based on English law. Yet, in California, because of their vast numbers, public servants are actually required to speak Spanish. What an outrage! Imagine going to another country and demanding that they speak our language. Imagine going to Mexico and demanding social services! LOL! They will laugh at you when they are done looking at you like you are crazy. In fact, Americans cannot immigrate to Mexico without putting up a large amount of cash. This illegal invasion of our country would not be tolerated anywhere else in the world. But our Hispanic politicians do everything possible to allow more and more Hispanics to get in. After all, that is how they are empowered. They care nothing about America or the people they are invading. They have no respect for our language or culture. They care only about Hispanics. There are dozens of groups promoting Hispanics in this country, many of them quite militant. Try forming a group promoting white people, and it is called a rascist hate group.
Throughout history, empires go out with a wimper, not a bang. When enough foriegners move into a country, it soon becomes their country. And, that is what's happening here. Our country is becoming their country, and we are going to do nothing about it?
IMO, this is war, and should be treated as such. These people need to come here because they ruined their countries by overpopulating them. Now we are going to allow them to ruin our country?
I say no. Build a wall around the whole southern border if necessary. Put Americans back to work building it, and keep those bastards out.


my point was about the quality of the education being achieved. today's system is setup to produce nice, malleable, unquestioning serfs to the industrial and financial elite. all the hard won freedoms are being trampled on steadily. by not teaching the young the amazing story of the US and about the lives of the amazing patriots that actually won their freedom and independence in bloodshed. by not teaching about the huge price paid in blood and guts they are stealing the pride in being American from the youth, but worse they have forgotten the meaning and responsibility inherent of that freedom. if you don't learn true history, you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

just look how they have let the federal government stamp all over their rights, compare the young of today in their apathy with those in the 60's or 70's. today the kids are all about sports starts actors and pop bands etc.

back in the day when the cia wanted to assassinate Castro they got in trouble and had to answer to the church committee. when today's administration blithely announces that it can and will assassinate US citizens without due process, there was not a peep from congress, nor the public.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
occasionally I pop back to England and sometimes I see this 'Register to Vote' letter in the pile of mail I have to open.....that goes in the bin...I couldn't be bothered to vote in a monarchistic autocracy....

...I don't see any Census questionaire.....but I do have to pay council tax, so I have to fill that out, and answer a few questions like 'how many people live at your residence' etc.....

...I'm not too savvy on the American Declaration of Independance.....other than it is written on paper made from Cannabis Sativa (Hemp).....and find that kinda ironic...


Gypsy you are a Brit, how has immigration affected the UK? All my Brit friends are upset and feel they are the minority in their own country.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Like a week ago on the "Daily Show" with Jon Stewart the Dept. of Commerce guy was the guest and he said anything the census workers see, hear, smell, etc while visiting homes to take census is totally confidential and THEY may not contact law enforcement.

Throwing away your form only guarantees a visit.


Also mentioned on that John Stewart show was the fact that James Madison, Founding Father and one of the main authors of the Constitution and Federalist Papers, wrote the questions for the original government census, some of which are STILL part of today's census. They did take out "How many slaves do you own?" though.

Kind of ironic, given the whole "the damn government has no business counting me!!" tone of many of the posts in this thread...


i guess the message here is; if you don't have all lose ends tied up, then you better fill in the form lol. i mean if a visit to your door is such a disaster and it can be, then yeah you better fill it out. no point putting yourself in jeopardy. but the principle remains, US gov has used the data before for unexpected, even nefarious purposes so why should they be trusted so wholeheartedly now. but as others have said those that want to know your name etc in the gov. agencies can mostly find that info easy some other way if they really want it.


Active member
better to do what they ask of you, just in case then.

don't want to get in trouble or anything.

I don't take this census deal as seriously as it seems some are trying to make this out to be. It is yet another b.s. form that is wanted from us and followed by the usual " if you don't fall in line we will come to your house" b.s.

Fill it out if you want (not directed to anyone) or don't if you choose not too. I think too many people are focused on what others do versus thinking about what they do based on their own opinion.

Now to the person who is getting like $16+ an hour or whatever that was per hour walking door to door to the doors of those who do not turn them in, what all happens from that? Also why the hell does a job that is about counting our people need to pay so damn much? You wonder why our government sucks so bad, private business door to door jobs sure as hell do not pay $16 an hour around here UNLESS it is a government/city job.

I liked my census form so much I filled out 2 of them!

$16 an hour is not exactly a high wage...although I can see how a forum full of stoned underachievers could think it is :tiphat: sorry, that was rude, but this thread is a joke
“(1) it is the constitutional duty of the Congress to ensure that the decennial enumeration of the population is conducted in a manner consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States;"


“It is constitutional to include questions in the decennial census beyond those concerning a simple count of the number of people because, on numerous occasions, the courts have said the Constitution gives Congress the authority to collect statistics in the census. As early as 1870, the Supreme Court characterized as unquestionable the power of Congress to require both an enumeration and the collection of statistics in the census. The Legal Tender Cases, Tex.1870; 12 Wall., U.S., 457, 536, 20 L.Ed. 287. In 1901, a District Court said the Constitution’s census clause (Art. 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3) is not limited to a headcount of the population and “does not prohibit the gathering of other statistics, if ‘necessary and proper,’ for the intelligent exercise of other powers enumerated in the constitution, and in such case there could be no objection to acquiring this information through the same machinery by which the population is enumerated. United States v. Moriarity, 106 F. 886, 891 (S.D.N.Y.1901).”
and (this one is the most concise)

Census in the Constitution
Why Jefferson, Madison and the Founders Enshrined the Census in our Constitution

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Enshrining this invention in our Constitution marked a turning point in world history. Previously censuses had been used mainly to tax or confiscate property or to conscript youth into military service. The genius of the Founders was taking a tool of government and making it a tool of political empowerment for the governed over their government.

