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Dakines NEW Fresh Start-Multiple Strains


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Hey guys, Heres A Couple pics of the clones I have left after giving A Med User/Small Grower who lost ALOT of her genetics from A trip to the emergency room..

But first lets see the lowest growth/shoots I cut from the 2-SSSDH girls in Flower, that I decided to try the scraping stem method. Cant hurt since I wsa actuallly planning on just cutting them off and left to die on top of the soil.

By this time I usually have A Buncha roots coming out of the bottoms, but thats when I dont scrape them. Im thinking its because first/most root growth will be only where I made the angled cut.. Now they have to use alot more energy to produce roots on all the areas I Scraped, so I probably have alot more roots but they start off slower till they get some food?

If you look at the cut on left. I guess I scraped to high. She has roots way above the rockwool starting to grow..

#1 Bushy Girl Clones 1/2Gallon Pots. Just Topped A Couple days ago.

#2Tall&Sturdy Girl Clones, 1- 1/2Gal, 2-1Gallon Pots, Topped A couple days ago..

Im going to start training probably tomorrow. Might even crush A few stems but not bend them.. Gotta decide which Girls im gonna top again. Wanna throw them into flower 1st of next month, But im thinking to give them a full month to veg so it might be after that.. But the whole point to flower them is to make room while other stuff is just starting to veg.

I want to make bushes the same height, or try to make an even canopy and strip the lower growth, kinda like A Scrog thats lollipopped /stripped below the screen'/trellis net, but with no screen or net.. Just a nice even canopy, with very good air flow right underneath the canopy since theres nothing down there but branches


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Hey you guys, did a little work today not to much though just transplanted A couple Baby TnT Strains out of there germination trays.... Did A little more thinking/planning..

Right now my Veg area is 6-6 1/2 Ft long x 1Ft Wide x 4FtxTall, But can be adjusted to 6Ft tall.. Right now im only using the middle 4ft, I dont want to spread the bulbs/plants farther apart since they fit nicely all snugged up to each other...But I use the bottom 2ft for pots,nutes,basically small grow storage..
Above everything I have a platform to root clones, with A 5 way splitter that only has 2-14watt LEDs and 1-23watt CFL

I have lights Hanging from A Pole thats screwed in, Which can be easily moved...Lights is exactly like this..
14Watt LED-2-24Watt CFL-14watt LED-400Watt MH-14Watt LED-2-24Watt CFL-14Watt LED

Sooo I was thinking about making the platform the plants sit on double the width .. So now it would be 6ft Long x 2Ft Wide x 4Ft-6Ft Tall... Instead of only being 1Ft Wide..

Right now the pole that the lights are being hung on is 11inches from the back wall of the veg space. I think if I do add another 1Ft to the platform , I should move the pole another 1inch towards me. Since im going to be widening the platform the plants sit on , towards me as well...

IF i go through with the above idea, I kinda wanna change the light set up as well... But stick around the same total wattage or less, which is about 550... But I dont think I need anywhere near that amount.. I was able to get my 2-SSSDH girls to a decent size with just 120watts of CFLs and LED Bulbs... BUT im not planning on spending much to be honest..

I want to see how much either 70,100, or 150watt Cmh set ups would be. 2-cmh bulbs and 2-ballast plus the mogul sockets, might be way more expensive then 2 low wattage hps or mh scomplete set ups.. I've been wanting to try CMH out awhile ago but I always wanted to get the 315 and thats pretty damn expensive...

I could always put the Mh into the flowering tent with the 400hps in it. Then get 2-4 more sockets to hang in veg area, and get 5-way splitters for all of them, or most of them... I'd still want to run A Couple CFLs between the plants like a vertical set up and have LED bulbs over the tops of them.. I'd be able to try out alot of different spectrums and combinations..


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Clone Update. Need training Tips and DIY Trellis Net!

Clone Update. Need training Tips and DIY Trellis Net!

Hey everyone.. So ive been trying to top my clones and start training them but Im not sure on how I would like to train them.. I really like DankWolfs way he trains his clones into an all same height top bush for his canopy..

Just know that these clones have exactly 6-7 Days then im gonna transplant and throw them into flower.. All of them have been topped once so some are showing 2 mains and some are showing 3 mains.

This girl had 3 mains but I was trying to train with just using my hand to bend her, and she snapped about 3/4 off. I tried to tape her but shes fading fast, luckily a Branch right under her was already catching up..

SSSDH(Clone)-#1Bushy Girl

This next girl was only topped once. She was slower to bounce back but now ALL her secondary shoots are growin in a hurry. I SERIOUSLY want to get her as horizontal as possible.

SSSDH(Clone)-#1Bushy Girl

So 1 week left before transplant and flower.. I really want to train the girls like I was doing with the clone in the 1st pic. All 3-4 main branches are going outwards, A couple secondary shoots/growth should grow straight up, using the middle area well..

So 2 out of the 4 clones Im gonna flower are in 1/2 gal pots or just a little bigger.. But I found these rings In my grow shed , that clip perfectly onto the 1/2 Gal pots to train them..

^ I dont want to train them that way but I wanted to give you guys an example. The clone in that pic has 3 main new shoots coming out, so im thinking I should wait to train her and just let her grow those shoots long/upwards? Then I can tie them outwards just Like I want the clones to be... I could just crush&Bend the stems but they arent gonna look to pretty haha

v-DIY Wimpy Trellis Net?

So if you guys read what I just wrote, you would know that I have 4 clones that need to be thrown into flower in exactly 1 week in order to make room.. I want to train them into A small bush, but with the tops all the same height. Not a bush, But A small canopy?
I dont know how I forgot but I used all the trellis nets I had, kind of a long time ago. Lilikoi/Passion Fruit needs A Net or something like it . in order to grow/thrive..

While looking for the Trellis Nets I apparently dont even have, I found another type of net/screen. Which is used to keep mainly birds away from eating your fruit or what ever your trying to cover up..

In the pic below I cut out 6-4x4x4x4 squares. That seemed like the best size if I wanted to use this as A scrog tent... I want to put this over the 4 SSSDH clones that are going into the flower tent.
I want to make 2 nets to place over the girls. #1-For the lower growth/Support branches,#2- I'd place it 1/2Ft to 1-Ft higher then the 1st net..

I have never did A scrog grow of any type.. I've only done A small sea of green outdoors.. If you guys think the netting would work, let me know if I should cut smaller squares and just more of them or keep it just how i did it..


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Hey you guys, did a little work today not to much though just transplanted A couple Baby TnT Strains out of there germination trays.... Did A little more thinking/planning..

Right now my Veg area is 6-6 1/2 Ft long x 1Ft Wide x 4FtxTall, But can be adjusted to 6Ft tall.. Right now im only using the middle 4ft, I dont want to spread the bulbs/plants farther apart since they fit nicely all snugged up to each other...But I use the bottom 2ft for pots,nutes,basically small grow storage..
Above everything I have a platform to root clones, with A 5 way splitter that only has 2-14watt LEDs and 1-23watt CFL

I have lights Hanging from A Pole thats screwed in, Which can be easily moved...Lights is exactly like this..
14Watt LED-2-24Watt CFL-14watt LED-400Watt MH-14Watt LED-2-24Watt CFL-14Watt LED

Sooo I was thinking about making the platform the plants sit on double the width .. So now it would be 6ft Long x 2Ft Wide x 4Ft-6Ft Tall... Instead of only being 1Ft Wide..

Right now the pole that the lights are being hung on is 11inches from the back wall of the veg space. I think if I do add another 1Ft to the platform , I should move the pole another 1inch towards me. Since im going to be widening the platform the plants sit on , towards me as well...

IF i go through with the above idea, I kinda wanna change the light set up as well... But stick around the same total wattage or less, which is about 550... But I dont think I need anywhere near that amount.. I was able to get my 2-SSSDH girls to a decent size with just 120watts of CFLs and LED Bulbs... BUT im not planning on spending much to be honest..

I want to see how much either 70,100, or 150watt Cmh set ups would be. 2-cmh bulbs and 2-ballast plus the mogul sockets, might be way more expensive then 2 low wattage hps or mh scomplete set ups.. I've been wanting to try CMH out awhile ago but I always wanted to get the 315 and thats pretty damn expensive...

I could always put the Mh into the flowering tent with the 400hps in it. Then get 2-4 more sockets to hang in veg area, and get 5-way splitters for all of them, or most of them... I'd still want to run A Couple CFLs between the plants like a vertical set up and have LED bulbs over the tops of them.. I'd be able to try out alot of different spectrums and combinations..

your veg would do much better with the extra width...
yes you are right that you dont need 550w for veg in your case, BUT the MH is where its at, or even better the 315 like you said...
from the thread i hear you would save money in the long run as the bulb last about 3 yrs apposed to a normal 1yr MH bulb..
id make a mini veg area just with the cfl´s and led´s for seedlings and clones.. and have the 400w or 315 centered for the main veg


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yeah watch out with crushing and breaking.. works well though...
from the pics i think you are a bit extreme though... better i find, is to do it gradually.. and have them in a position you have them in now after at least one time crushing..
so a bit more subtle id say...
the net/screen you have there is ok for the lower one.. but for the one up top where the buds will be you will need something a lot wider... otherwise you will be limiting light...
id get a normal scrog netting for the top net!!
OH and watch out, Nitrogen toxicity creeping up... i would just give them water/tea for the next 2 waterings... then half strength till the new growth is a bit lighter green
otherwise you will have problems again... less is more


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Hey TnT-
Yea I agree with you on wider veg space.. If I trained the 2-SSSDH girls, like I usually train. They wouldnt have been able to fit in the veg area unless I put them on the ground..
The only clone thats trained in the previous post, is the 1st girl. All I did was hold her branches VERY softly outwards for 20-30 seconds 3 times A day. The 1 branch snapped because I tried to cup her in my hand, like Dankwolf does.
Im going to crush there stems and bend them in a couple days, then let them rest till a couple of days into flower so I can see where the branches are gonna go.. Then i'll keep doing it up to 2 MAYBE even 3 weeks in flower.. The growers I learned it from on icmag, crush and bend stems up to 5weeks in flower lol..

The Trellis Net squares I cut out, are really to small for the higher net? They are 2 3/4inches.. I thought the buds would grow into the net its self? I seriously have ROLLS of the netting.. If the squares are to small, couldnt I just cut some bigger ones? Im not trying to be cheap, but If i can use what I have even if it needs modification im ok with that... I rather buy more smart pots then more trellis nets haha....

WDF LOL, EVERYONES been getting Aerated Water,Molasses, and ill add Great White once A week.. Nothing Else! FML haha
Oh and I used the Semi-Hot FFOF Flowering Mix. I basically used it like A Top dress in an area that I will be planting 2 Air Layered Lychee Trees in 1-2 months. They just need to get established in 10gallon containers first...

EDIT- Maybe since im rushing into this, I should just do A SOG instead? But still try to make the canopy on each plant as even as can be?

Also I want you guys to see how I've been starting to Semi-Lollipop lol..
So this is one of #2 Tall&Sturdy Bitches Main Stems. First picture shows where I crushed her stem and bent her over. If you look at where the 1-Main Branch splits into A bunch, I want to take the lower growth right in that area on ALL those branches.. I want to take off the bottom 2-3 inches. Possibly even higher if the node space is to large...

This next pic is right below the area I crushed&Bent her., but same branch as above.., You can see the notch at the top of the pic now. I've already started to take all that sad looking growth off but I've left the Fan Leaves in good condition...

Let me know if you guys agree on the Areas that I started to trim or would like to trim. Thanks!!

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Update-SSSDH 11-12 Days Into Flower!

Update-SSSDH 11-12 Days Into Flower!

These Girls stink up the side of A house so easily.. If someone needed to be able to keep smells down, they couldnt even veg these 2 girls.. I've been doing more research on Lollipoping .. Even if I take the lower shoots off, Im pretty certain that im not going to take the Fan leafs off.. I know I know, A couple guys already told me its not Lollipoping then.. I rather have Fan Leafs higher or lower it dont matter, But they can tell me about deficiency issues or toxicity problem befoer it gets too outta hand... Plus if my girls get hungry I want them to fill up, Not be all hungry without any Leaves to eat.. .

SSSDH- #1 Bushy Girl 11-12Days In Flower.

#1 Bushy Girl Structure Shot.I want to take lower growth thats below the place I topped her at.. If you see the big fan leaf in the middle of the screen, I basically wanna take everything below that..

SSDH-#2 Tall&Sturdy Bitch 11-12 Days Into Flower.. She now looks like she was flowering A Week or 2 before her Sister #1Bushy Girl..

#2 Tall&Sturdy Structure Shot



Active member
yeah watch out with crushing and breaking.. works well though...
from the pics i think you are a bit extreme though... better i find, is to do it gradually.. and have them in a position you have them in now after at least one time crushing..
so a bit more subtle id say...
the net/screen you have there is ok for the lower one.. but for the one up top where the buds will be you will need something a lot wider... otherwise you will be limiting light...
id get a normal scrog netting for the top net!!
OH and watch out, Nitrogen toxicity creeping up... i would just give them water/tea for the next 2 waterings... then half strength till the new growth is a bit lighter green
otherwise you will have problems again... less is more

Wallyworld cheap volleyball nets are perfect for scrog and its low key .

If ypur going too use the netting you have i would cut it so there are 6"x6" square holes for each branch to go in to. 6"×6" is as tight as you sholud go on your canopy . does that make sense.
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These Girls stink up the side of A house so easily.. If someone needed to be able to keep smells down, they couldnt even veg these 2 girls.. I've been doing more research on Lollipoping .. Even if I take the lower shoots off, Im pretty certain that im not going to take the Fan leafs off.. I know I know, A couple guys already told me its not Lollipoping then.. I rather have Fan Leafs higher or lower it dont matter, But they can tell me about deficiency issues or toxicity problem befoer it gets too outta hand... Plus if my girls get hungry I want them to fill up, Not be all hungry without any Leaves to eat.. .

SSSDH- #1 Bushy Girl 11-12Days In Flower.

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1102.jpg]View Image[/URL]

#1 Bushy Girl Structure Shot.I want to take lower growth thats below the place I topped her at.. If you see the big fan leaf in the middle of the screen, I basically wanna take everything below that..

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1103.jpg]View Image[/URL]

SSDH-#2 Tall&Sturdy Bitch 11-12 Days Into Flower.. She now looks like she was flowering A Week or 2 before her Sister #1Bushy Girl..

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1104.jpg]View Image[/URL]

#2 Tall&Sturdy Structure Shot

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1105.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Told you number 2 was the keeper lol.


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Hey TnT-
Yea I agree with you on wider veg space.. If I trained the 2-SSSDH girls, like I usually train. They wouldnt have been able to fit in the veg area unless I put them on the ground..
The only clone thats trained in the previous post, is the 1st girl. All I did was hold her branches VERY softly outwards for 20-30 seconds 3 times A day. The 1 branch snapped because I tried to cup her in my hand, like Dankwolf does.
Im going to crush there stems and bend them in a couple days, then let them rest till a couple of days into flower so I can see where the branches are gonna go.. Then i'll keep doing it up to 2 MAYBE even 3 weeks in flower.. The growers I learned it from on icmag, crush and bend stems up to 5weeks in flower lol..

The Trellis Net squares I cut out, are really to small for the higher net? They are 2 3/4inches.. I thought the buds would grow into the net its self? I seriously have ROLLS of the netting.. If the squares are to small, couldnt I just cut some bigger ones? Im not trying to be cheap, but If i can use what I have even if it needs modification im ok with that... I rather buy more smart pots then more trellis nets haha....

WDF LOL, EVERYONES been getting Aerated Water,Molasses, and ill add Great White once A week.. Nothing Else! FML haha
Oh and I used the Semi-Hot FFOF Flowering Mix. I basically used it like A Top dress in an area that I will be planting 2 Air Layered Lychee Trees in 1-2 months. They just need to get established in 10gallon containers first...

EDIT- Maybe since im rushing into this, I should just do A SOG instead? But still try to make the canopy on each plant as even as can be?

Also I want you guys to see how I've been starting to Semi-Lollipop lol..
So this is one of #2 Tall&Sturdy Bitches Main Stems. First picture shows where I crushed her stem and bent her over. If you look at where the 1-Main Branch splits into A bunch, I want to take the lower growth right in that area on ALL those branches.. I want to take off the bottom 2-3 inches. Possibly even higher if the node space is to large...

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1107.jpg]View Image[/URL]

This next pic is right below the area I crushed&Bent her., but same branch as above.., You can see the notch at the top of the pic now. I've already started to take all that sad looking growth off but I've left the Fan Leaves in good condition...

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1108.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Let me know if you guys agree on the Areas that I started to trim or would like to trim. Thanks!!


Looks good so far.


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These Girls stink up the side of A house so easily.. If someone needed to be able to keep smells down, they couldnt even veg these 2 girls.. I've been doing more research on Lollipoping .. Even if I take the lower shoots off, Im pretty certain that im not going to take the Fan leafs off.. I know I know, A couple guys already told me its not Lollipoping then.. I rather have Fan Leafs higher or lower it dont matter, But they can tell me about deficiency issues or toxicity problem befoer it gets too outta hand... Plus if my girls get hungry I want them to fill up, Not be all hungry without any Leaves to eat.. .

SSSDH- #1 Bushy Girl 11-12Days In Flower.

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1102.jpg]View Image[/URL]

#1 Bushy Girl Structure Shot.I want to take lower growth thats below the place I topped her at.. If you see the big fan leaf in the middle of the screen, I basically wanna take everything below that..

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1103.jpg]View Image[/URL]

SSDH-#2 Tall&Sturdy Bitch 11-12 Days Into Flower.. She now looks like she was flowering A Week or 2 before her Sister #1Bushy Girl..

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1104.jpg]View Image[/URL]

#2 Tall&Sturdy Structure Shot

[URL=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c102/wipeout808/IMG_1105.jpg]View Image[/URL]

I would trip up like yoyr thinking.


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Well the thing is, is that I have nets, but they are to keep predators away from your fruits veggies, big trees or bushes lol... If you look at the pic above, I cut bigger squares out to make it like an actual trellis net. Just A Different material...

Dankwolf, do you think I am removing enough lower growth and am I trimming it off from the right area?

Man idk what happened.. I think I shouldve kept feeding #1 Bushy Girl even when I stopped feeding number 2.. IDK what happened but they kinda switched places lol.. I so thought #1 was gonna be A semi-good lookin bush with a bunch of small-medium colas...

I was just trying to re organize my veg space and clean it up a little... The clone in the red pot that has that green thing around it, so it can be trained. Just got messed up, I was vacuuming with out any kind of extensions so its just A Fat strong hole haha... ALL fan leaves are gone. I should use the vacuum to trim.,


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#2 just has better genetics then #1 or atleast i think so

Your trim up is hard to see but from what i xan tell it looks like yoyr doing ok . basicaly you can trim all useless bud sites off the bottom 3rd of plant to play it safe . then after you finish this run ypu will have a better idea of how much you can trim off.


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#1 Bushy Girl, Has much thinner branches, but alot more of them. Even her nodes are almsot the same space between each one during veg, as they are now in flower.. Plus she likes being crushed and bent over.. I kinda wanna feed her as wek=ll cause she slowed down ALOT when I stopped feeding them at 1/4 strength...

Oh Right now I only trimmed the very bottom and very little on each main branch.. Every day im going to trim the secondary shoots on each branch on each plant. I keep reading threads and everyoens fighting about how much or what to take off. Even people arguing because some people strip 1/3 of each plant, in one trim session.. I think that would cause way to much stress...

Dank- Look on page 21 and look for the #206 post by me.. The 1st picture shows The middle of the branch where I crushed and bent the stem. That branch turned into A few branches..
But the picture below that is the middle of the branch all the way to the bottom... Im probably going to trim the all the shoots/growth on that branch from the middle going down. That makes the most sense to me.. Even by just comparing those shoots to others the same age higher up. Its pretty easy to tell they arent even worth keeping for larf haha..

Home depot actually has some pretty good gardening and supplies we use yah? I was checking for the lime and gypsum.. I know im gonna get the lime bit Im almost out of epsom salt. Which has lasted me for A few years lol..


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Home depot is a good source for us growers . cant get every thing but pretty close lol.

Farm supply stores rock for getting supplys as well . i hate grow shops too much snake oil and misinformation just to get your cash lol

The lime that i use that is pellitized actuly brakes down pretty fast it will pretty much disolve in water. But i would not uae lime till you now your soil ph .

Your plants are looking alot better snese ypu first brought up the issues ypy were having . so you must be doing some thing right .


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Right now im trying to justify #1 Bushy Girl being slow producing flowers... ITs prob cause she has way more bud sites, and has to split ALL that energy now. ;)

BUT This is #2 Tall&Sturdy Girl.. She must be going through ALOT!

Alright so a 4x4x4 square I cut is WAAAY to small.. Wouldnt it actually be better for the girls to be under a net thats a little smaller then 6'inch? Ive seen quite a few grows , and right before harvest it doesnt really look like the net is doing any supporting at all. I know the net does more like even helping the branches shoot up as ways of training..
I've seen guys be able to cut above the 1st-lower net, and the top colas&buds dont even move or fall down at all.. Its like you could even just use the screen of green to dry the buds on if you had the room..Im sure they have to be using a net on the smaller side,so everything would be fully supported at the top screen..

I sent you a pm or 2 about the lime and my ph.. I dont think you answered bk to 1 of them.. But yah thats what I was waiting for, I wanted to know if the pellets where ok, since thats the only one Depot had...


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Wait lol do you not see the 1/2 ball and 1/2 pistil sacks? That picture above is 1 branch from the #2Tall&Sturdy SSSDH girl thats been recovering from some kinda issue that couldve been fatal..

I swear thats what it looks like to me.. This girl didnt even show pre flowers. She basically waited until the budsites/tops started forming A bunch of psitils.. To start showing us anything..

Bad news as well you guys.. #1 Bushy Girl is getting A couple Middle Fingers Drooping on some of the Fan Leaves.. I swear this is crazy, even the SSSDH girl outside didnt have any issues besides some bugs.. No full deficiency or toxicity issues, no nothing.. But these damn inside girls are killin me..


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So we thought #2 had better genetics.. Maybe it does, but its A true Hermie. I was looking around her and picking off what ever I could to hopefully stop her. Its A true Hermie because the sacks arent actually mixing with the calyxes. Even though the sacks look right next to the calyxes, there actually growing where the female pre flower is.

I hope I dont mess the #1 Bushy Girl up, she has NO sacks coming out AT ALL.. I do have to admit that she isnt anywhere near as strong or productive as #2Tall&Sturdy Bitch.. Maybe I shouldnt have called her a bitch and this wouldnt have happened?
This really sucks though, Cause if she is A True Hermie like I think she is, then the clones I took from her can start growing sacks anytime in flower... I think itll happen much quicker if shes stressed even a little bit though..

So I wanted to show you guys the kinds of stuff that I considered to be material to take off, for the Lollipop method.. ITs not as extreme as fully make the stem bare..

Plant #1 Material on Left and #2 Material on Right..



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Im so sad now lol.. This whole time I thought both plants where both making what ever smelled ohh so damn good... I took the #2 Tall&Sturdy Girl into A Disinfectant area where I put tape on each branch that I checked for ball sacks, just to make sure I checked every branch...
I go back to grab the #1Bushy Girl and I didnt smell that Dank Coffee Bean smell anymore.. I rubbed the Bushy Girls Leaves and only smelled A Skunkish Light smell.. So I thought it was just me getting used to the smell..I leave #1 in tent to go back and smell #2Tall&Sturdy...FUCK this whole time she was the one making the house smell sooo Dank, ALL by herself...

I seriously think im just going to try and check every single branch every single day... I was going to statr flowering the other SSSDYH clones in a couple days, but I think I should wait 1-2 weeks. Just to make sure #2Tall&Sturdy Tranny doesnt spread her legs anymore...

OR I could throw either #1 or #2 Outside, OR both of them!! To make some S2s LOL. Then the tent would be able to house the Clones I want to flower...

Let me know what you guys think.. Im frustrated again..

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