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Crazy Loud, Unexplained Sounds Throughout The World.....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Sorry if this has already been thrown up in the air...

How about the 11-11-11 crystal activation (atlantean conspiracy).
...There were these big crystals buried under mountains that new agers say can reactivate the old pyramid grid around the earth....the christ grid, or flower of life grid. And besides the crystal of sound in bahia, brazil, the fire crystal on 12-12-12 will come back on-line before we kill our species....put there by Thoth, in dimensional lock,..hidden from the nwo and masons. This is the old haarp of atlantis in a bunch of pieces, hidden all over the world before the continent sank. One of my favorite conspiracies. Had made a thread called (Following the sweet spots to the flower of life"...../- two years ago...but there's only so much you can believe til u go crazy and hallucinate non-reality?!?!


Registered Med User
my lil bro in arkansa said he heard um up in the sky, he's all freaked out thinkin its the end of the world or somethin.
I told him it sounds like dragons. dragons must be returning to skyri....errrrr.... earth. dragons must be returning to earth.
He got pissed.
Real talk tho I dont think its a hoax.


^^^ LOL at the dragons ^^^

To be honest all of this business scares the shit out of me. Those sounds are ultra ominious and even if some of them aren't real what so every single one of them is fake??

I for one haven't been feeling good about this earth for a while now.. Look at what these greedy corporations have done to this planet. Im completely ashamed in what mankind has done. There are lots of good people that do care but these whore corporations and governments and the worlds elite have fucked us all. I really hope this isn't the end but all the signs are there and people still are like no way this could never happen...

Very distressing times indeed..



Active member
It's NWO underground bases ventilation system making the sound, they're trying to scare us with the sound by letting air out.


Active member
my lil bro in arkansa said he heard um up in the sky, he's all freaked out thinkin its the end of the world or somethin.
I told him it sounds like dragons. dragons must be returning to skyri....errrrr.... earth. dragons must be returning to earth.
He got pissed.
Real talk tho I dont think its a hoax.
My mom and brother are in Arkansas and have been for the last 7 years. They havent heard it either. I really wish I can get one person that actually heard it and not a distant train or something.

Krunch: I did read it. There are tons of things all over the internet suggesting Cloverfield 2. The funny thing is, they are almost the exact same noise. Watch the cloverfield 1 trailers and listen to the noise. What I think it is, is a Cloverfield 2 hoax. Its going to show how easy it is to scare the world. I also think in Cloverfield 2 there will be multiple "monsters" which is why the videos are being posted from all over the world.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
bongripkenjr, It's a pretty good guess. does seem to be the same sounds. I just cant believe a movie crew/PR would be able to pull this off without anyone letting the cat out of the bag.

I really would like to hear it in person, or know someone who has. just so i can know its not faked audio. it just seems like it will never happen.

there has been a lot more activity within the sun as we are now entering the solar maximum(every 11yrs). but atlas, every time i look up when these sounds occurred there is no correlations with solar data. same with tectonic.

haarp is still a creepy one.

psyops holographic projections? to incite a religious roundup of end of the worlders to do their bidding.

who knows, im having fun. thats what counts anyways, not the destination but the adventure getting there.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
oh and maybe this might be interesting...

In a 2011 interview, Matt Reeves gave an update on the status of Cloverfield 2, saying, "Getting the right idea together has been taking a long time." ... "You are going to see it - we just don't know when [laughs] ... At the moment we are talking about the story quite a lot. Drew Goddard, who wrote the original, is going to pen the sequel and JJ Abrams is very much involved. ... However, the three of us have been so busy that getting the right idea together has been taking a long time." When asked if the sequel will be shot in real-time, Reeves stated "You see, that's a difficult part: we want it to be shot like the first but how can you continue that idea successfully for a second time? ... We have a lot of affection for the original and the sequel can't just be the same thing. But that is tricky when you need to have a monster destroying stuff once again."

maybe they are filming our reactions to the sounds as a movie. haha


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
truthfully, my wife n i hear noises coming from the sky all the time..we attribute them to the military base about 50 miles away..miltary manneuvers, sonic booms from stealth jets..funny thing tho, is we feel the ground rumble sometimes..i know theres a fault line that runs throught this part of the country..they had an earthquake back in the late 1800's early 1900's that devastated the area..

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
If someone is gonna start giving everyone neg marks as a way to have fun/or vent and troll other members....I'll be happy to have admin come and talk to you about your behavior.

This is uncalled for, and a big reason I make my threads away from the rest of this site.

Stop trolling others feelings, or u will never have great threads!!!!!!

lost in a sea

i still think there is only one way to create noises like that in the real world,,

and its not even complicated stuff to do,, just requires alot of energy,,

ps which lame bastard/s is going around giving people neg feedback ?

dont hide in the shadows like a pussy, or you will forever be one,,
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as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
y'all kno russia back in the late 50's early 60's i think, developed/created an earthquake machine..caused a huge EQ there..we stole the technology from them a few yrs. later..including their original machine...go figure..

lost in a sea

tesla set one off for the us military in san fran in the 40's,, he was forced to work on that shit,,

resonant frequencies can create waves as well,,, like tsunamis,,


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
at first i was skeptical, think it was a stunt for a movie.....

but i assume that if people were hoaxing it, it would be everywhere on HOW they did it, or why....

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