They accomplished that goal in 1790 and our country has every 10 years since then. And we’re about to continue that tradition in 2010. In 1954, Congress codified earlier census acts and all other statutes authorizing the decennial census as Title 13, U.S. Code. Title 13, U.S. Code, does not specify which subjects or questions are to be included in the decennial census. However, it does require the Census Bureau to notify Congress of general census subjects to be addressed 3 years before the decennial census and the actual questions to be asked 2 years before the decennial census.

Questions beyond a simple count are Constitutional

It is constitutional to include questions in the decennial census beyond those concerning a simple count of the number of people. On numerous occasions, the courts have said the Constitution gives Congress the authority to collect statistics in the census. As early as 1870, the Supreme Court characterized as unquestionable the power of Congress to require both an enumeration and the collection of statistics in the census. The Legal Tender Cases, Tex.1870; 12 Wall., U.S., 457, 536, 20 L.Ed. 287. In 1901, a District Court said the Constitution's census clause (Art. 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3) is not limited to a headcount of the population and "does not prohibit the gathering of other statistics, if 'necessary and proper,' for the intelligent exercise of other powers enumerated in the constitution, and in such case there could be no objection to acquiring this information through the same machinery by which the population is enumerated." United States v. Moriarity, 106 F. 886, 891 (S.D.N.Y.1901).

The census does not violate the Fourth Amendment. Morales v. Daley, 116 F. Supp. 2d 801, 820 (S.D. Tex. 2000). In concluding that there was no basis for holding Census 2000 unconstitutional, the District Court in Morales ruled that the 2000 Census and the 2000 Census questions did not violate the Fourth Amendment or other constitutional provisions as alleged by plaintiffs. (The Morales court said responses to census questions are not a violation of a citizen's right to privacy or speech.) "…t is clear that the degree to which these questions intrude upon an individual's privacy is limited, given the methods used to collect the census data and the statutory assurance that the answers and attribution to an individual will remain confidential. The degree to which the information is needed for the promotion of legitimate governmental interests has been found to be significant. A census of the type of Census 2000 has been taken every ten years since the first census in 1790. Such a census has been thought to be necessary for over two hundred years. There is no basis for holding that it is not necessary in the year 2000."

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed the District Court decision on October 10, 2001, 275 F.3d 45. The U.S. Supreme Court denied petition for writ of certiorari on February 19, 2002, 534 U.S. 1135. No published opinions were filed with these rulings.

These decisions are consistent with the Supreme Court's recent description of the census as the "linchpin of the federal statistical system … collecting data on the characteristics of individuals, households, and housing units throughout the country." Dept. of Commerce v. U.S. House of Representatives, 525 U.S. 316, 341 (1999).

Come on Moldy, everybody knows that if it is on a government website it is just brainwashing propaganda. I bet they have one of those spinning, hypnotizing wheels!!! :rolleyes:




the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Questions beyond a simple count are Constitutional

It is constitutional to include questions in the decennial census beyond those concerning a simple count of the number of people. On numerous occasions, the courts have said the Constitution gives Congress the authority to collect statistics in the census. As early as 1870, the Supreme Court characterized as unquestionable the power of Congress to require both an enumeration and the collection of statistics in the census. The Legal Tender Cases, Tex.1870; 12 Wall., U.S., 457, 536, 20 L.Ed. 287. In 1901, a District Court said the Constitution's census clause (Art. 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3) is not limited to a headcount of the population and "does not prohibit the gathering of other statistics, if 'necessary and proper,' for the intelligent exercise of other powers enumerated in the constitution, and in such case there could be no objection to acquiring this information through the same machinery by which the population is enumerated." United States v. Moriarity, 106 F. 886, 891 (S.D.N.Y.1901).

Comes off as progressive, if you ask me.

And besides, how many acts of Congress have been declared Constitutional, when we know it to be untrue?

These fascists are always trying to hijack the Founding Fathers.
It's constitutional to have congress decide what is 'necessary and proper', but what current congress is doing is unconstitutional in your eyes. That seems like the best way to describe it all.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
It's constitutional to have congress decide what is 'necessary and proper', but what current congress is doing is unconstitutional in your eyes. That seems like the best way to describe it all.

This has been going on for over a century.

Get educated, or join the Marxists, and leave.
It's right there in plain words, what is going on is constitutional, it's just that you're having a problem because of what current policy is (and has been) in place for a very long time.

What's with this "get educated" phrase, btw?
Sure, it's an easy way to sign off without actually defending your point, this is true.

But give me some hard evidence.
Shit, you guys kill me..you're as propagandic, dramatic, and flufftalked as the dictators you hate so much.
You're giving us nothing but emotion...it's really weak.