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I remember reading a CIA analyses report many years ago I can not remember how I came by it and was skeptical of its origin at first but, the more I read I soon realized it was very spot on and genuine it rang true.
In this report all this was predicted the report said that the local police and FBI would become another criminal organizations this would give rise to the cartels ,militias,and gangs .
The report did mention a global pandemic also, but did not place as much emphasis on that as the main focus was on the breakdown of these institutions which were in fact so corrupt that no significant reforms could be made.
I believe this was in 2006 or before that I read this document very prophetical wouldn't you say?


Well-known member
haha so you're obviously being forced to support your kids like a parent should.


Boreal Curing
- There should be very few reasons to arrest someone.
- Frisking or carding is an assault and an affront on freedom and liberty.
- A person should be able to simply walk away without an explanation.
- Being detained should be an illegal act akin to unlawful confinement, or in the case of physical restraint, kidnapping.

There are plenty of bad people to keep cops busy. Their overreach into society should be completely eliminated.


Like I said The report was addressing what the average citizen would be forced to do in order to have any protection .
I think some of you need to get out and see whats going on, and not the view from your computer or TV screen.

Denial doesn't bring you closer to the truth .


Well-known member
most street drugs (cocaine etc) is ALREADY available from pharmacies in pure form. cocaine is used primarily on folks allergic to synthetic painkillers. my sister in law had a nosebleed years ago that would NOT stop. drs took a large cotton swab dampened in water, rolled it in pharmaceutical grade coke & slid it up into her sinus cavity, problem solved. Bayer was the company that created heroin, it could be on the market again within weeks if the powers that be allowed it (it IS available in Great Britain) shit is dirt cheap when legal, only thing makes it expensive is it being illegal.


I'm sorry but I just had major surgery and couldn't even get a pure opioid .What they gave did virtually nothing to relive the pain and they expect you to accept that is proper treatment .
So I really dont know where this (Pharmacy) is but it sure as hell isn't anywhere near me.
How many prescriptions have you ever seen for pure cocaine?


Well-known member
How many prescriptions have you ever seen for pure cocaine?

zero. it is available to hospitals etc though. used to know an old pharmacist years ago. he told me that when heroin was made illegal here in states, he took what they had in his pharmacy home & put it in his wall safe, waiting for feds to come get it. they never showed. he is dead & buried now. often wondered what became of the 4 oz he said he had hidden...:chin:


Ok here is a another example of health care in a this area. I was in a serious car accident it ripped my arm open from the palm to elbow. When i was delivered to the ER they gave me Dilaudid instead of morphine shot me up 3 times with it by then I was able to ask where is the morphine?I told them that Dilaudid has no effect on me adid synthetics have virtually no effect on me other than stopping respiratory function the answer was they did not have any morphine .Later I found out why they had none the FEDs took it away due to theft.
I had to go to the next county to get it and once given it if I were able I could have stitched my self up and went home.
This was repeated last surgery but luckily they were allowed to have it now.

They give fake opioids like candy to some while others get nothing.
That's why majority of people here a like zombies .

So that is the state of health care here .


Boreal Curing
My nephew is a vet. He can get shit by the bucket that is way better than coke. Open the jar and one whiff will get you off. It's used to dust and wrap a wound I think.


Anyone that has ever did the real shit knows there is only one thing better than pure coke and that's sex and sometimes it was a second.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but I just had major surgery and couldn't even get a pure opioid .What they gave did virtually nothing to relive the pain and they expect you to accept that is proper treatment .
So I really dont know where this (Pharmacy) is but it sure as hell isn't anywhere near me.
How many prescriptions have you ever seen for pure cocaine?
Yeah, it's so restricted now, really no reason for it. More people have been dying from fentanyl, because they can't obtain oxy's, sure we still had a lot of junkies, nothing will ever change.

Of course now the government gets more power with the methadone clinic, really a few of them people go because they got kicked off their prescription for pissing dirty for weed. Really shouldn't matter if you did coke, you're still in pain, you still need the prescription. But the DEA punishes all doctors, because a few doctors way over prescribed opiates.

The way they are with us, is a good reason to treat them the same over a few bad apples. I really hope they take over more cities following Seattle. Lol, Trump is already losing his mind, wants to send in military but he can't. Worked in Waco,TX, won't work this time though, everyone is armed to the teeth and on edge. Record gun and ammo sales and the largest armed force in the world is the US people, the army would have no choice but to surrender, if it goes off. You can kill innocent Afghans with bombs, not Americans and civilians always get caught in the crossfire.


Active member
Cocaine is a local anesthetic, seems to primarily be used for nasal related surgery’s.
An acquaintance was a nurse at a local hospital and used to keep track of surgeries and when they were done would rifle through the trash to get the unused cocaine.

Was made by Merck and came in a foil type square like they used to hold a single after dinner towelette to clean your hands with.

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