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Crucial Cup Colosseum aka Twisted Towers


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
DC, i feel ya, just kinda wanting to grow smaller plants in less medium, keep costs of medium low, and slightly quicker yields than in larger containers.
Right on, you planning on doing staggered harvests then? The cups and the base containers afterwards?

There's got to be some way to avoid the leaning tower and still use the smaller amount of medium, some manner in which those cups wouldn't budge.

Anyhow, interesting concept. For me, I've got to keep numbers low, so the bigger the container, the better....


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i've recently upped my plant count, so i'm experimenting w more plants less veg, i expect the towers' plants to harvest all at the same time bottom pots included
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I gotta say it, now that I've had some time to read your linked threads, I sure look like a fool.

Thanks for being so humble about my suggestions, was just trying to make small talk. Yikes, 120k, you lived what we've only dreamed of.



Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
all good DC, thanks for reading my links, glad you seem to enjoy them
dont feel no fool bro, im here to learn from everyone here and share my own experiences to help others learn. and im always down for some small talk if it's appropriate :)
the 120k w + time of my life was certainly an interesting one, im keepin it smaller nowadays....
I love icmag & the community i find here.
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Absolutely enjoy it all. I find the same thing about IC, though my post count is low, I've been around for a few years or so. Anyhow, 100+, just jaw dropping. I'd love to have the space for even 10 or 20, but am also thankful for the space I do have.

That said, glad to meet you and I'm sure, I'll be seeing you around.

p.s. - watched the wire religiously. Great show.


You know.......I think the biggest plus down here in Vert-ville is how folks gravitate toward knowledge and the ability to make shit improve for bottomline results , and that`s why when Avi started hangin out and doin smaller setups it let me know where his head was at.....

I`ve said it from jumpstreet that smaller dialed flip rooms runnin perpetually behind each other will always yield more across the board than big rooms with megawattage and tons of lumenloss and lack of dialed environment on a yr in and yr out basis.....but.....

We don't know what`s up Avi`s sleeve , and we don`t ask round these parts........We just come together and help........and that`s what this shit`s about in my book.........anyways.....



silver hawaiian

Active member

I think DC could be on to something, and it wouldn't have to be some large marge in charge square pots either.

What if you could take, say, a 5 or 7" square pot, stack 'em direct on top of one another, staggered-like, so you have alternating corners.. Four or five pots high, ..

I'm wondering if you could build the staggered corner stack, angle the whole stack so you essentially have two columns of corners, ..

Place the stem itself in the cornerish of those pots.. Support with a big ol' stake down the center of the pots like you have now..

Thinking out aloud, you may have to put some spacers of sorts in above/below each pot, to allow enough vertical space for that stem to get up and out of the pot, and toward the bulb. Perhaps just a couple stubs of PVC. You could even notch each end to kind of bite onto the plastic pot itself.

Anyway. I think what I'm imagining is essentially the same thing you have now, but with the staggered-atop-each-other squares, I think your support would be much better - no more rigging with zip ties, and dealing with a cup that may (or hopefully not) crinkle/slip out from the zip tie holding it to the stake..

Just a thought. :) Hope it made a lick of sense..


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i got u silver, im envisioning something like bloodsweattears setup on a smaller scale.....

^in case yall aint seen, im sure most have, it's pretty killer concept.

I'll be the first to admit and have all along that I didnt really try at all to improve on this design, i pretty much just copped it off Jbonez and am giving it a try.

that being said;
thanks for all the suggestions, kind words, respect, encouragement, and above all community.

& DHF, that last post means alot 2me, thanks for leaving it here.

update w pics soon come,
honestly its been a crazy crazy crazy week, just about lost my mind & possibly all i've worked on along with it.
puffin some fantastic OGK from deep in the rockies right now; about to start a new month and hopefully a "next level" chapter of my life.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Naw naw naw naw naw mang

That idea is tits - I love the casters and entirely moveable walls.

But, .. What I'm imagining is not even close.

Fuck. I need to just take a picture at some point, mock it up on my end. I'm too much of a highon to be able to finger a good way to represent it on this stupid machine.

Edit: I am such a highon - rather, however, I'm such a highon that I was entirely not considering the sort of graduated/tapered shape of the square pot. In my fantasy, the bottom perimeter dimensions of the square pot were the same as the top. But th'ain't.


But, f'real, there is an idea there. Put a rigid/mesh-like material on the top of each square, on top of which the pot above can rest.

My whole point was that with a square container, it's possible to alternate corners (stacked vertically), out of which you could have stalks coming..

There needs to be a :scratch head smoke bowl drink beer scratch head: thingy.
i got u silver, im envisioning something like bloodsweattears setup on a smaller scale.....

^in case yall aint seen, im sure most have, it's pretty killer concept.

I'll be the first to admit and have all along that I didnt really try at all to improve on this design, i pretty much just copped it off Jbonez and am giving it a try.

that being said;
thanks for all the suggestions, kind words, respect, encouragement, and above all community.

& DHF, that last post means alot 2me, thanks for leaving it here.

update w pics soon come,
honestly its been a crazy crazy crazy week, just about lost my mind & possibly all i've worked on along with it.
puffin some fantastic OGK from deep in the rockies right now; about to start a new month and hopefully a "next level" chapter of my life.

Next level it up, dude.

That room is great, the one you link. About as maximized a space as one could get.

Good luck out West here, if you get a chance, visit a town called Frasier Colorado, it's right near the ski resort called Winter Park. It's freaking gorgeous, and some great back country around there, too. Loveland's pass, for example~!


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
silver im listening, got my attention & thanks for the input!, i reference BST's thread kinda cuz he cut the notches in the pots plant stalk sticks out the side of the pot basically, making it ok for pots to sit on each other aside from media compresion, altho w the cups i m not really worried about that so much, but w bigger (say 12x12 inch pot, white square, def tapered tho.)
This is def a design that needs tweaking altho i think it's goin pretty well, these pics are kinda fuzzy but u can see the growth.


^you can see the base pot plant (orange pheno of my flo breeding project) really really stretched like mad, so i tied it down yet agian (second round of LST)




Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor

^twisted tower, see the red cup on top of the top cup of the tower? that's a lil mama flo dusted w drizella pollen, Flo-zella coming soon tee hee.

silver hawaiian

Active member
I suppose you could even rig it something like this - square pots, one atop the other, with pieces of light diffuser in between:


You could set a piece of the diffuser atop one pot, and set the above pot on top of the diffuser - thereby eliminating any media compression concerns..

Just a thought - I suppose the idea is to come up with an effective, clean, neat way to create a column of pots, adequately supported & secured, .. blahblahblah

Lookin' good so far though - and I wouldn't worry too much about the bottom plant stretching s'damned much. I usually end up training my lower branches down & sort of "in," towards the light. It usually works out quite well, because they're below the bottom of the bulb, so the "inward" direction of the training doesn't hurt 'em .. Usually actually puts 'em right in lumens' way.. :D


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
thanks silver!
ya, stretch happens, ill worry bout that later, pull em down for now and watchem twist back up & in towards the light.

im strongly considering downsizing the light to a 6oo w, controll heat buildup.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
day 12 picture update

day 12 picture update

picture update time, lots of budsites showingup, flo crosses pheno's starting to show their differences big time.


^wrapper pulled back and towers rotated to work on.... good stuff, they are filling in nicely.


flo cross in base pot^^^


this pic shows how dense the canopy is before pulling the branches down and out.


been feeding with nothing but maxi @ 7g per gal, and foliar feeding w N.




im taking a chair! This setup is awesome! :lurk:

I have a input about the misshappening with the leaning plant that got burnt.... Maybe it all got sorted with the idea from silver~.
Do you need to move your plants any time? If not you could could connect the top of your bamboostick that pops up from the containers, with eachother, making something like a pentagram, and wire it up wherever the stick crosses...
That would stabilize the whole construction and also work as a roof for the mylar on top...

Well, just a thought.. happy growing, thanks for sharing!


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor

^^ look at the cage i built around the cups using stakes, hold the cups to the cage and the cage together w. zipties, this holds the cage upright proper. similar to what you are describing, i use 4 stakes, one inside (through) all the cups, one behind the cups, and 2 infront of the cups (that I am also training plants to)

thanks for tuning in femora.

in future models im considerin compromising the plant count and going slightly larger containers, fewer plants per tower.... meh, we shall see, for now i'm diggin the cups.

also some plans for the tower:
driz pollen chuck, will pollinate at least one flo cross w drizella pollen
one chunky diesel will get pollinated as well also w drizella pollen.


I hasted throu the thread and missed that you stabilized the cups!

Nice solution of the problem!

a question; How high will the capilar force drag the water up those buckets if fed from the tray? (assume they are not separated)

Just spawning here.. but..
Wouldn't it be possible to make a coco-towers quite easy with re-circulating topfeeding, eg those light diffuser between the pots and maybe a little more stabile setup of the cups/pots?
like 7 turrets around the light, one or two removable towers to allow you to get IN there and work, and add a scrognet at suitable distance from the bulb?

Or did I miss something in my thinking? (happens all the time when I brainstorm...)


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
femora, i tried the bottom watering, capilary action style, drawing moisture up only gets to the 2nd cup at best, ime.
this system could very easily be setup on drip line, one emitter per tower, or one in top cup and one in base pot, prolly only need a 5 gal resy....

the bottom of my cups are cut out entirely, so nutrient solution distributes well between all of them once the above cup is saturated, also feed the base pot. so ideally only the top cup and base pot are fed at all, each tower recieves about 2/3 gal total per watering, about every other day at most often.

also to max space im guessing 7 perhaps 8 towers, depending on plant size and if u run budsicles or slightly larger plants (like i am in this run)

glad to have your brainstorming here femora...