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DEA stopped by my house...


New member
I got busted a while back and my case ended few months ago. I'm on probation now.

Few days ago the DEA and a local detective stopped by my house, apparently to drop off some personal belongings (evidence from the case).

I wasn't home but got a call from a family member that they need me to be there to sign for it personally. The family member ended up signing for it cause I didn't pick up the phone. Then they went away.

They didn't ask any strange questions.

What should I do now? I got a little herb at the house but not much. No plants atm. I had ordered some beans from somewhere else that have not arrived yet. Been over 3 weeks. Paranoid about that. Maybe they intercepted them and now they are investigating me again?

I'm worried. Isn't it weird that they would stop by my house unannounced to drop off evidence from my case? I would think they would call me up and tell me to come pick it up.

Been looking for tails whenever driving, and anyone unusual on the streets possibly doing surveillance. Haven't spotted anyone or anything unusual.

Not sure what to do.

Please help.


Stay clean while you are on Probation. Doing anything otherwise is stupid. You are asking for trouble.



New member
I was growing. I'm not going to grow now. You're right it's a bad idea. I do know some people who do though. Want to keep them safe.

How should I proceed?

Am I right in thinking this is very out of the ordinary to get a visit?


Out of the ordinary but the DEA wont bat an eye at a quarter bag you have to smoke.

If you aren't doing anything worse, no worries.


I love my life
Why was any evidence in the possession of the feds? From my limited knowledge when you beat the pigs they make you drive down and pick up your shit (which they have broken 9 ways to Sunday). Can't think free delivery from Federal fuck pigs is a good thing.



New member
Well I'm wondering about the seeds that did not make it. Is it possible that if customs intercepted them that they ran my name and passed it along to DEA after seeing I'm on the system?

Also, what about peeps I know who I've talked to or visited recently? Should I warn them? Maybe they got tracking on my car or phone. Should I just not talk to anyone anymore? Kinda tough they're friends. Shit this sucks!


Kiss My Ring
notify your friends and make face to face, not likely ice sharing with dea, you would have to be moving weight to make their lineup...just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.

do you have priors? are you naughty in any other aspect of your life?

i have never given myself that much credit so i'm assuming you're doing other nasties that may exacerbate your paranoia.


shut the fuck up Donny
I was growing. I'm not going to grow now. You're right it's a bad idea. I do know some people who do though. Want to keep them safe.

How should I proceed?

If you weren't intending on growing why did you order beans?

Consider this a warning sign. You are on probation. You know what that means right? Another fuck up and you go to jail.

How to proceed: don't do stupid (aka illegal) shit.


Re: DEA stopped by my house...

Guess here that one of your friends is under investigation and you blipped on the radar and with your history and company kept they made up some horse shit excuse to knock and talk you to see if they could make you sweat or turn you...just a guess fuck friends be safe you wanna do them best stay away ..you have no friends never forget it.


Out of the ordinary but the DEA wont bat an eye at a quarter bag you have to smoke.

If you aren't doing anything worse, no worries.

The DEA will not but his probation officer will send him to prison for the remainder of his time. So will a dirty piss test and seeds sent in the mail. The later being a federal offense.



Bro, you're being paranoid, chill out!
From what i read so far, the cops came for the reason the came for, nothing more.
However if you are on probation, you should be looking for a job bro and not for a grow!!! If you feel like having a spliff now and then, use your hard earned money to buy from a homie!
Don't make waves and stay out of trouble dowg.
Ditch the grow equipment and save the beans in a very safe place for a rainy day.
My :2cents:


Active member
Get anything illegal out of your house(and your car, and your boat,etc.etc.) immediately. That includes a piddly quarter. Violations are no fun.
If you're on probation I assume they can search your home at any time. Keep that in mind and don't shit in your own home as the saying goes.
DEA huh? Where you live, Arkansas?