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Crazy Shit Happens When...


Active member

Wow. :joint:

Killing killers. In science / logic, that's called a positive cycle. What would happen is.. okay, we have a killer. Dude has murderered three people and a little hampster. He is convicted, and gets out of jail. So vigilante A of whatever-town-you-live-in, hears this, goes on and bashes the convict's head in with some blunt object. Now, say this vigilante never murdered anyone before this. He has now become a killer. So the police tag him, bag him, and cart him off to jail. There, Mr. El Prezeedente of cell block B goes and takes his beef out on the vigilante.

Like begets like. For real.

If you go around all eye-for-an-eye, you are not going to have a society. You are going to have a place where people fully capable of being citizens of a community now have to fight for the basic necessities of life. No, I am not saying that this behavior will cause a downfall (as I am a firm beleiver in Darwin's theories, and the Darwin Awards), but what I am saying is that beast-like behavior when responding to similar "offenses" only creates a vacuum by which wisdom or civility can never escape.

As for moving or going to a better town. Holy crap.

Yes, moving to the county is great to get away from the "city animals" but there are people in the country who are just as bad, if not worse than what you can find on the street of the worst town, USA. I know this because I've lived in city and country. Each have their own benefit and failings.

I say the OP did the best thing possible. He called the police before going outside. At least then, if he got shot, ambulance and cops were already en route (hopefully). He had a friend, so 3 v 2 is not as bad as the poor sap who was 3:1 just a second ago. Another had it right when they said "not in my front yard."

All this shit is subjective. Getting pissy with how someone else handles right and wrong puts no one else in a position to judge. As if going outside with a pistol and popping off a few rounds into them, even if they HADN'T ran, would be any smarter? If the three guys weren't carrying guns, your ass would be in jail, too. What, then?

OP: It's not every day someone steps into potential danger for someone they don't know. You done good in my book. Keep it up. :)
Okay, this guy lives in fear.

Okay, this guy lives in fear.

You need to band together...as a community...and CLEAN UP YOUR TOWN. Or...you are their "bitches" and they will ALWAYS terrorize you.

I've moved away. so has everyone else with the sense and the means.

This guy obviously lives in fear. I am not terrorized. I live/grow in safety and freedom. The "bitches" are the ones who run to the country/suburbs, and commute to work, allowing "bad people" to run their lives.

The heroes are the folks who live where they work, build community gardens in the urban landscape, and stop bangers from killing a bum now and then. You can be the coward in the country clutching your rifle, drunk driving. I'll live down here and walk (stumble) home from the bar. Then walk to work the next day.


Well-known member
I dont even need tv where i live just watch out the window and see all kinds of crazy shit going on hahaha,its sad really


If we ever get back the RIGHT to take the law into our own hands...I would have saved one person from a horrendous beating...and even better...eliminated 3 bad "people" saving the next person the good fortune of meeting those three sometime in the future. But that's me...I prefer REAL solutions to problems and not just jawboning...

Nice neighborhood.

I know its hard to see someone taking that beating, especially when you have no knowledge of the situation, to you its just 3 guys attacking one, its unfair and I used to be just like this, trying to save people from trouble.

But for all we know the guy had it coming, for all we know he did the same thing to someone with his friends, we dont know though and I think what the OP did was pretty close to the best option, I give him credit for going outside even trying to stop it, balls of steel.
You people accept this? This is OK in your neighborhood? Just call the police?

I reply about cleaning up the neighborhood and I'm called a maniac? I'm SO glad I'm not a part of this "new" generation. You people have homeless people sleeping across the street, people getting the shit kicked out of them with a baseball bat in your front yard. And the only "acceptable" response is simply..."call the police"?

The responsible action is clean up the trash!

So then it comes down to what YOU determine to be trash? Something tells me the 3 guys from the story attacking maybe thought the same thing about the guy they are beating.
Thanks... I guess. I did save that guy from a real beating.

This I agree with.


Just read more of ibjamings posts.

If it were me...I wouldn't live in the shit part of town with the animals. So it wouldn't be me in that situation.

They see me trollin...

No...killing off the killer...equals less killers. Failed math? If eliminating violence is your objective...isn't killing people who are violent going to cut down on the violence?

They hatin'

Out here where I live...most people are armed...against the people from your neighborhood. We're very nice and polite to each other. We don't have gangs ruling the neighborhoods...WE rule the neighborhood.

Population difference, you rule the neighborhood because so few of you live there its EASY AS FUCK TO WORK TOGETHER, EASY AS FUCK.

The difference is population. Where your at there are way less people. Give guns to thousands in a mile or two and see how dumb the forgotten kids are, your comparing two completely different situations, ALSO TROLLING.

We don't want people like that around here...we won't TOLERATE it. I'm from the NYC area...I know damn well what it's like.

^^^ Trolling
VVV Trolling
I moved away...to where the good people are...you should too!

I'm old school I guess...solve your own problems...clean up your own neighborhood...you know, quality of life things. What is it like to live lie that? I can't imagine living so helplessly.

Yeah solve your own problems and CLEAN UP YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD.... take your own advice, clean up your town, INB4 MY TOWN IS PERFECT CUZ ITS FULL OF GOOD PEOPLE, WHITE PEOPLE


OK kids...for the slow ones...

What does it say of our society when shit like this is considered the "norm"?

My comments were comments on the breakdown of civility. The breakdown of decency. The breakdown of the law.

That MAY be, however you also threw in RUDE comments that had nothing to do with OP, just trying to get people to pay attention to your illogical posts.
My point was if EVERYONE started sticking up for themselves and their rights, we could rid ourselves of the scum that pollutes it...and we could ALL live safe, carefree lives of joy. Instead of getting woken up by gunshots, screaming, and being afraid to leave the house at night...you know...how you guys are living...

So by overpowering what you see as "bad" you become the guys your fighting.. doing exactly what they have done to others. Theres a problem with people thinking we can judge right and wrong fully, theres a problem when someone says THIS IS RIGHT and makes it a law for ALL to follow and then it just creates issues where it should not have been applied.
OK...I'm not wanted...continue on with your patting each other on the back...good luck...and I mean it...I hope you CAN keep coming back and posting you trials and tribulations in the "hood" with a gangs. Be careful though...chasing bag guys with that paring knife! You could poke your eye out! Seriously...

Yeah, you arent wanted, why would someone want their home they live in called trash by the likes of a violent hypocrite trying to save the world one post at a time, when your just TROLLING LOL

Seriously...any of you living like this...it's NOT the real world...move away...far away. It's not as exciting...but that kind of excitement isn't good for ANYONE'S health! Literally!

Hey a statement that isnt a jab at someone! This I agree with, if you dont like that environment and have the means to, move out, move away to a place your happy.


Trying to have a good day
That MAY be, however you also threw in RUDE comments that had nothing to do with OP, just trying to get people to pay attention to your illogical posts.

So by overpowering what you see as "bad" you become the guys your fighting.. doing exactly what they have done to others. Theres a problem with people thinking we can judge right and wrong fully, theres a problem when someone says THIS IS RIGHT and makes it a law for ALL to follow and then it just creates issues where it should not have been applied.

Yeah, you arent wanted, why would someone want their home they live in called trash by the likes of a violent hypocrite trying to save the world one post at a time, when your just TROLLING LOL

Hey a statement that isnt a jab at someone! This I agree with, if you dont like that environment and have the means to, move out, move away to a place your happy.

Dont you think your kind of TROLLING yourself.


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Active member
This guy obviously lives in fear. I am not terrorized. I live/grow in safety and freedom. The "bitches" are the ones who run to the country/suburbs, and commute to work, allowing "bad people" to run their lives.

The heroes are the folks who live where they work, build community gardens in the urban landscape, and stop bangers from killing a bum now and then. You can be the coward in the country clutching your rifle, drunk driving. I'll live down here and walk (stumble) home from the bar. Then walk to work the next day.

Are you KIDDING me? I live in "Disneyland" compared to you, people are outside socializing, kids playing all around. I moved, I don't HAVE anything to fear. Safety? 3 guys pummeling someone with a bat? Bums sleeping across the street? Go for a walk at 3am...will you make it home? I will...and I may meet a neighbor who can't sleep walking their dog.

Bitches stand there and ALLOW others to keep slapping them over and over and over... The SMART ones leave to find the good people. How can someone far away in the middle of the ghetto in the inner city "run" my life? I never see nor think about them. I may PAY for them to live...but "run" my life? They'd be picked up if they came around here...so I don't follow? Because they "made" me move? OK...I did...but I'm a hell of a lot better off here than there...so it was a good thing really. Maybe I should thank them? Nah...I support them...that's good enough. you'd think since we pay for most of these people to live...housing, food, etc., you'd think we could ask them to "pipe it down" just a bit maybe act a little nicer...so we can sleep without all that noise...the screaming, the gunshots...

The heroes are the ones who band together and take back their own neighborhoods from the scum. you made a nice start...now finish it...get rid of the rest. Get the neighbors together and run the scum out. Gangs WILL make you their bitches.

Negative rep for speaking my mind...no wonder your neighborhood sucks so much.


Safety? 3 guys pummeling someone with a bat? Bums sleeping across the street? Go for a walk at 3am...will you make it home? I will...and I may meet a neighbor who can't sleep walking their dog.

More trolling, or your just not reading what he posts. He even said he had never seen someone sleep across from his house until that night. We get you love where you live and want to make it sound awesome, but I think you have made your point and to go further would simply be trolling.

Negative rep for speaking my mind...no wonder your neighborhood sucks so much.

This I agree with.

Rest of your post is just anger :( if you actually cared about any of this your experience could speak some words of wisdom, but you choose to wave it in our face, talking about your perfect little city?

Heads up people dont like how you come off, so they are going to respond without logic sometimes, and may even give you negative rep. Its to be expected IMO.

Anyway its obvious your trolling, especially from my 3 posts above, peace to this thread and the bad trolls trying to get shit done.


Trying to have a good day
More trolling, or your just not reading what he posts. He even said he had never seen someone sleep across from his house until that night. We get you love where you live and want to make it sound awesome, but I think you have made your point and to go further would simply be trolling.

This I agree with.

Rest of your post is just anger :( if you actually cared about any of this your experience could speak some words of wisdom, but you choose to wave it in our face, talking about your perfect little city?

Heads up people dont like how you come off, so they are going to respond without logic sometimes, and may even give you negative rep. Its to be expected IMO.

Anyway its obvious your trolling, especially from my 3 posts above, peace to this thread and the bad trolls trying to get shit done.

No I would think trolling is taking as much space in a thread taking away from the topic as you have.But who cares..short time here long time gone..Its allways the same.


Sounds intense man. Glad the situation got handled.

Yea there are people that would have done other things in that situation... And plenty of them wouldn't have wound up in handcuffs... It depends on who you are and where you are, and a bunch of other things too. Come down to it most people probably would have done the same thing you did, because not many have the resources to risk other courses of action. And unless they don't stop beating the guy then not many are going to open fire or slice off heads and shit with an axe. Either way nobody can say the wrong thing was done, because you stepped up and helped the guy out. He still has his life and limbs.


Overkill is under-rated.
Part of me really does wish that the OP's story included:

"So i got out my supressed (insert rifle here) with nightvision scope, and quietly popped all three dirtbags in the head, and went back to sleep."

I watch too much TV.


Gangs running amuck in U.S neighborhoods has been around for a looong time..even when America was the darling of the world. Italian Mob anyone.... I still dont understand people getting all nuts..Oh America is burning ahhh the sky is falling... ahhh GANGS!!!!


A foot without a sock...
Gangs running amuck in U.S neighborhoods has been around for a looong time..even when America was the darling of the world. Italian Mob anyone.... I still dont understand people getting all nuts..Oh America is burning ahhh the sky is falling... ahhh GANGS!!!!

I think a history lesson is in order.

grow nerd

Active member
Most rifles rounds will crack fairly loudly even w/ a suppressor. :D

OP: Are all the stories in this thread true? I find it hard to believe it wasn't exaggerated here and there, and there, and there. And maybe there. Not calling you a liar, just ... you know ...

Also sounds like you're kinda new to the 'hood! Eassss-side San Jose?