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Defense/attack techniques



Fighting/defense/protection techniques...and there's thousands of them!

Let's hear of useful techniques that you have learned that have worked for you in real life situations..here's some that have worked for me in actual instances . ..and before you post, please let us know what has worked for you in actual situations, not something you saw on film or are learning...

To remove a person from a car seat or chair....while standing beside the person, quickly and firmly grab their furthest away wrist and pull it towards and downwards you as you take a step or two back. use a two or single handed grab and or with a twist. This will turn them sideways, out of balance and make them fall towards you and downwards. It's a very effective technique way to dislodge and begin to control that person, even if that person greatly outweighs you or is far stronger ...

As a fight is about to happen, as you are circling and moments before the first punch is thrown, stop moving, look them in the eyes and say to the person in a kind and thoughtful way "think of your mother", this will cause a fraction of a second's hesitation allowing you to act first...the same moment of "stillness" can be created by lobbing a big blob of spit in their eyes...the former turns his mind inwards, the latter blinds and disgusts.

Grab both your opponents wrists at the same time and kick his groin repeatedly with your back foot.

The best way to "win" a fight is by a hundred yards, even when you "win" an avoidable fight you actually lose.......always try to diffuse, avoid or run away from any potential situation is always the best way to go. Keep in mind that nowadays, all it takes is for you to cut your knuckle on his teeth/mouth and you could become HIV positive.

Let's hear some more....
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Active member
Ive seen it all & done a bit in my time. But the best fkin move to sit someone down is a solid headbutt to the bridge of the nose of someone who gets close enough. Devistating move when executed properly. makes a kick in the nuts look like buying someone a drink! K.OOO fkin evil move!

If someone tried grabbing my wrist like a faggot, they'd get a fkin big surprise! where ya Karate, Jujitsu n Kung Fu get ya, yeah KO'd the fk out, thats where lmao!

who would i be most wary of in a street fight, a fkin good Boxer, everytime!


Active member
Krav Maga, end of story. Never seen anything be so effective at fighting as it happens in the real world.


Game Bred
Krav Maga, end of story. Never seen anything be so effective at fighting as it happens in the real world.


It's easier to find a real teacher (shitload of krav bullshiters out there)and you can spar 100% full contact for muscle memory.


Active member

It's easier to find a real teacher (shitload of krav bullshiters out there)and you can spar 100% full contact for muscle memory.

Is it easier to find a teacher? Yes. Is it easier to get muscle memory because you can actually go full contact? Yes. Is it more effective in fighting in a real world situation where you will be fighting anywhere from 1-7 guys? No. I would rather be on my feet with Krav Maga than be choking guys out with BJJ. That being said, if it is a 1 v 1 fight, go for BJJ and make that kid your bitch, any other situation, drop them bitches like sacks of potatoes.


Active member
if someone could get close enough to get a hold without getting KO'd, then fair play to them. headbutt to the nose everytime, fk all the martial art bollocks, people aint usually got enough time to use before they get knocked the fk out! & good left hook never goes a miss either.!


Active member
Is it easier to find a teacher? Yes. Is it easier to get muscle memory because you can actually go full contact? Yes. Is it more effective in fighting in a real world situation where you will be fighting anywhere from 1-7 guys? No. I would rather be on my feet with Krav Maga than be choking guys out with BJJ. That being said, if it is a 1 v 1 fight, go for BJJ and make that kid your bitch, any other situation, drop them bitches like sacks of potatoes.

Most fights end up on the ground...there really isn't much debating, BJJ is a more well-rounded and effective art than is krav maga, boxing, or any other standup-based fighting style...take a krav maga expert and Royce Gracie and throw em in a ring, see who walks out. all I'm saying.

mad librettist

Active member
If you are being followed by a car, reverse your direction.

If you are about to be mugged, run away but stay in the middle of the street.

that's actually useful advice, not teenage hero fantasy.

all these martial arts are tools that augment your natural abilities. there are other tools that do the same and cost money instead of time.


Active member
Again, 1 v 1, BJJ is fine, it is a wonderful fighting system. What I am saying is that fights that happen on the streets are rarely 1 v 1 and in a fight with multiple people the last thing you want to do is take the fight to the ground. I think both have their place and Krav Maga's place is not in the ring, its outside of the club when you stepped on some kids new shoes and his whole crew wants to stomp you or in the bar when some drunk bitch and all his friends are intent on fighting you. That is where Krav Maga shines.


Active member
Most fights end up on the ground...there really isn't much debating, BJJ is a more well-rounded and effective art than is krav maga, boxing, or any other standup-based fighting style...take a krav maga expert and Royce Gracie and throw em in a ring, see who walks out. all I'm saying.

lol, in whose world do most fights end up on the ground. you obviously aint been in many battles man, no offense! fkin BJJ, Kung Fu etc etc, its all bollocks in a true street fight, not many a man has the time to implement such techniques. ive seen em try n get KO'd the fk out tbh, this aint no cage fight or fkin bruce lee movie! lmao a good boxer who can street fight will KO most a man imo!
No rules on the street!


Active member
Wing Chun is nasty, similar to Krav maga, but they'd be lucky to use it effectively in the real world on the street imo. unless your up against some expert, its unlikely, same for any martial art, apart from boxing/kick boxing, average fighters using those tecs just wouldnt get close enough, fast enough. seen it all before! n i dont wanna see no videos in some ring where its all faked out, ie-exibitions or real fights with refs!¬ its not the street is it!
real street fights by all means!


Active member
lol, in whose world do most fights end up on the ground. you obviously aint been in many battles man, no offense! fkin BJJ, Kung Fu etc etc, its all bollocks in a true street fight, not many a man has the time to implement such techniques. ive seen em try n get KO'd the fk out tbh, this aint no cage fight or fkin bruce lee movie! lmao a good boxer who can street fight will KO most a man imo!
No rules on the street!

uh...in the real world, where I'm living...where do you reside? Sounds kinda like YOU might be the one lacking in experience, not that it's anything to be proud of. I have never in my life been in or seen a street fight where both parties stood up and boxed :laughing: two or three swings and somebody gets knocked down or tackled. this is not a sanctioned fighting league match, in real life, street fights are about making sure that if it comes down to you or the other guy walking away, it's you...


allmost all the fights i have been in have ended after less than 5 sec. there might have been some shoving, and svearing. but over in reallity in just a few seconds. so what I have found to work best is to get off to a good start. most people cant take two good punches, so if you get in one before he realices its on you are half way to vicotory.

I have been in mostly one on one street fights, or small group v small group street fights. if you are in a group then it is dependent on the other members. and you have to jude the situation acording to how the mood it in the group etc etc.
but most importantly to me is to keep in mind that every avoided trip to the emergency room is a victory.


Active member
uh...in the real world, where I'm living...where do you reside? Sounds kinda like YOU might be the one lacking in experience, not that it's anything to be proud of. I have never in my life been in or seen a street fight where both parties stood up and boxed :laughing: two or three swings and somebody gets knocked down or tackled. this is not a sanctioned fighting league match, in real life, street fights are about making sure that if it comes down to you or the other guy walking away, it's you...

yeah, ive seen a few good 1-1 fist fights in my time man, seen plenty of man box on the street. yeah some last seconds with 1 punch KO's, & rarley what we call a brawl, where you get a good matched fight n they both go to ground, then its usually anyones. done quite a bit of Championship boxing in my younger days n had my fair share of street battles. not to blow my own trumpet!
Seen people trying to use martial art on good boxers & get the fk KO'd good n proper! where i come from we dont use knives or guns! Ive seen fist fights last 10, 15, 20 mins on the street, fkin toe to toe!
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zeno: did you learn about krav maga from my other thread ?
didn't see you post in there

as for royce gracie
sure he may be a bad ass but, the schools he has formed, they are not gonna make you anywhere like him

I went to one of his school and was very disappointed

as for finding a good krav maga coach
I am happy I have

there is something good for everyone out there
you just have to search (I went to a couple of places before settling down)

I have no doubts that a good krav maga practicionner could take care of a boxer

also another thing, one person talked about additional skills, skills that we have inside of us

I believe if we are doing the right thing, then we have a force inside that is with us
those that are not doing the right thing are going agains't the grain and have to use much more energy
(fighting agains't what should be natural, peace)


Active member
Didn't realize you had a thread about Krav Maga LEF, hit me with a link on my visitor messages if you would please. So no I didn't, I had a friend in high school who had grown up in Israel and had studied KM in Jerusalem from about age 5 until he left at 16. Haven't talked to him in years but we used to be close in HS. He is who I learned about KM from, tried to teach me some stuff but I can't say I was much of a student, I was a bit large and slow for all that at the time.


Is it easier to find a teacher? Yes. Is it easier to get muscle memory because you can actually go full contact? Yes. Is it more effective in fighting in a real world situation where you will be fighting anywhere from 1-7 guys? No. I would rather be on my feet with Krav Maga than be choking guys out with BJJ. That being said, if it is a 1 v 1 fight, go for BJJ and make that kid your bitch, any other situation, drop them bitches like sacks of potatoes.

As a BJJ fighter i respect this point . I dont care what u know ,if its 8 on 1 ur ass is running reguardless. Take any of these named styles one on one to the ground and they lose all confidence vs BJJ. I study multiple styles, i dont limit myself to BJJ.

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