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Did Trump save face by breaking America’s commitment to the JCPOA?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

I'll insult you and that orange clown all I like. You have freedom of speech down there, no? You're all so quick to call Liberals powderpuffs and snowflakes, but here you are whining about hurtful words.

Not to mention ya'll whining about "Obama bin Laden" for 8 years.

Didn't much care for him myself, but I don't recall him saying he would "do something" about the press when they criticized him.

Maybe you need a safe space?

why should i answer your vague question when you cant answer my simple 1? stick with supporting your pos leader eh.

I did. I am beginning to understand why you didn't.

Where would you Trumpeters be without that wall of assumptions?

I never voted for Trudeau.
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he did get a temp ban for the continues libtard thing, so we are on a new page as far as that goes, i noticed the new libbies thing and felt it was deffinetly a step forward, lmao :D


i do wish we could do without the politically derogatory labels, it becomes tiresome no matter whos doing it. i don't like to delete posts for 1 word or sentence, also don't like to edit a members post, but it might start happening as we need to be even handed and consistent about this no insulting each other or using political slurs on each other.
so attacking his tan is all you have? what a fucking idiot.

Holdup Liddle jimbo, dotard, David Dennison and John Barron , c'mon the supply of imbecile toxic shit is huge, more than even you can swallow son.


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answer this 1 simple question. how is your life worse under trump? are you poorer or just butt hurt?

In practical terms what has Trump achieved?

The economy has continued on a track built by Obama. Trump administered a sugar rush to the rich at the price of a huge advance on the American credit card. For all the talk of regulation slashing I have not seen one article describe a single regulation cut and how it has boosted the economy.

He has I think only re-negotiated one trade deal, with South Korea which has the hilarious provision to increase the quota for American made cars. Hilarious because American car makers aren't going to send even more cars they can't sell. Aside from that he keeps threatening sanctions but can't make his mind up.

He has pulled the US from the Iran agreement, TPP, climate accord but has no plan.

He is slowly destroying health care, removing environmental, consumer, worker protections and relentlessly attacking and undermining democratic institutions. Don't overlook his cheap merchandising of the presidency, and his corrupt appointees.

He has made the US a laughing stock, an untrustworthy ally and friend of tyrants.

His singular achievement being touted by the extreme right is the sit-down with N Korea. Yes, hostages have been released, as they have been before. His actual meeting is unprecedented because no other US president was vain enough to see this as an achievement. N Korea has sought this before but presidents were reluctant to accord the dictators the honour. We watch this space knowing the long history of N Korean game playing and that there is little to no chance N Korea will 'denuclearise'.

https://t.co/7BGb9Y6PPN https://twitter.com/rh200001/status/983724526935662593?s=17
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Just as your truth is someone else's lie, and vice versa.

People believe what they want to.

If Trump has shown anything, it's that they can be very selective.

Be nice if you could keep Twain off your lips. I'd wager a writer wouldn't have many common points with your average Trumpeter, given the attitude towards freedom of speech and the press from the top down.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
[youtubeif]https://youtu.be/Rksd80-FCAw [/youtubeif]

...like so many others your opinions are based on what you heard and not what you know.

View Image


Sorry I don't base my opinions off what others think or say. My opinions are based off what I see Trump do and say. Its just common sense shit. Most trump supports opinions are based off fox news.
Trump supporters forgive not just his lies, but all his other flaws and travesties -- incompetence, inconsistency, laziness, egoism, bullying, philandering, profanity, abusivenes, whatever.

And they do so because he -- and his surrogates and spokespeople -- hammer away at a handful of assertions he has already convinced his supporters of, which drown that other stuff out: Immigrants are stealing their jobs and their fortunes; Trump is stopping them. The mainstream is anti-'faith'; Trump is pro-faith. Government steals their money; Trump gives it back. Blacks and other minorities swindle and condescend to the white majority, Trump puts a stop to that. And, most important: Trump is for them, everyone else is against him.

The resistance is focused on countering Trump's outrageous flaws and errors. But each new criticism is only another attack, bringing Trump's base closer to him.

A better way is economically, to push through policies that pipe the country's wealth back from the rich into the general population. Then Trump -- who is doing the opposite -- will be exposed in a way his supporters can't be conned out of. Then they'll leave him in droves.


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i would have forgiven him a lot if he at least stuck to his word about having good relations with Russia and Syria, which he was promising during the campaign. seems he won't be keeping those promises, instead the US has more men then ever stationed in US occupied Syria who are just one hasty move or one mistake away from hot war with Russia, a nuclear power. let him screw as many woman as he wants, but don't risk ww3 and don't keep Syria from ending this war with your money and military support of the extremist elements. the Syrian people are tierd of this war, but they won't give up till every inch is recovered. if Trump was a man of his word, he'd help the Syrian government finish this insurgency off once and for all, or at least get out of the way and let Russia and Syria finish it, instead of still covertly supporting it and openly denouncing Assad with lies, playing his part in the propaganda effort against the Syrian government.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
These threads are great, reminds me of that famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." In everyone of these we get people discussing the events that happened, then the ideas behind those, then we get people insulting one another over menial partisanship. It's an excellent microcosm of our current society. I think it's needed.

Anyways, to get on topic, I don't think a facelift could salvage Americas international reputation, regardless of who is currently in charge. Personally, as someone whose living outside the US, we've been an international joke for a while now. The international community has long been able to see through the thin veil of 'democracy' for what America really represents, Imperialism.

Trump, however, has turned it from a three ring circus into a circus freak sideshow. Now, I'm no Democrat or Republican and I see wrongs in both sides, I don't even believe that republicans or democrats represent an iota of what they originally were supposed to be. I could care less about his or previous presidents policies and how they effected the country I no longer live in, if they were successful or not, etc... But, in order to hold an office that is one of the most respected positions in the world (or at least your country) you should have a level of respect and dignity about you. Obama, actually all previous presidents (except maybe Nixon), had an air about them that made them likeable, commanded respect, and dignity. Trump has none of that, the guy can't shake a hand or even wear a tie properly, his fake tan simply screams insecurity, he flip flops, doesn't listen to his advisors, and the guy has made an even bigger mess of the whole Middle East issue. From a completely apolitical viewpoint, I don't see how anyone could respect or adoration for that kind of clown, in any position in life. The fact is though, Trump is America, America is Trump and I think that's what people on the opposing side have a hard time with. I know I have a hard time with it, it scares me a little actually and it should scare you too, regardless of your side of the coin.

I have a hard time believing he even understands the implication of what he's started in the Middle East with his blatant disregard for the International community. Just in the last couple days, he's aided and abetted the murder of over 50 non-violent Palestinian protesters, not to mention the injury of over 200 others. Only to have his son-in-law say it was their own fault. So Trump hasn't saved face at all, if anything he's only putting on more makeup.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
These threads are great, reminds me of that famous Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." In everyone of these we get people discussing the events that happened, then the ideas behind those, then we get people insulting one another over menial partisanship. It's an excellent microcosm of our current society. I think it's needed.

Yes....I think that it is needed to. This menial partisanship does get tiresome, but I do see many members grasping the wider picture from time to time, so it is important to let that be shown as an example of how the MSM can control the minds of billions.

Anyways, to get on topic, I don't think a facelift could salvage Americas international reputation, regardless of who is currently in charge. Personally, as someone whose living outside the US, we've been an international joke for a while now. The international community has long been able to see through the thin veil of 'democracy' for what America really represents, Imperialism.

The stark reality that IMPERIALISTIC USA actually exists must be shown to Americans. It has always existed from gun-boat diplomacy to fomenting proxy wars, they were just following on from the British who were real good at it. This disney-eyed-view thru rose-tinted-glasses of what the USA looks to represent is shattered with just a modicum of research, and this needs to be shown......and known widely if it ever to be addressed and stopped.

Trump, however, has turned it from a three ring circus into a circus freak sideshow. Now, I'm no Democrat or Republican and I see wrongs in both sides, I don't even believe that republicans or democrats represent an iota of what they originally were supposed to be. I could care less about his or previous presidents policies and how they effected the country I no longer live in, if they were successful or not, etc...

The entertainment factor is VERY high with modern western politicians, and that's all we really get off them in the end.......a few laughs, guffaws......and the odd chuckle. The Political policies of all the major political parties seems to change like the wind, and are socially engineered with an underlying agenda to espouse policy that will solidify the global control of the deep state, at the same time as pretending not to.........its all a dog and pony show.

But, in order to hold an office that is one of the most respected positions in the world (or at least your country) you should have a level of respect and dignity about you. Obama, actually all previous presidents (except maybe Nixon), had an air about them that made them likeable, commanded respect, and dignity. Trump has none of that, the guy can't shake a hand or even wear a tie properly, his fake tan simply screams insecurity, he flip flops, doesn't listen to his advisors, and the guy has made an even bigger mess of the whole Middle East issue.

Yes, but all of that stuff you find abhorrent about Trump is also entertaining to point out. He is the President many people love to hate, and every little foible or act of bad-judgement is almost immediately broadcast for those needy anti-Trumpsters to greedily digest. Trump is an enigma, and also what America represents to the world.......as their President.

From a completely apolitical viewpoint, I don't see how anyone could respect or adoration for that kind of clown, in any position in life. The fact is though, Trump is America, America is Trump and I think that's what people on the opposing side have a hard time with. I know I have a hard time with it, it scares me a little actually and it should scare you too, regardless of your side of the coin.

We should all be scared about the power wielded over us by others.....especially by those with bad intentions and who make bad decisions that only seem to favour themselves or their particular clan, at the expense of others.

I have a hard time believing he even understands the implication of what he's started in the Middle East with his blatant disregard for the International community. Just in the last couple days, he's aided and abetted the murder of over 50 non-violent Palestinian protesters, not to mention the injury of over 200 others. Only to have his son-in-law say it was their own fault. So Trump hasn't saved face at all, if anything he's only putting on more makeup.

I'll just sit back and watch the show, and hope that it all don't end up with the whole world burning...or maybe I should go to Palestine and throw some rocks at a fence?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trump is not what most Americans want us represented as. The majority of us do not agree with anything he stands for. He embodies the worst of us. This POTUS is a mockery to the office of President. The Republican party is done for not calling a spade a spade. Were gonna spend the next decade trying to fix and apologize for the crap Trump put us through.


Well-known member
as has been discussed a ways back, Trump wasn't expecting to win
at this point i begin to wonder if his behaviour is revenge on the country for actually electing him

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Somehow, thru the so-called democratic processes of the USA you ended up with the reality of a reality star as President...

The reality of that is....that you now have to deal with it.(which ain't proving to be so easy).
I reckon that all this anti-Trump stuff just adds to his infamy, so making him even more famous..as he goes on supplying the world with plenty to gossip about, just like we are right here....lol

* As someone famous once said 'Any publicity is good publicity'....and as my Grandpa's last words were 'Its as real as its real'.....

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