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Deep State: Exposed

White Beard

Active member
Cocaine affects the nervous system, largely through stimulation of dopamine, acetylcholine, and vasopressin; not an opiate, a stimulant: pain-resistant effects are along different pathways


Well-known member
If the clintons were as sinister and smart as you fukn righty nutjobs think, they would literally rule the entire planet, our moon, and every rock in the universe.

Ummm, they do.
But not just them, the other globalist elites as well. All one team, against us and Nature.

Try looking into Bigelow

But hey, not everyone can be briefed into these things.
Like I said, cognitive dissonance is real. As are paid shills to disrupt any talk about the truth by trying to smear those who speak truth as conspiracy nutjobs.


Active member
Due to liability reasons, the evidence damning the USA Govt will never be released.

Why do you think the 9/11 Commission was done behind closed doors and completed so hastily.

Its sets precedence that the Govt was found not liable.

We are a nation of laws and those in power understand semantics better than most all.

But the Clintons sure are responsible. Bush gets all the flak, but really it was the Clintons.

The only reason the Clintons got involved is because of her connections to DJT. They used to be very close friends. The story goes like this: Back in the 1980’s, a shadow government was formed during the Reagan years. Reagan’s Alzheimer's was a ruse and provided cover so that no one would come visit and discover that he was still the president. Believe it or not, he is still alive and calling the shots. Reagan always hated George HW Bush and wanted to get to him through his son. Ronnie plotted with the Saudi’s to provide a “terrorist cover” that everyone would believe to take down one of the trade towers. The Saudis said they would help. Around the same time, the Russians had developed the perfect high powered explosive that left absolutely no residue(nicknamed IC9)so it would not be detected. They couldn’t ask the Russians directly, and needed a backdoor in. Knowing that the kremlin has strong ties to organized crime, they needed someone rich and powerful that had strong financial connections to the russian mafia. Knowing that Hillary hated GHWB almost as much as he did(interesting back story about their prior relationship), Ronnie asked Hillary to reach out to DJT, as he was laundering money for both the russian mafia as well as the kremlin. DJT used his russian connections and was able to get his hands on so much IC9, they had enough for 3 buildings and the pentagon. Ronnie asked the Saudis to get more recruits, so the saudis increased the original number of recruits from 5 to 20. They rigged the pentagon and three of the towers. On the day of the “attack”, even though only 3 planes made it to their destination, 3 buildings (and the pentagon) went down. Hillary was involved, but she wasn’t the key player. They just needed her for her connections.

St. Phatty

Active member
Cocaine affects the nervous system, largely through stimulation of dopamine, acetylcholine, and vasopressin; not an opiate, a stimulant: pain-resistant effects are along different pathways

The novacaine is injected at the site of the pain sensor (e.g. the gum & jaw bone, in the case of oral surgery.)

The opioids work at the other end of the nerve, the site of the pain receptor, in the cerebral cortex.


Active member
hopefully people will be able to handle another Comey type outcome from the latest retribution based investigation on behalf of mr. obstruction himself


Ummm, they do.
But not just them, the other globalist elites as well. All one team, against us and Nature.

Try looking into Bigelow

But hey, not everyone can be briefed into these things.
Like I said, cognitive dissonance is real. As are paid shills to disrupt any talk about the truth by trying to smear those who speak truth as conspiracy nutjobs.

Talk about people living in other peoples heads....

For sure not ALL conspiracies are phoney, but 'Conspiracy theorists' are simple minded.... paranoia overrides their logic and ability to think things through.

Clinton's ruling the universe :biglaugh:

Tell me- how are YOU controlled?
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Active member
Lol still banging muh obstruction CNN talking point. Next we will hear about how drumpf burned a spy in May ‘17 when CNN was reporting the same information in April ‘17...


Well-known member
Talk about people living in other peoples heads....

For sure not ALL conspiracies are phoney, but 'Conspiracy theorists' are simple minded.... paranoia overrides their logic and ability to think things through.

Clinton's ruling the universe :biglaugh:

Tell me- how are YOU controlled?

If you are saying the most extreme conspiracy theorists are simple minded. You are probably right. But the reason conspiracy theorys are attractive to people is something about a story does not add up.

I like to look at any one theory on its own. And it seems anytime someone makes a valid point to prove or disprove a theory. Someone goes and attaches it to one of the most far out theories. Usually flat earth or illuminati. Once a theory becomes lumped in with that special group of ideas. That seems to mix a little truth with some schizophrenia. I lose interest.

I think it is intentional. If someone finds out someone is up to no good. Just make the person that noticed look like a flat earther or some other nut. Once the valid theory is part of the other madness. Most of the public will never listen to the small truths in the big pile of crap.


Active member
Lol still banging muh obstruction CNN talking point. Next we will hear about how drumpf burned a spy in May ‘17 when CNN was reporting the same information in April ‘17...

If you are finding fault in cnn for reporting the Mueller reports finding of multiple instances of obstruction, that sounds like faux news logic as usual.

trump claimed in an interview he fired Comey over “this Russia thing”.

A lot of instances of obstruction for a guy that has nothing to hide.

What’s up with Comey not getting nailed to the cross like I’ve been hearing ad nauseum, seems a little steam escaped on that one.

FISA is the one to watch, from the same people that promised prosecution of Hillary and Comey


Active member
It's so strange for the same people who say cops kill black people with impunity, also root for cops to get off on crimes others are in prison for.

I wonder if those same people would turn in growers who compete with them.


Active member
>implying FISA charges carry less weight than a perjury trap wew what a timeline
>being too fucking ignorant to understand Comey didn’t commit a crime with his leaking of information as at the time it WASNT classified
>being such a fucking sheep to do a simple internet search and finding out CNN and NYT put out article concerning the ‘burned spy’ a month BEFORE muh drumpf supposedly ‘burned’ said spy.

Imagine seething this hard and still sucking Zionist MSM tip. Wew boomer what a timeline


Active member
If you are saying the most extreme conspiracy theorists are simple minded. You are probably right. But the reason conspiracy theorys are attractive to people is something about a story does not add up.

I like to look at any one theory on its own. And it seems anytime someone makes a valid point to prove or disprove a theory. Someone goes and attaches it to one of the most far out theories. Usually flat earth or illuminati. Once a theory becomes lumped in with that special group of ideas. That seems to mix a little truth with some schizophrenia. I lose interest.

I think it is intentional. If someone finds out someone is up to no good. Just make the person that noticed look like a flat earther or some other nut. Once the valid theory is part of the other madness. Most of the public will never listen to the small truths in the big pile of crap.

Never thought the day would come, but i feel your last paragraph is spot on. Don’t spend all your rep in 1 place


Active member
Anybody remember who that schmuck was on here that said Comey would be "fucked" when Barr got to him?

Not a very bright guy.


Active member
>implying FISA charges carry less weight than a perjury trap wew what a timeline
>being too fucking ignorant to understand Comey didn’t commit a crime with his leaking of information as at the time it WASNT classified
>being such a fucking sheep to do a simple internet search and finding out CNN and NYT put out article concerning the ‘burned spy’ a month BEFORE muh drumpf supposedly ‘burned’ said spy.

Imagine seething this hard and still sucking Zionist MSM tip. Wew boomer what a timeline

I’m implying your fisa holy grail is a pipe dream like Comey and Hillary.

You and the rest of the trumpites predicted the end of Comey, just like Hillary, to pretend otherwise is typical.

Burned spy is your project, could care less that you are wound up about that.

You should look up the word seething, you don’t seem to understand what it means.

easy to tell your on team trump when all you have to contribute is personal insults and stories of sucking dick

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