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Desert Southwest Growers Union


I love my life
So stoned you can't even type straight, much better than your post earlier today 80 year old etc.. :laughing:

Peace, :joint:


Just Say Grow
thanks, I'm now pleasantly blitzed thanks to a really generous member, you know who you are:woohoo: pics and smoke report to follow, maybe tommorow
put on some fuckin pants billy! wtf that shits nasty, you know when every once in a while there is a strange hair entwined inside a nug, and you think "this shit looks like a fuckin pewb, how the fuck did it get there?" I believe you have answered that question

lol thats what happens i geuss when u hand a woman a camera and im standing in my underware


Active member
lookn good ppl

been in the desert all my adult life i would rather put up with 3 months heat then 6 months cold like in minnesota where i was born and spent most of my childhood,
amen bro,summer is hell but the other 9 months make it worth every 110 degree day. love the desert.


I love my life
It's always Christmas in the desert, as long as you are happy with these trees!

Purple Kush 56 days in flower, 5gal bucket, under a 750w hps three year old bulb (yeah I'm a jackass).

Enjoy the show :joint:

She has a fat stem, way too much algae, and brown roots from temps way to high (res chiller next time :jump: )

Despite her problems she is a really nice girl (28" of bud zone)

Taking off some clothes, uh I mean leaves

And sleeping naked and alone waiting those precious few days until she shares her love

Hope you are all beating the heat. Peace, :joint:


Active member
hell yes thats a pretty pk you grew there, u must have vegged her for a couple months to get that yield..


I love my life

I've been a really lazy grower / stoner. My room was on a 90 day cycle. Where I'd harvest, move over the vegged ladies, veg them more under the 750's, flower for 60 days, harvest repeat. Despite being really lazy and not using airstones I am able to get 4 plants that go 12 - 16oz each every 90 days. That seemed pretty good, but the idea of having two (4 x 1Kws) flowering rooms supported by one veg room seems like heaven so I have been busting my butt on the new room. Let me know what you think


The veg plants that moved into the new flower room today were cut off of the old PKs and Aussie Blues, and Unknown on 6/8/09. They have grown to 30"+ for the big ones and will now flower under 1Kw's. I really think that I'll have no problem pulling a lb per PK under the 1Kws, but this will be the first run in flower for Aussie Blues and Unknown.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
Man if u get a lb off a purple u are the man lazy or not. you will love the 1000 watters as long as you can control the heat.

OG savatage

Glorious Beginning to August

Glorious Beginning to August

My wimpy 150 scrog (comparred to some of youse!)

Finally! Lights out tonight for 48 hours, then snippage. Lights have been on for 24 hours until right after these pics.

First up... a super macro, brightened a little to see into the depths.


An overview of the mini-forest.


Underneath, looking up through the canopy.


The next generation. New gal that will go into flower on left, the soon to be babies' mama on the right.


:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Next comes 3 days hanging upside down. Then into the humidor for a week or two to slow down the drying. When completely dried, into jars for another week or two for the final cure. Opened once a day and inhaled from deeply then sealed back up. In a few weeks... mmm mmm good! Makin my mouth water just thinking about it. Time for celebratory kief hits!!!


I love my life

Great looking stuff there. You said the lights had been on for 24 right aft a photo. I only run 12/12. What advantage is there to a 24hr period? Wouldn't that shock the plant maybe into reveg mode and have her suck in her crystals?

I love the cure idea, but I don't have a humidor. I found hanging them in one piece for 4 days in a closet does pretty well getting a slow dry here in the desert. Any longer than that and my 16oz trees are too dry.

Peace, :joint:


Hydrosun, some people go as much as 3 days of 24hour light at the end just to get some added weight to the buds. Then darkness afterwards to get the plant to throw out a little more resin and trichs. I have tried this in the past, like 5 or 6 years ago, and was not impressed with the results over normal light cycle results. It does not revert the plant back to veg, that takes a couple weeks. The plant just gets stressed is all.

Well today's forcast in the desert is HOT, tomorrow HOT, next day HOT.
The Pink Krypotonites are handling the heat very well. I think this strain is going to do well in the desert heat.
Hydrosun, some people go as much as 3 days of 24hour light at the end just to get some added weight to the buds. Then darkness afterwards to get the plant to throw out a little more resin and trichs. I have tried this in the past, like 5 or 6 years ago, and was not impressed with the results over normal light cycle results. It does not revert the plant back to veg, that takes a couple weeks. The plant just gets stressed is all.

Well today's forcast in the desert is HOT, tomorrow HOT, next day HOT.
The Pink Krypotonites are handling the heat very well. I think this strain is going to do well in the desert heat.

Yes Hot hot hot.....im currently growing some kryptonite aswell, not sure if its pink or not....

Ive heard of 3 days of dark for finishing but never 3 days of light....weird, did you notice any change in yeild or size of buds?


the only thing i noticed was better flav after 36 hours dark. i only tried it oonce, could have been the strain too.
i think the darkness makes the plant push out more oils.


I love my life

I would have to agree about darkness pushing out resin. Last run I went back into the dungeon which had been dark for 7 days and some of the tree trunks had produced sap. I licked it up like a honey bear and cleaned the room for this last round.

Does anyone have any good links about making your stalks produce resin from a cut, kind of like a maple or pine tree?

Peace, :joint:


Active member
Damn, cold snap here in sin city, only 90 degrees, turned the heater on in the car this morning. outside crop starting to flower now, hope all you rats enjoy the relief how ever long it last.

OG savatage

So yeah, let's see... what Kal said pretty much. I do it to freak her out, which is also why I do the 48 hrs dark. Freak her out and make her trich her panties! I have definitely noticed better looking trichs after doing 48 dark, so I've been doing that for several years now. My theory is that when the light's on it's baking away some of the resin. No lights equals bigger trich heads? I think. And the 24 before, I just started doing that recently. We know the resin is produced (one of the reasons) as a reaction to UV light. So OD her on UV, she freaks and starts pumpin out more resin just in time for lights out. Bam. Theoretically.

And my "humidor" is a Rubbermaid storage bin, stood on end, with a hook in the top. Since she'd be bone dry in no time if left out, I toss her in there after a few days. That allows her to remoisturize a little. I monitor the humidity inside and usually open it a couple of times a day for an hour or two, then seal it back up. It gets up to the 70's (humidity) the first day or two, then gradually gets down to the low 20's over a couple weeks. Or the low 30's during monsoon season :frown: Jar it up after that for the final curing stage, burp jars daily, etc. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Just finished stringin up my other scrog frame with fishing line, ready to weave the new gal in. Tomorrow, methinks.

Yawn. I sleep now. :abduct:


I love my life
OG, That sounds sweet as candy. I am going to have to put something like that together, because you are right in ZERO relative humidity sucks'em bone dry way too quick. I like to hang the whole tree (minus fan leaves) for four days to allow the buds to suck in as much moisture from the stems as possible. I guess I might give the 24hrs and two days in the dark for the last plants I harvest next time around (Aussie Blues 90% sativa, will be pulled weeks after my Purple Kush).

Peace, :joint: