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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
JLA,DB you are both correct..the difference is the amount of people here now..it is more recognizable bcuz of our population growth then it was a long time ago..
Why is it people think they don't need to fill out a census or do other civic duties like serve jury duty? The government should keep track of who fills out their census and just not send public works like the police, ambulance, or fire department to their house. If you didn't fill out the census, the city isn't getting the proper funding needed to cover you. :laughing: Of course this is America, so if that happened people would just sue. :laughing:

great post mr bongJ... I agree americans are so focking arrogant, that they are to cool to work the piddly jobs. And have the nerve to sit and complain they are broke and cant afford this or that.. well get off that lazy ass and work a job that illegals work.. My friend just lost his job not bad paying job, SO he calls and asks if where i work is hiring, and i tell him yea for 9.50 an hour to start he said nope he needed to make 12-15 per hr to live..

In high school kids I knew all complained they made like $7.50/hr at their jobs. There were always restaurant dishwasher jobs for $9-$10/hr in the paper. None of them would even applied because dish washing was "below" them. :rolleyes: People shouldn't complain about money if you aren't willing to make as much as possible at the time.

Recently I told someone that my workplace was hiring at $10/hr. They said "I need $12." Instead of making $1600/month they make $0/month... because they need $1920/month. Just like you said sack, he's gotta have his beer and cigarettes. :rolleyes:
Gotta agree, the public schools are stupid, and fuck the cops for sure, as they are the ones trying to lock us up. We wouldn't want to deprive them of the funds needed to fuck us over.
As far as every city getting zero tax dollars: what a crock of shit that is.
Since our government is corrupt to the core, I tend to the opposite of what they want me to do. After all, we are all criminals, and they want us in jail. Keep the government out of my business and I am happy.

lolz :dance013:
In high school kids I knew all complained they made like $7.50/hr at their jobs. There were always restaurant dishwasher jobs for $9-$10/hr in the paper. None of them would even applied because dish washing was "below" them. :rolleyes: People shouldn't complain about money if you aren't willing to make as much as possible at the time.

Recently I told someone that my workplace was hiring at $10/hr. They said "I need $12." Instead of making $1600/month they make $0/month... because they need $1920/month. Just like you said sack, he's gotta have his beer and cigarettes. :rolleyes:

Maybe that guy went and got 12 somewhere else :shrug:

I'd complain if I got 7.50 an hour, that's what you get at Dunkin Donuts!
Which is ok when you're in highschool, or 16, I guess.


Active member
Why is it people think they don't need to fill out a census or do other civic duties like serve jury duty?
Dunno about jury duty.... but the Census only has one question you should answer. "How many people live at your address?"

Anything else is really unconstitutional and will be used against you. The most classic example were all of the Japanese nationals that were rounded up after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Guess where the information came from?

You're not obligated to answer any other question than how many people live there. If anyone should happen to come to your door... step out and tell them politely that under no circumstances are you going to answer any more questions than that one.

They CAN fine you $100 but the Census bureau is not in the business of enforcement and it's an empty threat.

You are NOT obligated to write in your name or phone number... don't be daft.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles: :tree:

p.s. If you have an odor problem... you have other things to worry about than census takers. I also worked for the census one year and heard plenty of stories.
great post mr bongJ... I agree americans are so focking arrogant, that they are to cool to work the piddly jobs. And have the nerve to sit and complain they are broke and cant afford this or that.. well get off that lazy ass and work a job that illegals work.. My friend just lost his job not bad paying job, SO he calls and asks if where i work is hiring, and i tell him yea for 9.50 an hour to start he said nope he needed to make 12-15 per hr to live..

WTF so he will not work JUST cos he thinks he needs more money instead of saying hmm ok i can make 9.50 and just cut some shit out they are used to having like his 30 pack and cigs everyday... add that shit up times 7 days a week and what do ya know he can make it.. BUT NO!!!! i hate that shit i just wanted to bitch slap his ass... As for the immigrants keep their asses on the other side of the fence, And i dont think those fux are committing more crimes than our lazy out of control americans kids who think they are rappers shooting folks home invading trying to be gangster, As for bringing down our wage control its on the people doing the hiring they know they can work the mexi's 14-17 hrs a day and they will work.. Ask an american to do those hours LMFAO!!!! you will hear every excuse in the book.. i just passed by on the way home from doc's mexicans still working stuccoing a house an american woulda been done right at 5pm no if ands or butts.. we americans are ruining it for ouselves i believe.. to lazy and expect everything to be easy and or free..

