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Defense/attack techniques


zeno: did you learn about krav maga from my other thread ?
didn't see you post in there

as for royce gracie
sure he may be a bad ass but, the schools he has formed, they are not gonna make you anywhere like him

I went to one of his school and was very disappointed

as for finding a good krav maga coach
I am happy I have

there is something good for everyone out there
you just have to search (I went to a couple of places before settling down)

I have no doubts that a good krav maga practicionner could take care of a boxer

also another thing, one person talked about additional skills, skills that we have inside of us

I believe if we are doing the right thing, then we have a force inside that is with us
those that are not doing the right thing are going agains't the grain and have to use much more energy
(fighting agains't what should be natural, peace)

Bring yourself and your school to Torrence,CA is all i got to say.

h^2 O

one word - AIKIDO. If you take it seriously, shit will change your life. Teaches you how to meditate and control your energy like the Buddha yo. And it's all about positive energy and using other people's energy and balance against them. IT's really a total mind/body thing. Your mental and physical health become awesome.
It's really a gentleman's martial art, because the entire school is based on immobilizing and neutralizing the opponent without hurting them in one fluid movement - each move is actually a "final move" - every move either pins or throws the opponent, ending the combat. It's not like throwing random kicks and punches. It really is an art.


Here's a vid of some moves straight out of the gate


One more thing Royce is a bad ass ,But nothing vs Rickson. Kron Ricksons son is following daddys footsteps very well. Sad Ricksons son passed away (Rockson) and the ol man hasnt did anything but teach since.Before the world knew what BJJ was the family was untouchble

Useful Idiot

Active member
I can take care of myself,but fighting sucks. I had a fella attack me with a pool stick once, I won the fight. BUT I also won the free ride downtown and charged with assault with the intent to maim,disable,disfigure,or kill.Yep, it seems as if you are attacked you are not allowed to do more damage to them than they did to you.It ended up being considered self defense by the judge because of witness statement.But the weekend in jail sucked. Anyway, I have talked my way out of a few fights since, and will continue to do so if the need arrises. But just don't put your grubby paws on me, words mean nothin to me. Lets get high:ying:


Active member
on the street I like speed and effect. A good fast straight right to the chin always works for me. The idea is to hit first. After that you can do anything you like.

The only problem is: To punch real well with straigh you need to practice some boxing. Remember it's 60% technique and another 20% skill. The rest is just good timing. maybe 5% goes for mass and muscles.


I learned at home school of six older brother's self defense class,and the classes where free!Funny thing is, I never felt good about beating someone.Seen to much fighting at home!Now my wife beats me from time to time,she's a convicted husband abuser.She's coming,I gotta go man.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Super Soaker :good:

Stand back, you may get wet! ;)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
v for victory straight in the eyes.
Heavy object(if availiable) to the kneecap/collarbone
I am not someone for who a punch up in the kebab shop is the perfect ending to a night out, so if Im fighting Im doing what i can to debilitate you, enabling me to leggit.
Former marine, been a marksmanship instructor, been thru firefights, & did some boxing/wrestling as well. What I think matters most, no matter what training or discipline you undergo, is keeping a cool head, & not lose your composure, no matter what the distractions are. If you can do this, you will be more likely to anticipate an opponent's move.

Does it work? Well, I'm alive & telling you this, right?


Active member
Former marine, been a marksmanship instructor, been thru firefights, & did some boxing/wrestling as well. What I think matters most, no matter what training or discipline you undergo, is keeping a cool head, & not lose your composure, no matter what the distractions are. If you can do this, you will be more likely to anticipate an opponent's move.

Does it work? Well, I'm alive & telling you this, right?

yu me hero!


Active member
former us marine too....not much into fighting anymore, but ive ended a cpl scraps by simply grabbing a skull w/ force and getting a thumb or finger into the eyes