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Critical Race theory reminds Chinese Lady of Mao's cultural revolution

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack?

Words actually have meaning until things like this happen...

Critical race theory sounds much scarier than culturally relevant teaching, regardless of its' intended meaning, huh?

It was the proponents of CRT that came up with the name for it; "Critical Race Theory." You know that, right? Racism used to have a meaning and a definition. It was assuming characteristics in an individual based on their skin color or ethnicity. Now, critical race theory teaches that white people exhibit whiteness and they are irredeemably evil and the bearers of responsibility for all of the worlds problems and that they are a problem that needs a final solution.


Well-known member
no idea, maybe because they like to copy your bad ideas, lmao.
btw, i think this lady is living in the US, not in Sweden :D

She resides in Virginia.
She may be found in the most North-western county of the state, bordering both West Va, and Maryland.


Comfortably numb!
Any one who believes the Chinese description of what took place between the second world war and now,
is the same as what we were taught, would be more than mistaken.
For those whom would respond that "they are not taught the truth", I would like to suggest that in many
cases we were not told the truth ourselves.
We have been very deliberately lead way off track since the second world war.

No shit Sherlock :)


Well-known member
It was the proponents of CRT that came up with the name for it; "Critical Race Theory." You know that, right? Racism used to have a meaning and a definition. It was assuming characteristics in an individual based on their skin color or ethnicity. Now, critical race theory teaches that white people exhibit whiteness and they are irredeemably evil and the bearers of responsibility for all of the worlds problems and that they are a problem that needs a final solution.

Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.

A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas.

So you chose to point out that those individuals created the concept of critical race theory, named it, and defined it. Yet, you also feel that you can come in and define it as something else entirely while claiming it's what they called critical race theory?


Well-known member
So you chose to point out that those individuals created the concept of critical race theory, named it, and defined it. Yet, you also feel that you can come in and define it as something else entirely while claiming it's what they called critical race theory?

Sounds dangerously close to critical thinking. Is that a no-no?


Well-known member
Sounds dangerously close to critical thinking. Is that a no-no?

You can critically think about it any way you want.

Just because Hempy McNoodle says critical race theory is "that white people exhibit whiteness and they are irredeemably evil and the bearers of responsibility for all of the worlds problems and that they are a problem that needs a final solution," doesn't make it so.

Think away.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I didn't define anything. I gave a brief summary. And, from what I've seen, proponents of CRT are terrible at defining terms. That said, CRT is actually three distinct words, each having its own definition.


Well-known member
You can critically think about it any way you want.

Just because Hempy McNoodle says critical race theory is "that white people exhibit whiteness and they are irredeemably evil and the bearers of responsibility for all of the worlds problems and that they are a problem that needs a final solution," doesn't make it so.

Think away.

Oh ok, because from what you said, it sounded like people aren't supposed to decide for themselves what things are or seem to be. Reading it again, yeah, that's exactly what you were saying.


Well-known member
So you chose to point out that those individuals created the concept of critical race theory, named it, and defined it. Yet, you also feel that you can come in and define it as something else entirely while claiming it's what they called critical race theory?

this is in essence how far right propaganda works. don't talk about the actual objective reality. strawman the fuck out of it until your opponent is arguing against your strawman.


Well-known member
That CRT is in no way shape or form what the far right is describing. Instead they make shit up. Just how they do with everything else. Remove CRT and literally fill in the blank with whatever you want and it'll still make sense. They do the same shit with climate change, the green new deal, cultural marxism (something the far right completely invented), the politics of their opponents, and so on.

Remember when the far right was saying the Green New Deal will ban cows and hamburgers and farting or whatever the fuck they made up to scare people? Same shit.


Well-known member
That CRT is in no way shape or form what the far right is describing. Instead they make shit up. Just how they do with everything else. Remove CRT and literally fill in the blank with whatever you want and it'll still make sense. They do the same shit with climate change, the green new deal, cultural marxism (something the far right completely invented), the politics of their opponents, and so on.

Remember when the far right was saying the Green New Deal will ban cows and hamburgers and farting or whatever the fuck they made up to scare people? Same shit.

It'd be more helpful to point out where those people have "critical race theory" wrong than to just say "nuh-uh!".


Well-known member
It'd be more helpful to point out where those people have "critical race theory" wrong than to just say "nuh-uh!".

i kind of did in my previous posts. it's not about whether or not some people have it "wrong" about CRT... it's that they are listening/watching it be interpreted by dishonest, almost overhwlemingly far right actors such as James Lindsay and PragerU media types who I mentioned in my other post.

if your interpretation of CRT is something along the lines of this then yeah you aren't getting your info from a good place lol:

"- everything is interppreted through a lense of racism
- white people by default are oppressors
- all people of color are victims/oppressed
- CRT is anti american
- CRT is cultural marxism (which i've said many times on this forum is a literal re-branding of nazi era "cultural bolshevism" propaganda which always goes back to some jewish ploy to take over the world)"

Critical Race Theory as i understand it is basically just Marxian Critical Theory but it's focus is on race and the power dynamics between those groups whereas critical theory is a class based analysis. It's obscure sociology stuff and is only being taught at a collegiate level.
It's fine to disagree with it, but it's another thing entirely to conflate it into some commie takeover of america and make it one of your central tenants of 1 of the 2 major political parties lol. and this ties back to what i've also previously said, and that is the right has nothing left to offer average America. none of their policies are popular, so they obstruct and they use culture war issues like this to trick people onto their side in thinking the democrats have gone crazy and become the far left etc.



Well-known member
when you teach them that someone like Michel Obama is oppressed and a victim even though she lives in a mansion and has more money then she can spend.

so having achieved a certain level of financial success is how we determine whether someone might be oppressed? odd way to go about it. multi-millionaire actors, tv personalities, and athletes still get stopped by LEO / accosted/attacked by citizenry for "looking" a certain way, owning "too nice" of a car, or being in a "nice" neighborhood. i contend that until they can go about their lives without this sort of attention, that they are, indeed, oppressed to a degree.


this is becoming so predictable, everything, i mean everything seems to be about right or left wing. its so predictable. if what i defined as shitty ideology, isn't critical race theory, i still think its a shitty way to educate children, no matter what its called. btw much of what i said comes from the mouths of proponents of critical race theory.

funny how you don't understand that people who make millions can't claim to be victims of society or oppressed by society. its a total joke, they live in a place that made them millionaires and all they can do is shit on the system that made it possible. so no, i have no respect for those virtue signalling celebrities, moaning and groaning. put your money where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up and let real victims have their own voice without egoistical, needy, celebrities using it for self promotion and signaling how holy they are.


Well-known member
this is becoming so predictable, everything, i mean everything seems to be about right or left wing. its so predictable. if what i defined as shitty ideology, isn't critical race theory, i still think its a shitty way to educate children, no matter what its called. btw much of what i said comes from the mouths of proponents of critical race theory.

funny how you don't understand that people who make millions can't claim to be victims of society or oppressed by society. its a total joke, they live in a place that made them millionaires and all they can do is shit on the system that made it possible. so no, i have no respect for those virtue signalling celebrities, moaning and groaning. put your money where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up and let real victims have their own voice without egoistical, needy, celebrities using it for self promotion and signaling how holy they are.

this is a very different reality than what the American right is saying though. they are in many instances just straight up mad that their kids are learning some shit about the history of this country that they don't want their kids to learn. there's data from 2018 going around social media again - and that is that only 8% of US High School Seniors involved in the study knew and understood that the Civil War was a conflict based on African Slavery.

All i'm saying dude is to stop falling for the outrage these people project on the daily. being mad at celebrities, or corporate seminars about how white people are bad by robin d angelo has nothing to do with CRT lol. white americans are mad about CRT & the 1619 Project because it's teaching their lil Billies and Karens about all the fucked up shit this country has at it's foundation.

as i've been saying forever. wokeness and SJW'ism originates from the Democratic Party and corporations to push people further right. hell i go even further than that, i think it's straight up an intelligence op.


Well-known member
this is becoming so predictable, everything, i mean everything seems to be about right or left wing. its so predictable. if what i defined as shitty ideology, isn't critical race theory, i still think its a shitty way to educate children, no matter what its called. btw much of what i said comes from the mouths of proponents of critical race theory.

funny how you don't understand that people who make millions can't claim to be victims of society or oppressed by society. its a total joke, they live in a place that made them millionaires and all they can do is shit on the system that made it possible. so no, i have no respect for those virtue signalling celebrities, moaning and groaning. put your money where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up and let real victims have their own voice without egoistical, needy, celebrities using it for self promotion and signaling how holy they are.

Fox News has mentioned 'critical race theory' nearly 1300 times since March, according to watchdog study

Critical race theory mentions have grown at a near exponential pace in recent weeks, with Fox personalities mentioning it a record 244 times last week alone, more than the entire month of May and twice as many than for all of March, according to the study.

I mean... come on.

member 505892

I recently had a little discussion with my mum about Australian aboriginies and a few weeks later i saw some things she posted on facebook about our countries' history.... all it took was a 5 minute talk about not feeling guilty but having a 'little' compassion for a group that had their entire culture steamrolled within a century....

People get so defensive when they feel a little ~ping~ of guilt, but it's not about guilt, it's just about not fantasizing and celebrating the past so much, which can be hard when you're bombarded with how 'great' your country is.