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Defund Police


Kiss My Ring
In the LA area each time they come up with a new revenue stream to help with the homeless,the money generally ends up getting turned over to the police.
I expect LA will pull a token amount from the police and they will boost community based programs for a while.
Can only imagine what our society will do to perpetuate the cosmic debris.
...just like marijuana legalization where tpb agreed to legalize if they could tax it and then police would get the lions share of the income that they could use to harass and arrest people who just want to grow their own.
police should not be revenuers for the state. .nor should they enforce unconstitutional laws like what you choose to put into your body.
that doesn't mean they should be disbanded or eliminated because there are certainly offenses that need policing. real crimes, real time.

St. Phatty

Active member
Try Erythroxylum novogranatense instead. Higher levels than coca and easier to get.

can you chew the leaves ?

one of the things that always impressed me about coca leaves is, the Indians used it, sort of like chewing tobacco. and it worked - in their lives.


Well-known member
can you chew the leaves ?

one of the things that always impressed me about coca leaves is, the Indians used it, sort of like chewing tobacco. and it worked - in their lives.

Or make a nice tea...

It's basically the same plant. Coca is any of the four cultivated plants in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to western South America.

They grow from live berries. Use distilled, ro, or rain water only. They don't like calcium.

Happy hunting.


Boreal Curing
Or make a nice tea...

It's basically the same plant. Coca is any of the four cultivated plants in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to western South America.

They grow from live berries. Use distilled, ro, or rain water only. They don't like calcium.

Happy hunting.

The first time I went to Ecuador we landed in the capital (Quito). Elevation is a little over 9,000 feet. The next day we were at a cafe and I asked for a "coke". The waitress brought me a tea. They sell coca tea packaged like normal green tea. It's used to alleviate altitude sickness. There's 6 different climate zones in Ecuador so locals use it too.


Well-known member
Hear they are now going for a second round of de-funding the police in LA.
Imagine it will go through with little difficulty.
Expect they will be creative with how they replace the police funding.

history being made


Well-known member
When they talked about defending the police I figured they would replace it with security firms. Now I know I was wrong. They’re replacing it with CHAZ and antifa

St. Phatty

Active member
Hear they are now going for a second round of de-funding the police in LA.
Imagine it will go through with little difficulty.
Expect they will be creative with how they replace the police funding.

history being made

i went to an anti-war protest at the 2001 Academy Awards.

it was a TRIP.

the organizer was Bob Kunst, a gay guy from Florida that initially became famous for locking horns with the Orange Juice woman.

the LAPD was walking past us in formation, and it was almost like they were protecting us the protesters.

i used about $100 of taxpayer funded ink and the pen plotter at work to make a sign where the word "Bush" was composed entirely of Swastikas, to highlight the Prescott Bush financial support of WW2 Germany as late as October 1942.

obviously the Jewish people of New England didn't have a problem with that. Prescott then became a Connecticut senator.

Anyway, there were a lot of official suit types that came by to photograph the sign.

There were also camera crews on the top of 2 buildings nearby photographing the protest.

It was pretty epic, and fun. Got real sun-burned.

The video for the Academy Awards that year was thoroughly edited. We were at the "50 yard line", directly across from the entrance to the Temple Theater - where all the limo's stop. In other words, the protesters had the best seats in the house.

It was interesting how the A list celebrities pulled up in Limo's. Then there was a long line of other people that had tickets that waited in line for a few hours and probably got bored of the protest.


Well-known member
If we defund police can I get a civilian firearms stimulus check first? Or maybe just pass out all the 'illegal' guns in the ATFs lockers to us?


Well-known member
defunding police means reallocating wastefully spent taxdollars into areas that actually need the money. the same that should be done with the DoD, the Pentagon, and the military. The CIA and NSA should also be abolished.

cops don't need tanks, sound cannons, and military training by Israel. it's time to reign these thugs in.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
So you'll see a lot of posts lately about how "Hitler did not defund the police"

Well, ya gotta love how people spin the truth.

Hitler passed an act which allowed the SA (later to break off a portion as the SS) to take over local police forces. Essentially he radically increased spending for his own private police force to take over.

Herd animals are dumb, so quit listening to them and do your own research.


Well-known member
defunding police means reallocating wastefully spent taxdollars into areas that actually need the money. the same that should be done with the DoD, the Pentagon, and the military. The CIA and NSA should also be abolished.

cops don't need tanks, sound cannons, and military training by Israel. it's time to reign these thugs in.
Don't forget to abolish the DEA.

Cops definitely need to be treated more like citizens when it comes to lethal force. At least in my state it is only legal to kill someone if you fear for your life, same should apply to cops and damn sure don't need so many cops. Just deal with robberies and violent crimes, definitely need traffic cops, just not ones constantly trying to search vehicles especially since they can lawfully steal your cash.