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Criminal Indictments coming for Obiden


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
:good: 75% correct!:tiphat:

The good news is that there's still plenty of time for all susceptible USA citizens to become un-enamoured with the Progressives, #Me Too Movement and the DNC's adopted #BLM political agenda.

...... also plenty of time for both Joe AND Loser45 to both stroke out! :D

.......... a posthumously RIP to both, of course! ;)

And Amy, I would have given you 100% except for your inclusion of Cheney, this 3th generation, lifelong liberal Democrat would be voting for her in a heartbeat except for the fact she's currently unelectable (she's Gay and even worse to many Republicans, denounced Loser 45 and the capitol hill riots).

.......... thankfully, there is another Rep shoe-in who could easily win but hasn't formally announced (yet!). A fresh face who's been around simmering for a while now, a dark horse who'll be a serious contender.

That would be current 2 time Maryland (longtime Dem state) Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, a Moderate.

He will be running (high placed Republican source, personal friend of Hogan and me, 2 deg. of separation and high placed Democratic friend who sez he could easily win, 1 deg of seperation.)

Check him out Amy, Imma convert you, watch out! :bigeye:

The Republicans aren't totally stupid, this time around they'll be running 1 of the Moderates for sure as I'm sure they'll wanna win, 2 more years and the Reps will have had time to get tired of alla their nonsense too. ;)

I have to agree with the assessment about Gov. Larry Hogan. I'm a resident of Maryland and he's been very popular here both with Democrats and Republicans and he's consistently taken a sane stance against all of the lunacy coming from Republicans the past several years. Still I think it's going to take more then just a good candidate. The biggest problem the republicans have had for some time now is all they seem interested in doing is to undo anything that the Democrats have accomplished but they never seem able to come up with a sensible replacement for whatever it is they want to undo. Like as a good example the Affordable Care Act. The whole reason that effort fell flat on it's face and why McCain voted against it was because the Republicans had no alternative to replace it with. Since that time all they've really done is obstruct and allow Trump to do most everything he wanted by executive order. The public is no longer interest in name recognition only, they've tried that game on both sides with just about everyone imaginable and it hasn't worked. There are real problems this country is facing and the people want solutions. The side that offers up the most sensible solutions to the problem the country faces is the side most likely to win. But yeah someone like Gov. Larry Hogan definitely be better then a Trump repeat or anyone that has been kissing Trump's ring.

As far as Biden being indicted and severely punished, that's about as believable a claim as Trump being reinstated by August 13th.


Active member
.As far as Biden being indicted and severely punished, that's about as believable a claim as Trump being reinstated by August 13th.

I dunno. I heard people sayin that trump had Rudy negotiating with Mr. Peabody and Sherman to use their Wayback machine.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I dunno. I heard people sayin that trump had Rudy negotiating with Mr. Peabody and Sherman to use their Wayback machine.

Yeah but you know Rudy, his sideburns will melt and drip on to the circuit board of the Wayback machine and they'll end up at the 4 Season's Landscaping Company.


Well-known member
After his short stint from a stolen election...
Obiden has proven himself weak and worthless in the eyes of America and the world...the clock is ticking for this shit stain...
his punishment and that of his cabal should be harsh and without mercy
those that were complacent in his false election ....karma awaits :clock watch:

funny, this is what most of the rest world has always thought about Trump, believe it or not. Nobody had any respect for that guy, he just made everyone outside the US cringe at every turn.


Active member
funny, this is what most of the rest world has always thought about Trump, believe it or not. Nobody had any respect for that guy, he just made everyone outside the US cringe at every turn.

4 marines killed this morning in bidens Afghan surrender...
anyone cringing at that?


Well-known member
4 marines killed this morning in bidens Afghan surrender...
anyone cringing at that?

Lots mre killed catually. It wasn´t Biden who surrendered, it was Trumps decision.
But as I mentined in another thread, I reckon that Biden could have overturned it now that he´s in charge. AND he had the time - like the other allies- to get the people out in time.
All the politicians involved have somewhat failed in this respect.


Active member
Biden Body count.....now at 10....
update from Biden...
"There will be no update today"....????? Wtf
Traitor Joe...cowering in the basement

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when Biden said he was going to unite our divided nation? How's that going? I guess it's going great (except for the "other" half)...
Seems like all he did was create a tremendous NEW NORMAL type of division. Vax vs Unvax'd. But all the other old divisions, well ...at least he fixed those, right?


Well-known member
Biden Body count.....now at 10

trumps US military body count for 2020 in Afghanistan alone was 11.

Which president of the four involved will have the least amount of US service member deaths in Afghanistan?


Active member
Promises made...

"It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I’ll do my job and take responsibility. I won’t blame others. And I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me — it’s about you" ~ Traitor Joe Obiden


Well-known member
President Trump 2017 on a hasty withdrawl from Afghanistan...spot on again


TRUMP 2024 ... Or maybe sooner ;)

“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

- trump, July 2021


Active member
'Fuck that. Nixon and Kissinger got away with it in Vietnam': What Biden told Obama's special representative for Afghanistan he thought of America's obligations to the Afghan people


Active member
— Striking a defiant tone, President Joe Biden said Monday that he stands “squarely behind” his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan as he acknowledged the “gut-wrenching” images coming out of the country after the swift Taliban takeover of the government
"The buck stops with me"~TRAITOR JOE


Active member
Soul crushed and broken...an empty shell of a man used up and thrown out like an old shoe..
absolutely shameful

member 505892

— Striking a defiant tone, President Joe Biden said Monday that he stands “squarely behind” his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan as he acknowledged the “gut-wrenching” images coming out of the country after the swift Taliban takeover of the government
"The buck stops with me"~TRAITOR JOE

Reporter- "Does the buck stop with you?"

Donald 'I'll take credit for anything positive even if it's not related to me, but won't accept responsibility for anything negative ever' Trump- "The buck stops with everybody"