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Deep Chunk x Bubba Kush f1


Well with the parents Bubba and deep chunk, notoriously low yielders, one would assume its not going to be massive. To me its all about quality. Its like breeding dogs, a great mom and dad typically yield a great offspring. The parents of this cross friggen rock, for indica's.

IME, the lesser yielders have typically been pretty awesome. Outdoors-wise an expert, such as Mtn Nectar, will probably get anything to yield well compared to the next fella.'

BTW- Nectar my friend, I picked up some Actic Humus to add to my compost tea this weekend. Should make for some nifty bugs.




thanks fer the kind words elkie......tryin' to keep it simple......... the DC x BK has reached five foot tall and startin' to flower... outdoor connoisseur quality herb I hope.............the other examples are fairly consistent just didn't get the head start this gal did....just wish the males would pick up the pace......

and the Artic Humus sounds interesting ....tell me more..?


heya :) i know u were gifted it but have u any idea if DC was the dad?
if so how many male individuals were used?

im doin this cross soonly and would love to hear about the variation :)
was the bubba cut used the original one?
hehehe im guessing yes if they came from who i think they came from up thar ;)

i cant wait to recreate it myself these are 2 of the classiest indicas around :)
be well and thanks in advance for any additional info :wave:


Mtn. Nectar said:
B-Monk.......always stick with native soils and few organic additions ....oyster shell flour,kelp,greensand,alfalfa meal........but one actual compost is "New Era".....that is applied in soil and used in a foilar mix w/ Maxi-Crop..........

always organic as harmony and health is where it's at for me.......
man i miss the great outdoors so badly :(
bein stuck in the greenhouse kinda sucks...PM gets us every time if we attempt foliars..
i guess once we nail down the airflow thing (definitely by next spring--need to install some large fans),
we can try 'ganic foliar feedings from the start..
i believe it builds the plants resistance to things like PM anyway, if used throughout the plants' lifetime..

lucky bastards :D

:canabis: ~ grow hard ~ :canabis:


ethereal........have no details on the makeup of this cross except that the DC was the pollen donor....the variation is minimal.....one pheno lil' more vigorous and upright in growth and the other lil' less vigor but more outright in growth......both very thick bushy ghani examples...............will have to ask .......and ya may want to try soilsoup.com for pm relief......been successful from what I hear.......

thanks much.....


Hey ethereal

Use compost tea weekly foliar from early on until week three of full flower. You will not cause mold using properly aerated compost tea, just the opposite. The benefical bacteria/funghi take up shop on the leafs surface's and "outcompete" the bad things, mainly powdery mildew for a place to set up shop. Soilsoup.com is a great product, and here are a few good reads. Be warned though, if the tea is not teeming with beneficial microbes, you may run into some prob's. There is also a bacteria streptococcus Lydicus which makes up a dry product called Actinovate, which may help with PM. I am using this in my tea as well this season.

MN- Not sure about the humus other than it comes from very orthern Alaska. I got it at peacetime supply. I would imagine that it must have some bacteria that differ from our lower 48 types, and perhaps be of some benefit. Dunno yet, but you know my penchant for throwing the kitchen sink into my teas, as well as my fondness for the last frontier.

Sorry for getting into Teas, perhaps a new thread may be in order. :wave:



thanks elk.....always room for improvement......

after lookin' at TH's pic's of DC it looks as if these are leaning that way......especially the last pic he put up of full plant......almost identical.........now just hope for the sugar that shows on his.......definite brood material.....


excellent info there elk! thank u for that..makes a lot of sense :) once again appreciate it greatly
stay safe


Beautiful plants Mtn Nectar....very impressive and what a strain..whew!!


yes HK they are doing well.......and this pheno is my fav...and she stinks from many yards away..........have made F2's and many hybrids w/ male.........

Hindu Killer

Active member
Damn Bro! That is a nice indica plant! Best of this cross Ive seen! SWEET! Im digging DC myself...my first go at it. Im sure that is going to be something special......


thanks friends.....will get some closer shots soon.................she is 6.5' tall and no stretch since started to flower.....just fillin' out.....

have other phenos that resemble more the DC side, but otherwise hybrid variants of the two parents involved.........


Beautiful Mtn. Nectar. Looks like you're getting the best out of her. I'm stoked cause mine are just going into flower indoors. All the best bro.

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