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DaPurps Closet Grow


Alright i let this one fill in a little more so tongiht will be night 1.


This plants around 15-16inches tall without the LST, which i have been lowering everyday.

This fucker still has not sexed. Im pretty dang sure it is a female, but no pistils yet. :blowbubbles: Been a week of 12/12, and it's atleast 5 weeks old.



Babies on the rise, bout 20 that are like this



So not much going on right now. Just puffing on the jars while the weedz grow on.
i would recommed u grow vertical circular, or grow in a v -scrog. this way u eliminate popcorn buds, trusts me your nugs will be huge, i pulled buds the size of my keyboard of a 250hps, u gotta nullify that inverse sqaure law of light, even 1000 watt bulbs a foot down or so produce nothing but airy popcorn and buy circleing the bulb with plants all parts will recieve equal light shade free. think about it, your buds were not popcorn as u know im impressed but give it some thought, can really up your yeild


Thanks for dropping by. I have most def considered it and am looking at making some big changes as soon as cash starts flowing. Winter is a big down time for my career but i will be back to working full hours soon enough. If i am lucky i will be able to rewire a 400w parking lot light i have found and make it bare bulb. Either way i will be adding more light.. just waiting for cash.

RaNgEr RiCk

Being self sufficient is definitely a good feeling. But for me, I'm always on the hunt for that next great strain.

Don't you hate that feeling when it seems you've lost a strain forever? I always take a few clones just in case. Definitely a nice little setup though man, I always love a good closet grow :)


New member
sick grow...

hey where do you get the CFL fixtures that you can hang like that, that you screw two bulbs into? I was looking for those the other day and all I could find were expensive bathroom lighting fixtures.



I got them at Lowes. They came with a cage around the light socket, like a mechanic would use. I removed it and added a splitter to make it hold 2 bulbs.

I'm back in action. I have two confirmed females at the moment. The big bush is around 6 weeks old now, AND STILL NOT SEXED. It is pissing me off. lol.


the power of miracle grow cheap soil, pour in bucket, plant seed, water with tap, in 6 weeks u have a perfect bush. :dance013:

one recomendation my freind= go get just two or exchange two of your 2700 k lights for 2 6400k ones, your plants will start reaching up vertical for the light in a half hour after u install them, they LUV blue in veg. trust me and this will also give u a much great ability to visually read there water needs, cause the fan ''weep'' will be much easier to detect. plus its said to increase root growth and up your odds of getting girls. all the best.


Hey thanks for that, i will swap in a few blues.

I have finally had enough of dealing with random seeds and pulled the trigger on some female seeds ICE. I ... cannot .... WAIT ! Quality genetic is a first time for me. Now i will finally know what good herb is like

I wanted to get a handful of grows under me before spending money on seeds. I think i have the hang of germination now, so its a go !


Welp... this fucker is still not showing sex. I can't believe it. It's getting so big, lol.

I will LST the shit out of it if it turns female, but i don't want to stress it until it shows and it is apparently not in any rush.... It's been on 12/12 for like a month, haha.... I don't have light leaks, or pollution. Other plants are sexing out just fine.


Starting to ask for some nutes, but I was trying to wait until i knew sex. This one is frustrating me.

Heres a female i found yesterday. I have a few, and have culled a few males. And i started more beans today to run 12/12 to keep the area FULL. They should hit the dirt in a day or two.




I start the waiting game on the ICE beans i ordered. Money's sent, so i'm just waitin on time now. Popping them when i get them and giving them a good 5 or 6 week veg in the 5 gallon buckets.


I LST'ed the crap out of the big one today, she lost a lot of height, lol.

I also got a few hundred Jiffy pucks for the upcoming year. I need to learn how to clone for the outdoor season. I can't mess with seeds in huge numbers, too expensive and i need to know i have females. So today i start the learning curve on cloning.

I started with 4 cuttings off my big plant. I kept it simple, tap water, horomones, peat pucks, very sharp blade, and a stick to make a hole. Used warm water.

My tools:

What my clones look like:

I tried to keep them small for now.

Their home:

Any advice regarding the cloning appreciated. All of the empty peat pucks have seeds germing in them :blowbubbles:

Am planning on patience. Just letting the cuts hang out for a week or so, not let them dry up.. Do their thing.

IF I can get this cloning down, we will be overgrowing this county come spring. I know a few spots already for guerilla, and am the type to hike a few hours into nowhere to find a few more.

I want to do a lot of little, hit and runs. Few plants here, few there, few everywhere. In the ground, little checking back until the end. Play the numbers game, something will come thru to harvest.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
just sexy, I love my own bud also. something about your energy always makes it better. always can tell when it's bob's herb. even if different strain...
Puff on bro
Heres a dried and 2 week cured nug next to the weed it came from


They taste nothing alike as you could imagine. The stone is pretty similar although mine gets me a good bit more intense stone.


YEAH BOY. LOOKING GOOD well bummer about the bush not shoing sex, and good luck with clones. this is the only thing about growing i have yet to concor.... i cant do it, or have yet to have any sucess. let us know how it goes over the comming days


Thanks for droppin in fellas :)

You have that right B.Friendly !

Mrpiston38, I just rolled out of bed and looked in on them. Today was the day, it went female :)

The clones look great this morning, better then after i cut them actually. Well see over the coming days. If they live i have 4 female clones wooooooofreakinhooooooooooo ! and two more un-sexed clones i took later last nite. It's donor is not far from letting me know sex in the 12/12.


Thanks :D

Recovering from LST

I just hit her with her first taste of nutes. She got a full dose of bloom ferts.


Culled 2 males this morning. 2 of the clones came from one of them, so down to 4 clones that are Fem if they root


Pulled 1 more male this morning, found 1 more female. Added 3 seedlings to replace those lost males.

The 4 Fem clones are still looking great, no sign of roots coming out the pucks yet.

Ill get some pics up later, the grow area is pretty full. I am liking running 12/12 from seeds on these bagseeds. It is working well for a perpetual grow. I am using my clone area to also give seedlings 24/0 light for the first week.


Alright, so my pics turned out horrible today, ill try again in a day or two without the HPS.

I took the dome off the clones for 30minutes and one started to droop. I promply put it back on. Other then, i have not touched them... Temps are low of 70, high of 80 for them.


Succeed or fail, I will get cloning down. I NEED to know how, to get where I want. The closet is fun, but summer is coming and I want to play.

Here is the 12/12 grow

It is interesting to see how all these random bagseed are so different when grow beside each other in the 12/12. Some branch, some don't, some go tall, other stay short.

The biggest plants are ladies, 5 of them so far. The rest are unsexed.


The biggest girl has a little leaf curl upwards, I believe from the nutes yesterday. Her leaf tips are OK for now, so I don't think I over did her too badly.

It has been less then a year since I sprouted my first cannibus seed, and I've learned so much. I love to grow, can't wait for the future. Every consecutive plant gets a little better, learn a little more, become a little more in tune. It is nice to be connected in some way to Earth in this crazy world. Who cares if the plant we choose is forbid by the laws of man, I follow the laws of God. :plant grow:
