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Damakkus Grow Room

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man.. the laws up here weren't too bad when the liberals were in power.. they had even talked of decriminalizing small amounts here... in fact it went through for one summer where I use to live.. you were allowed an ounce with no problems.. then when the us gov. heard that they wanted to decriminalize they added pressure saying that this would add to the ongoing trafficking problem... they were even talks of stopping trade... soooo they pretty much axed the bill... then the conservatives got voted in and they are f'n going crazy with the laws he's pretty much the Canadian version of Bush... I heard they are going to revamp the existing lawsn here and have automatic jail terms... not sure if that is all hype or what... I'm pretty much sick of the whole debate.... they've done all the studies and it's still not enough... I figure if we all stand, something has to be done... but until we become organized enough to do so... we'll just have to keep hiding in the shadows... nice to see that at least some of us can grow and not be classified a criminal.... rock on bro, garden looks awesome.



Well-known member
damakkus my brotha , how are ya!!!!
wow...those are some magnificent looking plants man!!! sweet!!!

hope life is treating you well buddy



West Coast ICer
Old Soul, thanks my friend. This is my second round with her. My first go was indoors that did not turn out that well due to my extreme growing conditions.

Lava Surfer, Thanks for the comment as I enjoy growing bud and photography. I call it budography. They are my favorite hobbies.

Black Rain, thanks for filling me in. I hate rule makers and ignorant people. I was watching a movie called Reefer Madness for the first time and I can not believe what they make marijuana to be. It is all about education and sticking together my brother to the north. GROW UNITED

El Gato, good to see you my mang. I am doing GREAT! I could just use a little extra money these days but who couldnt as prices go up and up. But life is good. I GET SO MUCH JOY FROM MY GARDEN that other things dont bother me. Hope things are well for you too my friend.

Now time for an update.

Well, it looks like I have yellowing going on in the lower leaves. Lower leaves are falling. Insect damage from thrips, spider mites, leaf miners and some other unidentified insects as well.

I have began giving doses of cal/mag with every watering and more frequent use of insecticidal soap. Also have reduced my watering schedule.

left SSH#3, center Casey Jones#1, right SSH#2 09/06/08

left Casey Jones#2, right SSH#1 09/06/08

left SSH#3, center Casey Jones#1, right SSH#2 09/10/08

SSH#2 09/06/08

SSH#2 09/09/08

SSH#2 09/10/08


West Coast ICer
I was photographing my gals...if you look real close...

caterpillars eating my bud :cuss:

Hopefully this stuff will do the trick


Lava Surfer

damakkus said:
Old Soul, thanks my friend. This is my second round with her. My first go was indoors that did not turn out that well due to my extreme growing conditions.

Lava Surfer, Thanks for the comment as I enjoy growing bud and photography. I call it budography. They are my favorite hobbies.

Hi Damakkus it's always nice to meet someone with the same hobbies as your self, I also grow weed and take alot of photography. Should u by any chance also smoke weed, cos I know I do and thats also a very nice hobbie "sampling strains" :muahaha:

Love the outdoor plants u got and location, I have my indoor forshure but it would be nice to be able to grow out in the free sun too. Just one crop a year and then the rest of the time the indoor could be running, but thats not gonna happen where I am so im gonna forget about that again.

Keep the lovely shots flowing mon, can't wait to see these plants in full flower!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn bro, some impressive looking plants. You're going to have a great harvest.... love the grow united moto, power in numbers man.



West Coast ICer
5LG, thanks buddy as I am trying. My second go outdoors...I am learning as I go...must say...outdoor is way easier than indoor

Lava Surfer, OH HELL YEAH! thats the best part of it! Smoking and sharing your bud with others to enjoy is one of my favorite things in life. Maybe one day you will have an outdoor garden. My good friend joeshmoe encouraged me to start an outdoor garden last year as I was scared of what others thought. Now look at me, I have come a long way baby! Yeah.

Black Rain, thanks for the comments my friend. I too hope harvest is good as papa needs a new pair of shoes. hehehe
Thanks too for noticing the GROW UNITED Man I totally stand behind it as my friends and family have labelled me as a drug user and a loser. This community is all I have and it is important as hell that we GROW UNITED !

I was wondering if anyone new what this is on my bud?

A little closer view

Totally looks like some kind of egg. If anyone knows or has any ideas, I would appreciate it much.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
It's an egg of some kind... as to what kind I have no clue man. My insect books are all at work lol, I would keep an eye on your plants for a while and see what bugs are nosing around, could help to identify whether the bug laying those will cause a problem or not. Sad to hear about your friends and family man, most of my family is cool with what I do. My dad isn't but then again who really cares... I'm not our for his approval on anything :) We're all a family on here!!!

Grow United my friend... I'll pass on the motto in my sig. too.



West Coast ICer
Black Rain, thanks for your help and support. GROW UNITED my FRIEND!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and support. It is much appreciated. :chin:

As far as the eggs are concerned, I have not been able to catch what is laying the eggs. :violin: I have found about 5 in total. :cuss:
I have noticed however about my caterpillars is that they seem to gather at the tops of the bud formation early in the mornings.
I have not seen one at any other time than the morning. :crazy: May just be coincidence. I dunno :confused:

I did apply the Bt to take care of the catepillars, but how it works is that the catepillar needs
to eat the Bt that has dried to the foilage for it to work so I may need to reapply a few times :puppydoge
I prefer DEAD on contact :muahaha:


Update coming right up...


West Coast ICer
And time for a few pics of the garden...

Front to back SSH2, Casey Jones 1, SSH3

Here are a few Cola shots of Casey Jones 1
I truly enjoy photographing this gal! I hope you enjoy her as much as I do



Here is another pheno of Casey Jones

And SSH2 I just love this plants bud structure. phat




crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'm reading off a bottle of Caterpillar killer:
Bacillus thurigensis subspecies Kurstaki.

also known as Dipel in powdered form.

I got schooled on this in another forum, so I thought I'd spread the knowledge-love around......

Otherwise, those are some chunky ladies..... i'm thinking mid to late october harvest?


West Coast ICer
Humbl1, thanks my friend for the nice words.

I have applied the Bacillus thurigiensis. It is also known as Bt right? :confused:

Does the Dipel work better?



Heady Connoisseur
Looking killer Damakkus,

Those CJ stand out the most to me, so sugary and looking delicious

that SSH is gonna get nice and chunky too.

Good work bro :rasta:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Damakkus :wave:
W O W - there be a huge mass o buds buddy! Hat's off to ya - gorgeous grow!

The BT is also good for soil gnats - I get those buggers inside a few times a year and would be lost without BT.

Props buddy - looks great!:canabis:


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
they're both Bt.
different subspecies of Bt work better on different pests, that's all.
as i recall, the quote went something like this:
Bt.i(Israeliensis) is for Diptera (gnats)
Bt.k(Kurstaki) is for Lepidoptera (most caterpillars turn to moths or butterflies)

the bacillus bacteria is eaten by the host and then rapidly reproduces in the host's digestive tract. during this time the different subspecies of bacillus produce slightly different toxins inside their respective hosts. one toxin poisons one pest more effectively than the other.

p.s. i got that tip from inflorescence !!! just goes to show you that even the most negative nelly can be full of useful info.... j/k love you, inflo!
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