Over here for example two WHITE kids home invaded a mexican family and shot everybody in the home 5yr old and 7 yr old included dead! and did not end up stealing shit.. So to compare and say they are committing more crimes is an understatement imo. Of course dont get me wrong they are committing crimes just the same but so are americans... AND im american!! ok my two copper coins.. peace n pufs..


LOl an example of your lazy friend and some stupid white kids doesnt validate your point. Lets keep letting them take our jobs at a lower pay rate, then that will become the minimum wage. Then you have a country full of people competing for minimum wage jobs. Sounds like a prosperous country. And now that the market is saturated with low paying jobs where will the immagrants go now? Sounds like your fucking two countries to me.
Maybe that guy went and got 12 somewhere else :shrug:

I'd complain if I got 7.50 an hour, that's what you get at Dunkin Donuts!
Which is ok when you're in highschool, or 16, I guess.

He still hasn't found a job, it's been a month, that is why I used those numbers lol.

And yeah it was seasonal summer tourism work, which used to be filled almost entirely by high school and college students on break. There have been a lot of articles the past few months on how many local high school and college kids that will be jobless this summer because metal shop workers and the like who got laid off will take their work in the summer. Damn kids!


I don't mind standing up and being counted. Mailed mine back today

I agree that not filling out the form will result in someone coming to the house.I'd rather just fill this form out. It was surprising to me how there were only a few questions being asked in the form.
The Census is funny, it shows that they really don't have any Intel on the country. Well, not really, it shows that they don't really blend much of their proficiency. The Census is a very old and outdated form of running buisness.

Your name, age, declared residence is mentioned when you vote, pay taxes, get a state ID (which is illegal to not notify when and where you move).

They ask more questions if your ever arrested and taken to jail, they ask everything under the sun for their special police computer. I have been told that you don't have to answer those questions, but they do harass you if you don't (badly).


Why do you remain in the US if you feel the government is so messed up as to not participate in something as simple as the census?

Beyond allocating the correlating number of house representatives, the practical effect of the census is less than clear. I believe the government is that messed up, yet I remain hoping to contribute to the change I want to see.

Further, are you aware that illegal immigrants play a huge role in our economy, and that is the reason no politician, liberal or conservative, will seriously put a stop to them coming over the border?

Yes - illegal immigrant workers do immense harm to our economy ... they receive social benefits and pay no taxes, and they enable hiring businesses to undercut tax and insurance paying competitors. Stop giving tax-dollar handouts and they will stop coming.

Do you really believe it continues to happen because of government corruption? That sounds so silly to me when its obvious the economy would be fucked damn near overnight if the flow of illegal workers and immigrants was stopped.

Our economy is already there. Illegal workers and immigrants cost more than they are worth. True - politicians are afraid of the hispanic vote ... particularly in regions saturated by illegal immigration. If the flow of illegal workers and immigrants stopped, we'd have less un-insured losses, and more "legal" hires who pay taxes and get insurance.

Sorry dude but Americans stopped taking the kind of jobs that illegal immigrants do a long time ago.

OR - are the demographics of those jobs really because illegal immigrants are willing to work for a fraction of minimum standards, pay no taxes, have no insurance, live in zoning-prohibited communes, and send their hard-earned money out of the country? Sure, those jobs might cost more for "legal hires," but higher wages = more tax dollars = higher cost of product = more competition = capitalism.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
LOl an example of your lazy friend and some stupid white kids doesnt validate your point. Lets keep letting them take our jobs at a lower pay rate, then that will become the minimum wage. Then you have a country full of people competing for minimum wage jobs. Sounds like a prosperous country. And now that the market is saturated with low paying jobs where will the immagrants go now? Sounds like your fucking two countries to me.

What? Dude, what country are you in?
OR - are the demographics of those jobs really because illegal immigrants are willing to work for a fraction of minimum standards, pay no taxes, have no insurance, live in zoning-prohibited communes, and send their hard-earned money out of the country? Sure, those jobs might cost more for "legal hires," but higher wages = more tax dollars = higher cost of product = more competition = capitalism.

