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DEA stopped by my house...


Active member
I had the same thing happen to me.Before i even got out of Prison,the FBI Agent in charge of my case,brang back things that werent illegal.They were all in Evidence Bags.My girl put the box in my garage until i got out.In it was just peat pellets,Like 12 bottles of various Foods.Big Bloom,Pure Blend,Earth Juice,Rooting Gel and stuff like that.Even a Cap timer that was brand new,cost $90,so im glad.Also a Dayton Blower,all this stuff was in a box when they came to my house in the first place,they were never used,even the Food.But i thought it was a little weird myself.But after looking into it,its pretty common for them to return certain things i guess but they didnt ask my girl to sign for anything.I had a few Cell phones,they returned them,i threw them straight in the garbage,brang my Computer back also.Whats dumb to me is,they kept all my TreatingYourself Mags,and a couple High Times and Narc Emerys CC Mags also.Maybe they kept them to try to learn stuff(aint going to learn anything from CC Mag except how to bootleg other breeders Seeds),but there not illegal,so to even take them in the first place is wrong,imo.But dont worry about it Bro.It takes money and time to do these investigations.So if yer not doing anything dont worry.If they started actively investigating everyone that just got out of Prison,just because they were arrested for growing before,it would cost Billions of dollars and time away from actual crimes.They know now that you are known for growing,but there not going to be watching you or worrying about yoou unless they have proof or get a tip from someone that you are back in the game/Thats yer POs Job,to keep an eye on ya/. Unless you fkd up and are doing sh#t again,you have nothing to worry about.They just cannot watch and look into everyone thats been arrested once they get out. Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed:ying:
yea i agree, you are over reacting. if your grow was personal, they are done investigating you. it costs too much money for them, so unless you are big time, they don't have the funds to follow you around.

i dont think if the dea was investigating you, they would alert you by dropping stuff off to your house.


Active member
yea like everyone else said you are being paranoid they are onto the next one as they say...unless your previous conviction was for somethin crazy like having 3 warehouses or pushing hundreds of pies...


New member
No this wasn't a personal grow. It wasn't a warehouse but it wasn't a closet either.

I got probation but don't gotta take piss tests. Just one when I first went in. Probations is pretty hands off actually kinda lucked out with my PO.

FullyMeltedDome- Nice to know this has happened to someone here before. So maybe it's not all that out of the ordinary for them to drop stuff off. Just thought it was odd.

No sign of them since. I think if they wanted to talk to me they would have by now.

Guest 88950

federal cultivation charges and you ONLY got probation?????

and yr back in business, or gearing up for another grow.

and associating with peps in illegal activities.

something sounds fishy.............at the very least distance yourself from those engaged in illegal activities.........................FOR THEIR SAKE.

something JDLR


ICMag Donor
What do you mean "got probation but no piss tests"? When you're on probation you can be tested at any time......

No this wasn't a personal grow. It wasn't a warehouse but it wasn't a closet either.

I got probation but don't gotta take piss tests. Just one when I first went in. Probations is pretty hands off actually kinda lucked out with my PO.

FullyMeltedDome- Nice to know this has happened to someone here before. So maybe it's not all that out of the ordinary for them to drop stuff off. Just thought it was odd.

No sign of them since. I think if they wanted to talk to me they would have by now.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If Im not mistakin it must say right in your probation papers that piss test are part of the probation. I was on probation for 3 year and never took one... even though my bust was MJ related. I actually had the PO tell me ... " if i ask you to pee in a bottle for me you can refuse because its not in your paperwork and I will probably just forget". So it does happen ... although this was about 10 years ago.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
What do you mean "got probation but no piss tests"? When you're on probation you can be tested at any time......

Actually it depends on what type of probation your put on.

Non Reporting Probation With non reporting probation you don't report to or ever speak with a probation officer and you won't ever get a visit from the probation officer. You may have to call a probation officer or mail a letter just depends on the stipulations of the probation your put on.

Still works the same though, if you were to get in trouble while on non reporting probation it will still come back as a violation of probation.

So it all really depends on what type of probation your on. :tiphat:
What do you mean "got probation but no piss tests"? When you're on probation you can be tested at any time......

they can, but doesn't mean they will, my ex is on it for growing, and hasn't ever been tested, and wont be. where she is, they dont charge money for probation, so they want nothing to do with her. she goes in every 4 months for a check up.

it does not say on your papers whether you are to be tested or not, it is up to your PO. we are both on supervised probation, but in different states, but same judges orders. i have been tested 1 time in 9 months, she hasn't at all. It mosty has to do with where you are located, and how the deal with it...


Active member
dumbass. you know you gave up your rights when you took probation. now your their bitch till its over. play it safe man . dont even keep weed at home. hide it outside.


New member
federal cultivation charges and you ONLY got probation?????

and yr back in business, or gearing up for another grow.

and associating with peps in illegal activities.

something sounds fishy.............at the very least distance yourself from those engaged in illegal activities.........................FOR THEIR SAKE.

something JDLR

Yeah I hear ya it does sound fishy, but it is what it is. Got probation and big ass fine. I got a real good lawyer and got real lucky. When I ordered the beans I was planning to do something small for personal, but have since decided not to. This recent scare has, well, scared me. It's not necessary to grow I can get good herb without the risk.

What do you mean "got probation but no piss tests"? When you're on probation you can be tested at any time......

If Im not mistakin it must say right in your probation papers that piss test are part of the probation. I was on probation for 3 year and never took one... even though my bust was MJ related. I actually had the PO tell me ... " if i ask you to pee in a bottle for me you can refuse because its not in your paperwork and I will probably just forget". So it does happen ... although this was about 10 years ago.

Yeah piss tests were not mandated by the court. When I went to probation they had me take a personality test and apparently I scored very high on it so I don't have to go in anymore and gotta call only if I move or change jobs or want to go out of the state. I think part of my luck is that the probation office is so overloaded and my state is kinda broke, so I guess they just don't have the manpower. And also I don't look at all like a stoner or criminal. I look very innocent lol. I play that card very well.


New member
dumbass. you know you gave up your rights when you took probation. now your their bitch till its over. play it safe man . dont even keep weed at home. hide it outside.

Good suggestion thanks I def should do that.

But I don't know what rights have I given away? Life now is actually not much different, aside from perhaps getting hassled a little bit if I get pulled over. Cops always want to ask about my grow op that got busted lol.


Active member
you cant own or possess firearms.
you cant leave the country
you cant vote
you cannot refuse a request from leo to search your car or home.
you are the property of the department of corrections until your off paper, sorry bro.
but ya, for the most part probation doesnt change much.
(also im assuming you were convicted of a felony and are on felony probation because idk how u could get out of a felony charge if u got popped for a non closet grow, at least in any state ive ever lived in.
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New member
you cannot refuse a request from leo to search your car or home.
you are the property of the department of corrections until your off paper, sorry bro.

Wow are you 100% sure about this? If so... wow! I did not know that.

(also im assuming you were convicted of a felony and are on felony probation because idk how u could get out of a felony charge if u got popped for a non closet grow, at least in any state ive ever lived in.

I don't want to discuss all the details just for my own peace of mind. That being said, based on the info I gave, my situation should be pretty obvious for those who know 1+1=2.


Active member
not 100% but high 90's id say.. thats how it was when i was on probation... but i assume it could vary from state to state... i think its a pretty standard condition of probation though. read you paperwork.... all the conditions of your probation should be layed out in there... good luck

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Good suggestion thanks I def should do that.

But I don't know what rights have I given away? Life now is actually not much different, aside from perhaps getting hassled a little bit if I get pulled over. Cops always want to ask about my grow op that got busted lol.

You are a felon, Yes?

No guns, no voting...