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Crazy Shit Happens When...


Active member
i am in so cal san diego. theres homeless everywhere. you get used of people going through your trash and pushing shopping carts.one guys cart tipped over and there were broken bottles everywhere. i hear the homeless yelling and screaming with each other.the vacant house across the street has a bunch of homeless squatters. the cops clean them out weekly


Keep the kid shit to yourself whippersnapper. IDK how old the OP or responder are, but you sure can't call me kid, and I agree with them. What are you going to do, go around shooting everyone on sight that you see doing something you don't like? Gimme a break. You gonna shoot the homeless man? Or the three giving the beating? How do you know those three with the bat weren't doing EXACTLY what you are advocating? Maybe those three were exercising what you absurdly call "the RIGHT to take the law into our own hands". Tell me, when and where was that ever a "right"?

Yeah, a vigilante interferes with 3 other vigilantes, all 4 end up dead. Sounds like a lovely neighborhood. I would most definitely move away from or stop you if you were my neighbor.

And don't give me any of that sissy nanny state call the cops nonsense. What was more reasonable? Killing the other three? Somehow restraining them so YOU can determine if their action was justifiable? So YOU can determine and mete out the punishment they deserve?
Who do you think you are?
You people accept this? This is OK in your neighborhood? Just call the police?

I reply about cleaning up the neighborhood and I'm called a maniac? I'm SO glad I'm not a part of this "new" generation. You people have homeless people sleeping across the street, people getting the shit kicked out of them with a baseball bat in your front yard. And the only "acceptable" response is simply..."call the police"?

The responsible action is clean up the trash!

You kids really have been programmed to accept pretty much ANYTHING...haven't you? How else could they get away with touching your junk, molesting your 4 y/o children, taking nudies of your wife, and rummaging through your things at their whim. Just to travel.

I truly feel sorry for you...to have given up your freedom and your self respect...for gadgets from China nonetheless! Leaving your safety to others is a fools errand.

Remember...when seconds count...911 hold times seem to take FOREVER!

Good luck! Really...I mean it!

Okay... 911 took minutes to arrive, 6 cars, hold was non-existent. If the drama had been some fool up in my garden you know I would have called 911 first. That's why I don't break the law.

I choose to not own a gun because I grow and that shit don't mix here. I also live in a school zone so any law I break is double trouble. I'll start there.

Then I'll continue with two wrongs will never make a right, and violence simply begets more violence. So NO, I will not shoot a gun at three mexicans running away from me. Shooting people above the waist in the back looks really bad in court. I also choose to not take on the nortenos single handed, are you fucking crazy?!

Now if they had tried to stay and fight it would have been on. My larger, stronger, significantly less nerdy, buddy was right behind me. But I ran those cholos off just by opening the door and coming at them.

So YES, some kid in his sleeping bag across the street, whatever. I live downtown, and thats what a gwan. Not like I called the cops on him because he was trespassing. I also volunteer at the mission around the corner, and I've never seen him before.

Now I'll tell you about another time. My neighbor calls me at 3 am and says some dude is in his backyard. I grab my paring knife and chase this fucker for three blocks in my boxers, barefoot. Then I lost him.

This other time two bums were standing in front of my house enjoying the smell because I was trimming that day. I walked right up to them and threatened to cut their throats and throw their bodies in the creek. Each situation gets handled accordingly. Popping off shots is not necessary 99% of the time. My beating stick, aka ax handle, has diffused many situations.

ie. I awoke at 2:15 (usual drama time because the bars close) to three kids, one trying hard to open my car door. I drive a prius, and the doors unlock automatically if you have the keys. I grabbed ol' beating stick and ran out there, again in my boxers, and screamed "WTF are you doing?!?!?" The kids were drunk, they didn't know it wasn't their car, and I'm glad I didn't smash anyone. Gotta ask first.

thanks bugel: this guy is seemingly deranged. he knows not my age or much else, but makes all sorts of assumptions and simply weird statements. But "touching your junk" lol :)



he probably thought he was a goner

you may have just saved a dude who F'd up
that could have been a gang hit ?

crazy front yard action

I dunno gotta look at it from the other side, dude mighta been a snitch an in that case the beating woulda been well deserved.


It's true there is no way to tell if the "victim" deserved it or not. But I'll tell you right now you don't get to beat people to death in my front yard unless you plead their case to me first!
Knock knock
"Pardon me sir, I apologize for the late hour and unannounced nature of the arrival at your doorstep of such a motley crew. Alas it is fate, not man who decides when and where to reveal the most shady of characters. As fate would have it such is the hour and locale most auspicious for justice being served as it was here and now that by happenstance we drove by the surly fellow and recognized him, necessitating our immediate intervention"
<glance over shoulder>
"Ah yes, I'm sure you are noting how my fair speech may seem incongruous with the appearance of my lilliputian associates restraining the plaid shirted oaf. I thought it judicious to beg the deference of the master of the yard, for you see the larger man you see there was recently caught redhanded singing the bird song to our azure suited nemesis regarding certain business activities we may or may not be engaged in. Such contempt for honor and integrity is not to be tolerated in our fair city, so with your leave kind sir, may we bash his fucking head in with a baseball bat?"
<bugler scratches his head for a moment>
"Oh, he's a snitch? Regretfully I can not grant you leave to carry out such vigilante retributions on my fine property, just though it may be. But drag him just 2 paces past the gate and I'll retire to my fire, warm with the knowledge that justice has been served yet your azure suited rivals will have no cause to inquire at my door. Good night good sirs"
bugler got it. this guy obviously fought to get to my yard to be noticed. i don't give a fuck what dude who got beat did, they could have taking him 3:1 with out the bat. he's a bum, wtf could he have done? snitched on some crack dealing bangers? i see this dude everyday, ima ask him what happened.


Trying to have a good day
No worrys....as long as they keep making those telephones with 911 on speed dial the city is safe..lols


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
the first problem I see is that you live across the street from an elementary school, what's the penalty for possession within 1000 feet of that school? if you have a med card I'm sure you'd have an out but otherwise the fine & time aren't worth dealing with.

be careful if you're not covered by a med card.


Move to the Country. It will tbe a nice change for you. I use to live in the middle of a City, and then moved to the middle of no where. I wish I would have done it a long time ago. Find a small town that has a lot of growers, and you will be in heaven. Grow, smoke, play in the outdoors.


I live out in the country and watched some high school kid shoot a guy died in front of 10 or so kids..These where city kids two months before the incident, turns out it was over a GIRL of all things..He was 15 yrs old... 4 yrs later he is on the streets again...
the first problem I see is that you live across the street from an elementary school, what's the penalty for possession within 1000 feet of that school? if you have a med card I'm sure you'd have an out but otherwise the fine & time aren't worth dealing with.

be careful if you're not covered by a med card.

covered and covered.


Active member
Okay... 911 took minutes to arrive, 6 cars, hold was non-existent. If the drama had been some fool up in my garden you know I would have called 911 first. That's why I don't break the law.

I choose to not own a gun because I grow and that shit don't mix here. I also live in a school zone so any law I break is double trouble. I'll start there.

Then I'll continue with two wrongs will never make a right, and violence simply begets more violence. So NO, I will not shoot a gun at three mexicans running away from me. Shooting people above the waist in the back looks really bad in court. I also choose to not take on the nortenos single handed, are you fucking crazy?!

Now if they had tried to stay and fight it would have been on. My larger, stronger, significantly less nerdy, buddy was right behind me. But I ran those cholos off just by opening the door and coming at them.

So YES, some kid in his sleeping bag across the street, whatever. I live downtown, and thats what a gwan. Not like I called the cops on him because he was trespassing. I also volunteer at the mission around the corner, and I've never seen him before.

Now I'll tell you about another time. My neighbor calls me at 3 am and says some dude is in his backyard. I grab my paring knife and chase this fucker for three blocks in my boxers, barefoot. Then I lost him.

This other time two bums were standing in front of my house enjoying the smell because I was trimming that day. I walked right up to them and threatened to cut their throats and throw their bodies in the creek. Each situation gets handled accordingly. Popping off shots is not necessary 99% of the time. My beating stick, aka ax handle, has diffused many situations.

ie. I awoke at 2:15 (usual drama time because the bars close) to three kids, one trying hard to open my car door. I drive a prius, and the doors unlock automatically if you have the keys. I grabbed ol' beating stick and ran out there, again in my boxers, and screamed "WTF are you doing?!?!?" The kids were drunk, they didn't know it wasn't their car, and I'm glad I didn't smash anyone. Gotta ask first.

thanks bugel: this guy is seemingly deranged. he knows not my age or much else, but makes all sorts of assumptions and simply weird statements. But "touching your junk" lol :)

And in less than 5 seconds...those 3 guys could have run at YOU and started beating YOU with the bat. WTF are you going to do THEN? If it were me...I wouldn't live in the shit part of town with the animals. So it wouldn't be me in that situation.

No...killing off the killer...equals less killers. Failed math? If eliminating violence is your objective...isn't killing people who are violent going to cut down on the violence? Better than locking them up...letting their anger fester...learning new tricks on how to be MORE of a terror to regular people...and then letting them out...only to be violent some more.

Who the fuck are nortenos? Are they the new rulers of America? Your city? Your neighborhood? WHY are they in charge around there? Because pussies are too afraid to stand up for their own fucking rights! Like at the airport...fondling whole families for "safety". (The ULTIMATE loss of personal freedom and respect...that's why I mentioned it.) Fuck that...let EVERYONE arm themselves and you get a whole lot politer society! Are you going to curse someone who can blow you away? It's not going to make it the wild west. Maybe in YOUR neighborhood...but then it's already WORSE than the wild est...they have weapons but you don't!!! Out here where I live...most people are armed...against the people from your neighborhood. We're very nice and polite to each other. We don't have gangs ruling the neighborhoods...WE rule the neighborhood. You see, out here, the FIRST fight like that and those people would be gone. We don't want people like that around here...we won't TOLERATE it. I'm from the NYC area...I know damn well what it's like.

I moved away...to where the good people are...you should too!

My point...obviously lost on you... Is society has made you into a helpless dependent person who can't/won't defend themselves...period. You allow thugs to rule your lives and will do NOTHING to change things. I don't understand you...really...WHY let others harass you so? And you call ME the sicko?

You chased someone in the middle of the night with a paring knife? Seriously? You are LUCKY to be sitting there typing to me! Not much sense...maybe a reason you have to live where you do? Wise up young grasshopper...

I'm old school I guess...solve your own problems...clean up your own neighborhood...you know, quality of life things. What is it like to live lie that? I can't imagine living so helplessly.

Good luck...really...



You dumb ass. OP DID defend himself.

You're just like one of those 18-25 year olds that stumbles across a gun forum for the first time and goes all balls out with some rambo rambling. The kid that has just bought his first 12 gauge and is ranting at the folks who have spent years at the range, at the homefront, in their neighborhoods.

OP heard ruckus, and he ran off the BG's. WTF is your problem with that?

Newsflash, if the same thing had happened to you, and you had murdered those guys, your neighbors would not defend you from the police, who would rightfully lock you up. You don't live in a neighborhood that regularly murders people, nobody is going to believe that shite.
You dumb ass. OP DID defend himself.

You're just like one of those 18-25 year olds that stumbles across a gun forum for the first time and goes all balls out with some rambo rambling. The kid that has just bought his first 12 gauge and is ranting at the folks who have spent years at the range, at the homefront, in their neighborhoods.

OP heard ruckus, and he ran off the BG's. WTF is your problem with that?

Newsflash, if the same thing had happened to you, and you had murdered those guys, your neighbors would not defend you from the police, who would rightfully lock you up. You don't live in a neighborhood that regularly murders people, nobody is going to believe that shite.

Right. This guy... obviously has severe emotional maturity issues. On some whoa his mommy never loved him type shit. :bump:

Hey buddy! Judge Dred is a movie... not real life. In the US it is illegal (and immoral) to shoot someone in the back as they run away. I shouldn't have to defend myself for saving this man from a severe beat down. Street justice is FAR FROM just. This is Cali, not the favelas of Brazil. Police exist for a reason, and I'm medical, the cops are here to protect. If some cop wants to shoot some cholo in the back, then that is his call. I refuse to own a gun as that turns my garden from medical to illegal. Know this.


Active member
OK kids...for the slow ones...

What does it say of our society when shit like this is considered the "norm"?

My comments were comments on the breakdown of civility. The breakdown of decency. The breakdown of the law.

Is THIS how you want to live? Or...yes...this is CRAZY...do you think all us "good people" would be better off without a few of these "bad people" around?

You need to band together...as a community...and CLEAN UP YOUR TOWN. Or...you are their "bitches" and they will ALWAYS terrorize you.

I've moved away. so has everyone else with the sense and the means.

My point was if EVERYONE started sticking up for themselves and their rights, we could rid ourselves of the scum that pollutes it...and we could ALL live safe, carefree lives of joy. Instead of getting woken up by gunshots, screaming, and being afraid to leave the house at night...you know...how you guys are living...

OK...I'm not wanted...continue on with your patting each other on the back...good luck...and I mean it...I hope you CAN keep coming back and posting you trials and tribulations in the "hood" with a gangs. Be careful though...chasing bag guys with that paring knife! You could poke your eye out! Seriously...

I'll try to keep quiet too.

Seriously...any of you living like this...it's NOT the real world...move away...far away. It's not as exciting...but that kind of excitement isn't good for ANYONE'S health! Literally!


I hate the city anymore, I grew up in the inner city, in a great, close-knit neighborhood.

That was then and I don't need the drama anymore.I spend my time chasin' coon's outta the garbage now.Wouldn't trade it for the world.

low rent = troubles I don't need


Trying to have a good day
You dumb ass. OP DID defend himself.

You're just like one of those 18-25 year olds that stumbles across a gun forum for the first time and goes all balls out with some rambo rambling. The kid that has just bought his first 12 gauge and is ranting at the folks who have spent years at the range, at the homefront, in their neighborhoods.

OP heard ruckus, and he ran off the BG's. WTF is your problem with that?

Newsflash, if the same thing had happened to you, and you had murdered those guys, your neighbors would not defend you from the police, who would rightfully lock you up. You don't live in a neighborhood that regularly murders people, nobody is going to believe that shite.

How about this...If they were in my yard or making too much noise I would have told them to take that shit down the street...other then that...Dont anybody mind their own business anymore?

Thats why the murder rate is so high...People not minding their own business.

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