Well American cars are damn expensive and companies were run into the ground because of unions trying to make sure people got paid more than they were worth, so I guess it evens out?

Here is my question: everyone, including yourself, complains about illegals to government. Why don't you complain to the people who hire them? If they didn't hire them, they wouldn't move here. Truth is if they didn't come work, you would find something else to complain about, particularly the fact goods (fruits/vegetables especially) cost so much because people don't hire cheap labor.

I used to live in national capital of a particular item of fruit. Being a picker in the summer paid better than most other summer jobs that people have and if you returned more summers your wage went up nicely. You also made bank because of the fact you worked a lot of hours during the most important month of the season and got overtime. Only a few college/high school kids would usually apply besides the mexicans to pick fruit in the summer. Americans believe that picking fruit is "migrant work" and they are above it, that is the truth. They associate it with slavery. Truth is they are simply too lazy and don't want to do hard, "backbreaking" work.


I plan on filling mine out but you all should send em in, no need to let that corrupt Govt take away your freedom too, over a stupid piece of paper. You all need to stand up for your rights. I think we should all send letters with the census demanding the immediate stop of prosecution of victimless crimes and deman the Constitution be honored in it's entirety and not just bits and pieces. We need to send a clear message and this is the perfect opportunity.


Wow at this thread, this form really turns some of your worlds upside down.

Seriously its a little fucking sheet of paper. Some of you act like this actually changes the way you live your life. Ridiculous logic.


there takin are jobs!!! just like south park ....

Yes - illegal immigrant workers do immense harm to our economy ... they receive social benefits and pay no taxes, and they enable hiring businesses to undercut tax and insurance paying competitors. Stop giving tax-dollar handouts and they will stop coming.

Now thats just funny^^^^^


The race question is a viable one. Their are thousands of federal and state programs to aid minorities in the US. We know that Whites will be minorities to Blacks, Hispanics and Asians in 40 years. But when will Blacks be minorities to Hispanics? Who will these programs service?
How do we plan for the future. Do we flip flop and exclude those that are considered minorities now. To end questions of race then we must end the practice of declaring anyone a minority. Would that be good or bad?


St. Elsewhere
Dunno about jury duty.... but the Census only has one question you should answer. "How many people live at your address?"

Anything else is really unconstitutional and will be used against you. The most classic example were all of the Japanese nationals that were rounded up after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Guess where the information came from?

You're not obligated to answer any other question than how many people live there. If anyone should happen to come to your door... step out and tell them politely that under no circumstances are you going to answer any more questions than that one.

They CAN fine you $100 but the Census bureau is not in the business of enforcement and it's an empty threat.

You are NOT obligated to write in your name or phone number... don't be daft.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles: :tree:

p.s. If you have an odor problem... you have other things to worry about than census takers. I also worked for the census one year and heard plenty of stories.

Best post in this thread, imo.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Maybe that guy went and got 12 somewhere else :shrug:

I'd complain if I got 7.50 an hour, that's what you get at Dunkin Donuts!
Which is ok when you're in highschool, or 16, I guess.

this is what i am talking about, puttin certain jobs of any title or at any place into a HS kids hands, and not an adult. isnt it the same money it pays the bills the same you just are making as much.. Im generalizing here if you dont have a job and dunkin donuts is hiring, why would you not work but, instead complain and say this is for hs. I say arrogance and just lazy... I dont understand... 7.50 an hr is better than no $$$ an hour.. IMHO..
this is what i am talking about, puttin certain jobs of any title or at any place into a HS kids hands, and not an adult. isnt it the same money it pays the bills the same you just are making as much.. Im generalizing here if you dont have a job and dunkin donuts is hiring, why would you not work but, instead complain and say this is for hs. I say arrogance and just lazy... I dont understand... 7.50 an hr is better than no $$$ an hour.. IMHO..

Exactly my point that somehow they totally missed. Americans are lazy and think they deserve more. They categorize jobs as "high school jobs" or "migrant jobs" and then convince themselves they can't work in that field, it's just not acceptable to them, when it is the only place to get a job.

They may have an empty plate and a cold bed at night, but at least they kept their dignity by not taking a job that was below them. :rolleyes: