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Deep Stoner Thoughts


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Deep Stoner Thoughts.......

Deep Stoner Thoughts.......




There is a basic fundamental ‘substance’ of existence, the ‘stuff’.. I understand it as Energy, and it has been named so many other names, but ‘stuff’ works pretty good, too.. so this ‘stuff’ is what ALL stuff is made of, even thoughts, beliefs, ‘mind’, Space/Time, Infinity/Eternity, it’s all made of ‘stuff’.. and ‘stuff’ is Conscious.. just because ‘stuff’ is conscious, doesn’t mean that ALL ‘stuff’ is intelligent, some is some isn’t.. the ‘stuff’ that is intelligent organizes the information revealed by experiences and awareness into understandings that reveal the relationship between any particular perspective of Consciousness and all perspectives of consciousness, individually or collectively..it’s all about relationships.


Somebody once told me you should always eat before you blaze up, because it is better for your digestive system. This person had zero medical experience so take that fwiw. I get the munchies regardless of whether i eat prior or not, but the difference being i just eat less the 2nd time around. Besides, getting high then eating pretty much kills my buzz and makes me smoke more weed, seems counterproductive but that's just my experience.

Stoner thought..

I think about being the person i really want to be in this life, and not succumbing to the person i feel internally pressured into being by my stupid ego. I think that's cognitive dissonance?? When i remember we're all going to be dead and gone in 50years give or take (as far as we know it anyway), it becomes a lot easier to free one's mind and do whatever we please. Suddenly then, awkward memories don't seem that important.

"First you have to give up, first you have to know... not fear... know... that someday you're gonna die. Until you know that, you are useless to me" (Tyler Durden, Fight Club)

I totally agree with Dank Frank about being torn between giving and taking, very true. And other great posts up in here :joint:


p.s beautiful purple buddage there hempkat that looks delicious :canabis:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What Gorgeous Ladies!!! :peacock:

Yum yum yummy!

Thanks but actually those aren't that great of a shot, now that I'm in the process of harvesting I'll get some better pics up hopefully but it might take a while because my week is booked :)

I do have one small tidbit though, stoner deep thought wise. It's no surprise people think there is some sort of intelligence to design when you consider how it manifests in so many unexpected ways. Like even in harvesting a crop of our beloved marijuana. We're wired to seek out the best in things which leads us to do things like trim our buds of their leaves. This as any grower knows leads to scissor hash. Now whatever designed marijuana could have made it where all the leaves ended up completely resin coated. Then no leaves would be undesirable and we would not trim them and a thing like scissor hash might never be thought of.

Now as I said I've been out for a while because of short comings in my last crop and even though I'm happy to be harvesting there's really nothing to smoke for several days to a week at the absolute earliest without resorting to undesirable quick dry methods and or extraction using undried material. So you can see how at this precise point in time scissor hash would be of keen interest to me. As I enjoyed my first bit of it earlier I thought to myself thank god, mother nature or whoever is to blame that marijuana grows the way it does such that we are driven to trim and thereby obtain scissor hash. Otherwise I'd just be hanging plants up and having to wait a good number of days yet before I can get stoned. :smoke:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hell yea hempcat, those are some mighty fine looking ladies you got there, what strain is that?? every since that purple girl i had a few yrs back, ive had somewhat of an affinity for colors, always puts me in the mindset of tangy berry, warm and happy headies... miss that bag of seeds and that girl...((tear))

Well there's actually four different strains in that crop but if you're talking about the purplish buds dominating the picture that's a cut of what's supposed to be God Bud. IT does have a sort of fruity taste/smell but it's closer to grapefruit then berries. Although I wouldn't say it tastes or smells just like grapefruit either.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Do the drugs alter reality or do the drugs present us with the ultimate reality we are being kept from experiencing?

Ah yes, I've pondered that one myself before, never came up with a conclusive answer though. I did once wonder though if it would ever be possible to have a dream of what it's like when you're experiencing reality altering drugs? Or if since a dream is also a sort of alternate reality would it be impossible because one altered reality would cancel the other out? :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There is a basic fundamental ‘substance’ of existence, the ‘stuff’.. I understand it as Energy, and it has been named so many other names, but ‘stuff’ works pretty good, too.. so this ‘stuff’ is what ALL stuff is made of, even thoughts, beliefs, ‘mind’, Space/Time, Infinity/Eternity, it’s all made of ‘stuff’.. and ‘stuff’ is Conscious.. just because ‘stuff’ is conscious, doesn’t mean that ALL ‘stuff’ is intelligent, some is some isn’t.. the ‘stuff’ that is intelligent organizes the information revealed by experiences and awareness into understandings that reveal the relationship between any particular perspective of Consciousness and all perspectives of consciousness, individually or collectively..it’s all about relationships.

Who tells the stuff that's intelligent how to organize the information? Does it organize according to the parameters and priorities of the person having the experiences or does it decide what's best for that person?


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that"

-MLK Jr.


Active member
someone stole our coats, and TOH's diabetic kit was in the pocket. we gotta wait til wal mart opens in the am....thieves, of any kind really suck


if the non stick stuff on pans is none stick how do they get it to stick to the pan?


Kiss My Ring
if light travels at 586,000 miles per second, how far can it go before it's extinguished?

(trick question)

secondary query: does the reflection also travel at that speed?