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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


Active member
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.
No corrupt government is going to tell me what to do, especially one that is complicit in allowing tens of millions of illegals pour over our borders.
Anyone else?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I answered what I thought they needed, I'll plead to the 5th on the rest. There weren't that many questions as I thought there was going to be.


I havent read anything into/about the census but my thought which don't mean anything on a beer drinking holidaze hic-cup is that if you fill out the form and send it in they won't come knocking on my door with the hand held questioneer. sooo drink beer happy st patty melt day!

is there a one of those on line 14 Do you grow Marijuana? questions? damn green beer got the best of me
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ICMag Donor
The census helps alot of ppl..its not like they want to know your whole life..a few questions..but it the one part of government that kinda helps ppl....I have been a census taker before.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Hey mrs. babba, why do they ask what race you are?

what does that have to do with allocating the proper number of representatives?


Well-known member
i just dont know why they wanna know if you are black, white or hispanic im an american what does it matter what frigging color i am


St. Elsewhere
Hey mrs. babba, why do they ask what race you are?

what does that have to do with allocating the proper number of representatives?

I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking about just answering the first question. (How many people live here?) Because constitutionally, that is the purpose and scope of the Census.

My race has nothing to do with anything.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.

You're not being very smart. You've just guaranteed yourself a visit from the "corrupt government" if you're talking about the US Census. Households that DON'T return forms are pretty much the only ones visited. You don't like it, fill it out wrong, claim to have 900 kids, whatever. The census is just a tool to gather information, it's no different from a poll.


St. Elsewhere
I'm glad I didn't get the long form. Allegedly that shit goes as far as to ask where you work, and how you get there.

I wonder if they ask if you own any guns..

The census is just a tool to gather information, it's no different from a poll.

Except of course you are required by law to respond...

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Why do you remain in the US if you feel the government is so messed up as to not participate in something as simple as the census?

That is almost like saying, "fuck these red lights, the government sucks."

Further, are you aware that illegal immigrants play a huge role in our economy, and that is the reason no politician, liberal or conservative, will seriously put a stop to them coming over the border?

Do you really believe it continues to happen because of government corruption? That sounds so silly to me when its obvious the economy would be fucked damn near overnight if the flow of illegal workers and immigrants was stopped.

Sorry dude but Americans stopped taking the kind of jobs that illegal immigrants do a long time ago. Gonna be another 10-20 years before robots can reliably do those jobs, so like, you and your dad can go pick fruit for 3 bucks an hour, we can let the immigrants do it, or we can let the government take over farms because even more massive subsidies will be required so that the farmers themselves can eat.

My 2 cents at least.


weed fiend
I just filled out mine and mailed it today. I was a little surprised how little info was required for two peeps. Name, age, birth date and race. A big disclaimer across the page says that all info is private, not even subject to FOIA.

As for the race question, social demographics is an accurate portrayal of our population. Community assessments, social norms, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Like when stats show how many ethnic minorities were relocated as a result of Katrina. We wouldn't have data like this if it weren't for the census.
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.
No corrupt government is going to tell me what to do, especially one that is complicit in allowing tens of millions of illegals pour over our borders.
Anyone else?

Yap fuck em, I am not going to do it.


Active member
Mr. Bongjangles;3310759 Further said:
Yes, they play a huge role in ruining our economy. Sapping our social services, bastardizing our language and culture, bringing down our wage scale, taking jobs from legal Americans (note:10% unemployment), and committing crimes at a much higher rate than "legal" Americans.
And we do have a couple of politicos who still have some integrity who are fighting this plague. No other country in the world allows this crap, and we shouldn't either.
I don't get how anything good would come of making it harder for the govt to understand how to best serve us.
It's not like the info they ask is sensitive or anything.
Not filling it out just makes for more of a hassle and flawed data.
Which in the end means misdirected policy.
You can't be part of the solution if you're gonna add to the problem.

Another case of Toker's Den Tinfoilism, says I!
On that Leprechaunical note, Happy St. Patty's, Census Thread Inhabitants ! :D


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
great post mr bongJ... I agree americans are so focking arrogant, that they are to cool to work the piddly jobs. And have the nerve to sit and complain they are broke and cant afford this or that.. well get off that lazy ass and work a job that illegals work.. My friend just lost his job not bad paying job, SO he calls and asks if where i work is hiring, and i tell him yea for 9.50 an hour to start he said nope he needed to make 12-15 per hr to live..

WTF so he will not work JUST cos he thinks he needs more money instead of saying hmm ok i can make 9.50 and just cut some shit out they are used to having like his 30 pack and cigs everyday... add that shit up times 7 days a week and what do ya know he can make it.. BUT NO!!!! i hate that shit i just wanted to bitch slap his ass... As for the immigrants keep their asses on the other side of the fence, And i dont think those fux are committing more crimes than our lazy out of control americans kids who think they are rappers shooting folks home invading trying to be gangster, As for bringing down our wage control its on the people doing the hiring they know they can work the mexi's 14-17 hrs a day and they will work.. Ask an american to do those hours LMFAO!!!! you will hear every excuse in the book.. i just passed by on the way home from doc's mexicans still working stuccoing a house an american woulda been done right at 5pm no if ands or butts.. we americans are ruining it for ouselves i believe.. to lazy and expect everything to be easy and or free..

Over here for example two WHITE kids home invaded a mexican family and shot everybody in the home 5yr old and 7 yr old included dead! and did not end up stealing shit.. So to compare and say they are committing more crimes is an understatement imo. Of course dont get me wrong they are committing crimes just the same but so are americans... AND im american!! ok my two copper coins.. peace n pufs..



Active member
great post mr bongJ... I agree americans are so focking arrogant, that they are to cool to work the piddly jobs. And have the nerve to sit and complain they are broke and cant afford this or that.. well get off that lazy ass and work a job that illegals work.. My friend just lost his job not bad paying job, SO he calls and asks if where i work is hiring, and i tell him yea for 9.50 an hour to start he said nope he needed to make 12-15 per hr to live.. WTF so he will not work JUST cos he thinks he needs more money instead of saying hmm ok i can make 9.50 and just cut some shit out they are used to having like his 30 pack and cigs everyday... add that shit up times 7 days a week and what do ya know he can make it.. BUT NO!!!! i hate that shit i just wanted to bitch slap his ass... ok my two copper coins.. peace n pufs..


If you don't have a job, take anything to tide you over. We should take people off welfare, and give them the jobs taken by illegals.
great post mr bongJ... I agree americans are so focking arrogant, that they are to cool to work the piddly jobs. And have the nerve to sit and complain they are broke and cant afford this or that.. well get off that lazy ass and work a job that illegals work.. My friend just lost his job not bad paying job, SO he calls and asks if where i work is hiring, and i tell him yea for 9.50 an hour to start he said nope he needed to make 12-15 per hr to live.. WTF so he will not work JUST cos he thinks he needs more money instead of saying hmm ok i can make 9.50 and just cut some shit out they are used to having like his 30 pack and cigs everyday... add that shit up times 7 days a week and what do ya know he can make it.. BUT NO!!!! i hate that shit i just wanted to bitch slap his ass... ok my two copper coins.. peace n pufs..

If we are gong to generalize, can we pick the people in America working 3 jobs to pay healthcare to be the ambassadors of your post? There are plenty of hard working Americans..


Overkill is under-rated.
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.
No corrupt government is going to tell me what to do, especially one that is complicit in allowing tens of millions of illegals pour over our borders.
Anyone else?

Yeah, fuck the stupid public schools! And the fire department, and the cops! Fuck the city and county you live in, they have enough money from the state and feds! Man, if everyone did this, it would be SOO great! Every city would get ZERO tax dollars.

Not quite as good as dumping truckloads of cadmium in every US water supply, but when government needs to be stopped, dammit we're gonna stop it!


Active member
Got my census in the mail yesterday. On the front is a warning that it must be returned by law.
It went straight into the garbage.
No corrupt government is going to tell me what to do, especially one that is complicit in allowing tens of millions of illegals pour over our borders.
Anyone else?

I immediately filled mine out and double checked it for accuracy. I then sealed and mailed it the whole process took 10 minutes. Now I have ONE less government official I have to worry about coming to my house.

Wonder if this guy filled out his form...

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=164125&highlight=census :bump: